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Zaštita Materijala 4. 2024

Sarap Krishnaprasad1,2, Mohammed Shareefuddin1, Siddey Laxmi Srinivasa Rao3, Gokarakonda Ramadevudu41*

1Department of Physics, Osmania University, Telangana, Hyderabad, India; 2SRR Government Arts & Science College (A), Karimnagar, Telangana, India; 3Department of Physics, Government City College (A), Hyderabad; 4Department of Physics, Vasavi College of Engineering (A), Telangana, Hyderabad, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
561 – 577 (2024)


Structural Investigation and Physical Properties of RO-ZnO-Li2B4O7-K2B4O7 (RO= SrO and BaO) Glasses


Glass samples 10RO-30ZnO-xLi2B4O7-(60-x) K2B4O7 (RO=SrO and BaO) with alkali tetra borates varying from 0 to 60 mol% were produced by traditional quenching procedure. Peak free broad X-ray diffraction patterns established the amorphous feature of glass samples. FTIR and Raman spectro- scopic analysis had shown existence of BO3 and BO4 structural groups along with other borate units. The BO3 ⇔ BO4 conversion rate was not much affected with variation in one of the alkali-tetrabo- rates. EPR spectra of copper doped glasses confirmed the ground state of Cu2+ ions as 2B1g. Physical and optical properties namely density, molar volume, refractive index, molar refractivity, optical band gap and Urbach energy values were found to be composition dependent. The inflections observed in density, and other optical properties around equal mol% of alkali oxides in the glass system were attributed to structural modifications and mixed alkali effect. These results exposed the structural variations caused due to competitiveness between the two different alkali and alkaline oxides in occupying the geometrical positions of the borate glass network.

Keywords: mixed alkali effect (MAE), alkaline earth-oxide glasses, optical bandgap, electron para- magnetic resonance, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy

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Istraživanje struktura i fizičkih svojstava RO-ZNO-LI2B4O7- K2B4O7 (RO= SRO I BAO) stakla


Uzorci stakla 10RO-30ZnO-xLi2B4O7-(60-x) K2B4O7 K2B4O7 (RO=SrO i BaO) sa alkalnim tetra boratima u rasponu od 0 do 60 mol% proizvedeni su tradicionalnim postupkom gašenja. Široki rendgenski difrakcijski obrasci bez vrha utvrdili su amorfnu osobinu uzoraka stakla. FTIR i Raman spektroskopska analiza je pokazala postojanje strukturnih grupa BO3 i BO4 zajedno sa drugim jedinicama borata. Na stopu konverzije BO3 ⇔ BO4 nije mnogo uticala varijacija jednog od alkalnih tetraborata. EPR spektri stakla dopiranih bakrom potvrdili su osnovno stanje Cu2+ jona kao 2B1g. Utvrđeno je da fizička i optička svojstva, odnosno gustina, molarna zapremina, indeks prelamanja, molarna refrakcija, optički pojas i Urbahova energija zavise od sastava. Pregibi uočeni u gustini i drugim optičkim svo- jstvima oko jednakih mol% alkalnih oksida u sistemu stakla pripisani su strukturnim modifikacijama i mešovitom alkalnom efektu. Ovi rezultati su razotkrili strukturne varijacije uzrokovane konkurentnošću između dva različita alkalna i alkalna oksida u zauzimanju geometrijskih pozicija mreže bo- ratnog stakla.

Ključne reči: mešani alkalni efekat (MAE), zemnoalkalna stakla, optički pojas, elektronska para- magnetna rezonanca, FTIR i Ramanova spektroskopija

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Mansi Sharma1*, Priyanka Mahajan2

1Department of Environmental Sciences, Sharda School of Basic Sciences and Research, Sharda University, Greater Noida, UP-201310, India, 2University Centre for Research and Development, Chandigarh University, Mohali, Punjab, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
578 – 594 (2024)


Nature’s prescription: decoding the power of biopolymers in medical and pharmaceutical applications


Over the past few years, the utilization of several biopolymers of natural, synthetic or microbial origin has witnessed a peak in various medical and pharmaceutical applications, like drug delivery, drug formulation, tissue engineering scaffolds, medical implants (e.g., prosthetics, stents), wound healing and dressing materials, and biosensing. This is mainly attributed to their ease of processing, biodegradability, high bioactivity, and biocompatibility compared to synthetic polymers. Moreover, a surge in the development of bio-/nanocomposites has emerged, with an aim to enhance the inherent properties of raw biopolymers derived from natural/microbial sources. This review is mainly focused on the different types of biopolymers or their composites utilized in medicinal or pharmaceutical industries and sheds light on the key advantages and limitations associated with their synthesis or use. Furthermore, the article presents a list of commercialized biopolymer composites with a discussion on the future scope of using these “gifts of nature” in medical field.

Keywords: biopolymers; biosensing; drug delivery; surgical implants; tissue engineering

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Prepis prirode: dekodiranje moći biopolimera u medicinskim i farmaceutskim primenama


Tokom proteklih nekoliko godina, upotreba nekoliko biopolimera prirodnog, sintetičkog ili mikrobnog porekla doživela je vrhunac u različitim medicinskim i farmaceutskim primenama, kao što su isporuka lekova, formulacija lekova, skele za inženjering tkiva, medicinski implantati (npr. protetika, stentovi), materijali za zarastanje rana i zavoje i biosenzivanje. Ovo se uglavnom pripisuje njihovoj lakoći obrade, biorazgradivosti, visokoj bioaktivnosti i biokompatibilnosti u poređenju sa sintetičkim polimerima. Štaviše, pojavio se porast u razvoju bio-/nanokompozita, sa ciljem da se poboljšaju inherentna svojstva sirovih biopolimera dobijenih iz prirodnih/mikrobnih izvora. Ovaj pregled je uglavnom fokusiran na različite tipove biopolimera ili njihovih kompozita koji se koriste u medicinskoj ili farmaceutskoj industriji i baca svetlo na ključne prednosti i ograničenja povezana sa njihovom sintezom ili upotrebom. Nadalje, u članku je predstavljena lista komercijalizovanih biopolimernih kompozita sa diskusijom o budućem obimu korišćenja ovih „darova prirode“ u oblasti medicine.

Ključne reči: biopolimeri; biosensing; isporuka lekova; hirurški implantati; inženjering tkiva

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Priya Agarwal1, Satya Prakash1*, Gaurav Saini2, Ikhwan Syafiq Mohd Noor3

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India; 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Delhi, India; 3 Physics Division, Centre of Foundation
Studies for Agricultural Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
595 – 611 (2024)


Recent Advances in Research from Plastic Materials to Microplastics


Plastics have become ubiquitous in our lives. Due to the ever-increasing population, rapid urbaniza- tion, and industrial advancement, the use of plastics has increased manifold. These plastic materials often disintegrate into microplastics (MPs) which are less than 5mm in size. MPs mostly enter aquat- ic habitats through improper waste management, illegal dumping, and unavoidable and unintentional discharges that take place during construction, manufacturing, farming, domestic consumption, and recreational activities. This review centers on exploring the origin, occurrence, and possible adverse effects of MPs on human well-being. Of the 485 literature reviewed for the study between 2014- 2023, 105 were found to be related to the MPs which were spread over 10 themes. The maximum number of papers were on sources of MPs, followed by MPs in freshwater ecosystems and waste management. The least number of literature was from the themes, transport of MPs and MPs in the soil environment. The literature was published mostly in China, India, Europe, and the Americas. Other countries like Australia, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East contribute very little. The literature scan reveals that only 9% of all the generated plastic waste material is recycled, 12% is burned, and 79% of plastic litter is dumped in landfills and oceans. The dumped plastic settles and pollutes a variety of environmental matrices. MPs are intentionally manufactured to be added to personal care products that are washed down the drains through sewage or industrial wastewater. These MPs vary in density and colour, subject to the polymer type, and are present in varying sizes and concentrations in aquatic environments. The characterization of MPs originating from different types of polymer materials, in the reviewed literature, was performed based on the data obtained from Scanning Electron Microscopy Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). MPs have the potential to absorb harmful hydrophobic pollutants from the surroundings resulting in an indirect transfer of contaminants into the food web. Such MPs enter and affect humans, causing problems with the reproductive system, body weight, sex ratio, and live births. MPs pose a serious threat to organisms when ingested since they can obstruct the diges- tive tract, leading to oxidative and pathological stress, slowing down growth, and interfering with reproduction. Apart from the above, a comprehensive analysis of MP pollution, as well as its effect on human beings and the environment, has been discussed in terms of source identification and abundance. Also, has been discussed is a detailed review of the existing waste material recycled into new materials or reused without alteration or degradation to produce new energy sources. In the end, integrated strategies have been proposed to prevent the input of plastic waste material into the environment, by source control, improved plastic waste management, and techniques for degrada- tion and conversion of MPs.

Keywords: Microplastics; landfill; health impacts; aquatic environment; management; eco-friendly

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Nedavni napredak u istraživanju od plastičnih materijala do mikroplastike


Plastika je postala sve prisutnija u našim životima. Zbog sve većeg broja stanovnika, brze urbanizaci- je i industrijskog napretka, upotreba plastike se višestruko povećala. Ovi plastični materijali se često raspadaju u mikroplastiku (MP) koja je manja od 5 mm. Mikroplastika uglavnom ulazi u vodena sta- ništa nepravilnim upravljanjem otpadom, nelegalnim odlaganjem i neizbežnim i nenamernim ispušta- njima koja se dešavaju tokom izgradnje, proizvodnje, poljoprivrede, potrošnje i rekreativnih aktivnosti. Ovaj pregled se fokusira na istraživanje porekla, pojave i mogućih štetnih efekata mikroplastike na ljudsko blagostanje. Od 485 literature pregledane za studiju između 2014-2023, utvrđeno je da je 105 povezano sa mikroplastikom koji su bili raspoređeni na 10 tema. Najveći broj radova bio je o izvorima MP, zatim o mikroplastici iz slatkovodnih ekosistema i upravljanja otpadom. Najmanje literature je bilo iz tematike transporta mikroplastike i mikroplastike u zemljištu. Literatura je objavljena uglavnom u Kini, Indiji, Evropi i Americi. Druge zemlje poput Australije, Latinske Amerike, Afrike i Bliskog istoka doprinose vrlo malo. Skeniranje literature otkriva da se samo 9% celokupnog proizvedenog plastič- nog otpada reciklira, 12% se spaljuje, a 79% plastičnog otpada se baca na deponije i okeane. Bačena plastika se taloži i zagađuje različite matrice životne sredine. MP su namerno proizvedeni da se do- daju proizvodima za ličnu negu koji se ispiru u kanalizaciju kroz kanalizacijske ili industrijske otpadne vode. Ovi MP se razlikuju po gustini i boji, zavisno od vrste polimera, i prisutni su u različitim veličina- ma i koncentracijama u vodenim sredinama. Karakterizacija MPs koji potiču od različitih tipova poli- mernih materijala, u recenziranoj literaturi, izvršena je na osnovu podataka dobijenih iz Skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije, Energi Dispersive Spectroscopi (SEM-EDS), Attenuated Total Reflection, Fourier Transform Infra-Red spektroskopije (ATR-FTIR). ), Ramanova spektroskopija i mikroskopija atomske sile (AFM). Mikroplastike imaju potencijal da apsorbuju štetne hidrofobne zagađivače iz okoline što dovodi do indirektnog prenosa zagađivača u mrežu hrane. Takvi MP ulaze i utiču na ljude, uzrokujući probleme sa reproduktivnim sistemom, telesnom težinom, odnosom polova i živorođenim. MP predstavljaju ozbiljnu pretnju organizmima kada se progutaju jer mogu da opstruiraju digestivni trakt, što dovodi do oksidativnog i patološkog stresa, usporavanja rasta i ometanja reprodukcije. Po- red navedenog, razmatrana je i sveobuhvatna analiza zagađenja MP, kao i njegovog uticaja na ljude i životnu sredinu u smislu identifikacije izvora i rasprostranjenosti. Takođe, razmatran je detaljan pre- gled postojećeg otpadnog materijala koji se reciklira u nove materijale ili se ponovo koristi bez izmena ili degradacije za proizvodnju novih izvora energije. Na kraju, predložene su integrisane strategije za sprečavanje unošenja plastičnog otpadnog materijala u životnu sredinu, kontrolom izvora, poboljša- nim upravljanjem plastičnim otpadom i tehnikama za degradaciju i konverziju MP.

Ključne reči: mikroplastika; deponija; uticaji na zdravlje; vodena sredina; menadžment; ekološki

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Parvaiz Ahmad Dar1,Muhd Zu Azhan Yahya2,
Serguei V. Savilov3,Sharad Agrawal1*

1Centre for Development of Biomaterials and Department of Life Sciences, School of Basic Sciences and Research, Sharda University, Greater Noida, 201310, India, 2Faculty of Defence Science and Technology, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM), 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1-3 lenniskiye Gory 119991 Moscow

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
612 – 622 (2024)


Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain NSB4 bacteria for treating wastewater for fuel cell application


Pollutants in water bodies come from a variety of sources, including but not limited to domestic, industrial, municipal etc. Water contamination and energy shortages are global problems that require significant attention. Therefore, it is essential to synthesize sustainable energy and transport waste-free water to the water reception points. Concerns about energy shortages and water contamination have prompted the development of microbial fuel cell technology. Microorganisms are used by electrochemical cell nature of MFCs to anaerobically digest the organic wastes and produce energy. Focusing on a single-chambered mediator-less MFCs operating in batch mode, this study assesses the efficacy of a novel bacterial strain Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NSB4, as an exoelectrogen in terms of electricity yield and waste elimination. Results from the strain’s electrochemical characterisation showed a maximum current density of 0.4804A/m2 and a power density of 41.281mW/m2. Additionally, the columbic efficiency (72%) and COD reduction efficiency (90.46%) was also remarkably high. Growth of the anodic biofilm during the MFC process displayed the crucial performance of the exoelectrogen used. SEM images of the biofilm are also presented in the study.

Keywords: Microbial fuel cells, Mediator-free MFC, Separator, Biofilm, Waste-water treatment

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Bacillus amilolikuefaciens soj bakterija nsb4 za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda za primenu gorivih ćelija


Zagađivači u vodnim telima dolaze iz različitih izvora, uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na domaće, industrijske, komunalne itd. Zagađenje vode i nedostatak energije su globalni problemi koji zahtevaju značajnu pažnju. Zbog toga je neophodno sintetizovati održivu energiju i transportovati vodu bez otpada do prihvatnih mesta. Zabrinutost zbog nestašice energije i kontaminacije vode podstakla je razvoj tehnologije mikrobnih gorivih ćelija. Mikroorganizmi se koriste od strane elektrohemijske ćelijske prirode MFC-a za anaerobno varenje organskog otpada i proizvodnju energije. Fokusirajući se na jednokomorne MFC-ove bez medijatora koji rade u serijskom režimu, ova studija procenjuje efikasnost novog bakterijskog soja Bacillus amilolikuefaciens NSB4, kao egzoelektrogena u smislu prinosa električne energije i eliminacije otpada. Rezultati elektrohemijske karakterizacije soja pokazali su maksimalnu gustinu struje od 0,4804 A/m2 i gustinu snage od 41,281 mV/m2. Pored toga, Kolumbijska efikasnost (72%) i efikasnost smanjenja COD-a (90,46%) su takođe bile izuzetno visoke. Rast anodnog biofilma tokom MFC procesa pokazao je ključne performanse korišćenog egzoelektrogena. SEM slike biofilma su takođe predstavljene u studiji.

Ključne reči: mikrobne gorivne ćelije, MFC bez posrednika, separator, biofilm, tretman otpadnih voda.

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Marija Mitrović1, Milena Milovanović1, Nebojša Vasiljević1, Milorad Tomić1,2*

1University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Technology Zvornik, Zvornik, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 2Engineering Academy of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

Scientific Paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
623 – 633 (2024)


The Effect of Anodization and Subsequent Treatments on Corrosion Resistance of Aluminium


Aluminium samples were chemically prepared by following operations: degreasing, etching I, etch- ing II, and brightening), prior to anodizing in sulfuric acid. Aluminium surface area was 0.2 dm2. The composition of used aluminium samples was determined by the energy dispersive X-ray spectros- copy. Chemically prepared aluminium samples were electrochemically anodized for 45 minutes in a solution of 190 gdm-3 H SO at room temperature, at a current density of 1.7 Adm-2. In the anodizing process, the aluminium sample served as the anode, with lead cathodes. After anodizing, the aluminium samples underwent a colouring process in five pairs of solutions (systems), where each system consisted of two solutions of inorganic salts RxA + RxB (x = 1-5, numbers of solutions). Col- ouring of the anodized aluminium was carried out at room temperature by immersing the samples in each solution for 7 minutes (e.g., R1A + R1B, τ=7 min + 7 min). Each used colouring system pro- vides a different colour: green-yellow, brown, light-grey, blue, and orangegold. After colouring, the samples were treated in a special solution to improve corrosion resistance and silication, resulting in a change in the obtained colour shade. All obtained colours were stable with very nice appearance, allowing such coloured aluminium to be used for decorative purposes. The corrosion resistance of the coloured anodized aluminium samples was investigated by determining the corrosion potential, corrosion current and polarization resistance using potentiodynamic polarization method, as well as by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A common feature of all tested samples is a significant improvement in the corrosion resistance of the anodized aluminium after colouring and subsequent treatment in the corrosion resistance improvement solution, particularly after the additional silane treatment.

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Uticaj anodizacije i naknadnih tretmana na otpornost aluminijuma na koroziju


Uzorci aluminijuma površine 0,2 dm2 pre anodizacije u sumpornoj kiselini podvrgnuti su procesu hemijske pripreme (odmašćivanje, nagrizanje I, nagrizanje II i odmašćivanje). Sastav uzoraka aluminijuma određen je energetskom disperzijom X-zraka na uređaju Shimadzu EDX-8000. Tako pripremljeni uzorci aluminijuma su elektrohemijski anodizovani 45 minuta u rastvoru 190 gdm-3 H2SO4, na sobnoj temperaturi, pri gustini struje 1,7 Adm-2. U procesu anodizacije kao anoda korišćen je uzorak aluminijuma, a katode su bile od olova. Nakon anodizacije uzorci aluminijuma su podvrgnuti procesu bojenja u pet parova rastvora (sistema), gde se jedan sistem sastoji od dva rastvora neorganskih soli RxA +RxB (x= 1-5, broj rastvora). Bojenje anodizovanog aluminijuma vršeno je na sobnoj temperaturi potapanjem uzoraka u svaki rastvor po 7 minuta (npr. R1A + R1B, τ=7 min + 7 min). Svaki korišćeni sistem za bojenje aluminijuma daje različitu boju: zeleno-žutu, braon, svetlo-sivu, plavu i narandžasto-zlatnu boju. Nakon bojenja uzorci su obrađivani u rastvoru za poboljšanje korozione postojanosti i siliranjem, usled čega dolazi do promene dobijene nijanse boje. Sve dobijene boje su stabilne i dekorativne, tako da se ovako obojeni aluminijum može koristiti i u dekorativne svrhe. Koroziona postojanost obojenih anodiziranih uzoraka aluminijuma ispitivana je određivanjem korozionog potencijala i struje korozije pomoću snimljenih polarizacionih dijagrama, kao i pomoću spektroskopije elektrohemijske impedanse (SIE). Zajedničko svim ispitivanim uzorcima je značajno poboljšanje korozione postojanosti anodno obrađenog aluminijuma nakon bojenja i naknadne obrade u rastvoru za poboljšanje korozione postojanosti, a posebno nakon naknadne obrade siliranjem.

Ključne reči: Anodizacija aluminijuma, spektroskopija elektrohemijske impedanse, polarizacioni dijagrami, hemijsko bojenje, siliranje, koroziona postojanost.

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Bashir Abdu Muzakkari1, Amina Salihi Bayero2, Musa Ibrahim Mohammed3, Pramod Kumar Singh4, Umar Muhammad Jibreel2&5

1Computer Science Department, Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano, Nigeria; 2Chemistry Department, Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano, Nigeria;3Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria; 4Department of Physics, Sharda School of Basic Sciences and Research, Sharda University, India; 4Federal College of Agricultural Produce Technology, Kano, Nigeria.

Scientific Paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
634 – 644 (2024)


Waste Tyres Pyrolysis Oil (WTPO) as an Alternative Source of Fuel and Chemicals: A Review


Waste tyres are dumped and common kind of abandon solid waste. Almost 3 billion tyres are pro- duced each year and each tyre produced will eventually join the waste products and if not properly handled will become pollutant. In many countries disposal of waste tyres is prohibited; as an alter- native they should be recovered and recycled instead. In this review pyrolysis was introduced as an alternative way of recycling waste tyres, Pyrolysis allows the dissolution of the waste and it also produces useful by-products. The products obtained during the process are pyrolysis oil, pyrolysis char and condensable gas. Pyrolysis oil is the major product among them, this paper reviewed py- rolysis oil as an alternative sources of fuel to diesel engines and as well to highlight the chemicals obtained in the waste tyres from the pyrolysis oil which mainly depends on the kind of feedstock (i.e. type of tyres e.g truck, cars, bicycle) used in the pyrolysis process. Most of the compounds obtained are Aliphatic and Aromatic hydrocarbons (especially the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon PAHs) such as Naphthalene – NAP, Acenaphthylene – ACY, Acenaphthene –ACE, Fluorene – FLU, Phenanthrene – PHE, Anthracene – ANT, Fluoranthene–FLT, Pyrene–PYR, Benzo[a]anthracene – BAA, Chrysene – CRY, Benzo[b]fluoranthene – BBF, Benzo[k[fluoranthene – BKF, Benzo[a]pyrene – BAP, Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene – DBA, Benzo[g,h,i]perylene – BGP, Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene – IND among others. Consequently the pyrolysis oil obtained need further upgrading via a reaction path- ways are hydrodesulfurization (HDS), hydrodearomatization (HDA) and hydrocracking (HC) which can be achieved through a 2-stage hydroprocessing strategy regarding WTPO composition in terms of HDS, HAD and HC. Pyrolysis oil from waste tyres can be used as a substitute for diesel and as well as sources of raw materials and fuel to organic chemical industries.

Keywords: waste tyres, pyrolysis, pyrolysis-oil, chemicals, upgrading.

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Pirolizno ulje iz otpadanih guma (vtpo) kao alternativni izvor goriva i hemikalija: pregled


Otpadne gume se odlažu i uobičajena je vrsta napuštanja čvrstog otpada. Skoro 3 milijarde guma se proizvede svake godine i svaka proizvedena guma će se na kraju pridružiti otpadnim proizvod- ima i ako se njima pravilno ne rukuje postaće zagađivač. U mnogim zemljama odlaganje otpadnih guma je zabranjeno; kao alternativu treba ih oporaviti i reciklirati. U ovom pregledu piroliza je pred- stavljena kao alternativni način reciklaže otpadnih guma. Piroliza omogućava rastvaranje otpada i takođe proizvodi korisne nusproizvode. Proizvodi dobijeni tokom procesa su pirolizno ulje, pirolizni ugljen i kondenzabilni gas. Pirolizno ulje je glavni proizvod među njima i u ovom radu je dat pregled piroliznog ulja kao alternativnog izvora goriva za dizel motore i istaknute su hemikalije dobijene iz otpadnih guma od piroliznog ulja, koje uglavnom zavise od vrste sirovine, tj. vrste guma (npr. kamion, automobil, bicikl) koji se koriste u procesu pirolize. Većina dobijenih jedinjenja su alifatični i aromatični ugljovodonici (posebno policiklični aromatični ugljovodonici PAH) kao što su naftalen – NAP, acenaftilen – ACI, acenaften – ACE, fluoren – FLU, fenantren – PHE, antracen – ANT, Fluo – PIR, benzo[a]antracen – BAA, krizen – CRI, benzo[b]fluoranten – BBF, benzo[k[fluoranten – BKF, benzo[a]piren – BAP, dibenzo[a,h]antracen – DBA, benzo[ g,h,i]perilen – BGP, Indeno[1,2,3-cd]piren – IND između ostalih. Shodno tome, dobijeno pirolizno ulje treba dalju nadogradnju putem reakcionih puteva: hidrodesulfurizacija (HDS), hidrodearomatizacija (HDA) i hidrokreking (HC) koji se mogu postići kroz 2-stepenu strategiju hidroobrade u pogledu sastava VTPO u smislu HDS, HAD i HC. Pirolizno ulje iz otpadnih guma može se koristiti kao zamena za dizel i kao izvor sirovina i goriva za organsku hemijsku industriju.

Ključne reči: otpadne gume, piroliza, pirolizno ulje, hemikalije, nadogradnja.

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Esraa Razaq1, Shaymaa Abbas Abdulsada2*

1,2Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa, Iraq

Scientific Paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
645 –  652  (2024)


Effect of Corrosion Inhibitors on Internal Corrosion in Oil Pipelines: A Brief Review


The oil and gas industry primarily relies on pipelines to transport crude and refined petroleum, so transportation of crude oil is mostly handled by pipelines. In view of this, it is impossible to prevent the pipeline surfaces from being continuously exposed to corrosion sources, such as contaminants that contain traces of chromate and sulfur, which can cause corrosion to occur on the pipeline surfac- es. It is known that corrosion inhibitors are chemicals that are used in low concentrations for the pur- pose of reducing or preventing corrosion. The effectiveness of an inhibitor is determined by its ability to react with a metal’s surface and produce a protective coating that reduces or prevents corrosion by reacting with the metal’s surface. A review of corrosion mechanisms in oil pipelines is presented in this article, along with a description of how corrosion inhibitors can be selected according to the corrosion mechanisms in oil pipelines.

Keywords: Pipelines, Corrosion, Green inhibitors, Carboxylates, Oil.

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Efekat inhibitora korozije na unutrašnju koroziju  u naftovodima: kratak pregled


Industrija nafte i gasa se prvenstveno oslanja na cevovode za transport sirove i rafinisane nafte, tako da se transport sirove nafte uglavnom obavlja cevovodima. S obzirom na ovo, nemoguće je sprečiti da površine cevovoda budu kontinuirano izložene izvorima korozije, kao što su zagađivači koji sadrže tragove hromata i sumpora, koji mogu izazvati pojavu korozije na površinama cevovoda. Poznato je da su inhibitori korozije hemikalije koje se koriste u niskim koncentracijama u svrhu sman- jenja ili sprečavanja korozije. Efikasnost inhibitora je određena njegovom sposobnošću da reaguje sa površinom metala i stvori zaštitni premaz koji smanjuje ili sprečava koroziju reagujući sa pov- ršinom metala. U ovom članku je dat pregled mehanizama korozije u naftovodima, uz opis načina izbora inhibitora korozije prema mehanizmima korozije u naftovodima.

Ključne reči: cevovodi, korozija, zeleni inhibitori, karboksilati, nafta.

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Bui Xuan Vuong

Faculty of Natural Sciences Education, Sai Gon University, 273 An Duong Vuong St, Ward 3, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
653 – 659  (2024)


Hydrothermal synthesis of bioactive calcium silicate glass


This work presents the synthesis of bioactive glass 60SiO2-40CaO (wt.%) by the hydrothermal method without using acid catalysts in shortened synthesis time. The precursors Si(OC2H5)4 (TEOS), Ca(NO3)2.4H2O were introduced in a hydrothermal system, and heated at 150 oC for 24 hours. The resulting gel was dried at 150 oC for 24 hours, then calcined at 800 oC for 3 hours to achieve bioactive glass. Several physical-chemical methods such as TG-DSC, XRD, SEM, and ICP-OES were used to evaluate the synthetic material. The bioactivity and biocompatibility of synthetic glass were evaluated by in vitro experiments in SBF solution and in cell culture environment.The obtained results show that the synthetic glass is an amorphous material, presenting the bioactivity through the formation of a hydroxyapatite mineral layer after 10 days of soaking in SBF solution, and also showing good biocompatibility with cells L-929.

Keywords: Bioactive glass, bioactivity, artificial bone, hydroxyapatite, cell viability

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Hidrotermalna sinteza bioaktivnog kalcijum silikatnog stakla


U radu je prikazana sinteza bioaktivnog stakla 60SiO2-40CaO (tež.%) hidrotermalnom metodom bez upotrebe kiselih katalizatora za skraćeno vreme sinteze. Prekursori Si(OC2H5)4 (TEOS), Ca(NO3)24H2O uvedeni su u hidrotermalni sistem i zagrevani na 150 oC tokom 24 sata. Dobijeni gel je sušen na 150 oC tokom 24 sata, zatim kalcinisan na 800 oC tokom 3 sata da bi se dobilo bioaktivno staklo. Nekoliko fizičko-hemijskih metoda kao što su TG-DSC, XRD, SEM i ICP-OES korišćeno je za procenu sintetičkog materijala. Bioaktivnost i biokompatibilnost sintetičkog stakla su procenjene in vitro eksperimentima u rastvoru SBF i u okruženju ćelijske kulture. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je sintetičko staklo amorfni materijal, koji pokazuje bioaktivnost kroz formiranje mineralnog sloja hidroksiapatita nakon 10 dana namakanja u rastvoru SBF, a takođe pokazuje dobru biokompatibilnost sa ćelijama L-929.

Ključne reči: bioaktivno staklo, bioaktivnost, veštačka kost, hidroksiapatit, vitalnost ćelija

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Etuk Sunday Edet1, Robert Ubong Williams2, Agbasi, Okechukwu Ebuka*3, Inyang Namdie Joseph1

1Department of Physics, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria; 2Department of Physics, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Mkpat Enin, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria; 3Okna Geophysical Services, Eket, Nigeria

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
660 – 667  (2024)


Influence Of Rice Husk Ash Inclusion On Electrical Characteristics Of Dry Cement Mortar


Rice husk is usually generated as waste in large quantities but yet to be optimally utilized. Due to the pollution effects associated with poor approach prevalently adopted for its disposal, volarizing it into economical and sustainable material for building construction is a necessary option to provide solu- tion for future generation. In this research, separate dry mortars were prepared using cement grades

32.5R and 42.5N and the influence of rice husk ash (RHA) inclusion on their electrical characteristics was investigated. The materials used were batched by volume and the RHA was utilized as a partial substitute for cement at 10 % level. All the samples were cured for 21 days and then allowed to dry completely prior to the tests implementation. The results showed decrease in electrical resistance with temperature (ranging from 20oC to 50oC) due to incorporation of the RHA. Though samples with the RHA content possessed ability to act as smart mortars for temperature monitoring/sensing, utilization of cement grade 42.5N ensured a better performance. By utilizing rice husks in such un- dertakings, their associated disposal problems could be tackled and construction of inexpensive but sustainable building with large temperature sensing capability could be enhanced.

Keywords: Building; Electrical resistance; Temperature sensing; Thermal sensitivity index; Waste

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Uticaj inkluzije pepela od pirinčane ljuske na električne karakteristike suvog cementnog maltera


Pirinčana ljuska se obično stvara kao otpad u velikim količinama, ali tek treba da se optimalno iskoristi. Zbog efekata zagađenja povezanih sa lošim pristupom koji se uglavnom koristi za njegovo odlaganje, pretvaranje u ekonomičan i održiv materijal za izgradnju zgrada je neophodna opcija za obez- beđivanje rešenja za buduće generacije. U ovom istraživanju odvojeni suvi malteri su pripremljeni korišćenjem cementa 32,5R i 42,5N i ispitan je uticaj pepela pirinčane ljuske (RHA) na njihove elek- trične karakteristike. Korišćeni materijali su dozirani po zapremini i RHA je korišćen kao delimična zamena za cement na nivou od 10%. Svi uzorci su sušeni 21 dan, a zatim ostavljeni da se potpuno osuše pre sprovođenja testa. Rezultati su pokazali smanjenje električnog otpora sa temperaturom (u rasponu od 20oC do 50oC) usled ugradnje RHA. Iako su uzorci sa sadržajem RHA posedovali sposobnost da deluju kao pametni malteri za praćenje/senzivanje temperature, korišćenje cementa 42,5N je obezbedilo bolje performanse. Korišćenjem pirinčanih ljuski u takvim poduhvatima, mogli bi se rešiti njihovi povezani problemi odlaganja i poboljšati izgradnja jeftine, ali održive zgrade sa velikom sposobnošću senzora temperature.

Ključne reči: zgrada; Električna otpornost; Senzor temperature; Indeks toplotne osetljivosti; Gubljenje

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Leonid Dvorkin, Vitalii Marchuk, Mykola Kuzlo

National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
668 – 679 (2024)


Influence of Adhesive Additives on the Properties of Bitumen and Asphalt Mixtures


This article presents the results of experimental studies of the influence of adhesive additives on the basic properties of modified bitumen and asphalt concrete mixtures based on it. The introduction of adhesive additives improves the basic properties of bitumen, which are necessary for obtaining high-quality asphalt concrete mixtures. Modification of bitumen increases adhesion to glass and crushed stone. Using methods of mathematical planning of experiments, experimental and statistical models of water saturation and compressive strength of asphalt concrete mixtures at temperatures of 20°C and 50°C were obtained. The introduction of modifying additives can significantly reduce the water saturation of asphalt concrete mixtures and increase strength at temperatures of 20 °C and 50 °C.

Keywords: bitumen, asphalt mixtures, strength, adhesive additives, penetration, softening point, duc- tility.

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Uticaj aditiva lepila na svojstva bitumena i asfaltnih smeša


U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati eksperimentalnih istraživanja uticaja adhezivnih aditiva na osnovna svojstva modifikovanih bitumenskih i asfaltbetonskih mešavina. Uvođenjem adhezivnih aditiva poboljšavaju se osnovna svojstva bitumena, neophodna za dobijanje visokokvalitetnih asfaltbetonskih mešavina. Modifikacija bitumena povećava adheziju na staklo i drobljeni kamen. Korišćenjem metoda matematičkog planiranja eksperimenata dobijeni su eksperimentalni i statistički modeli zasićenosti vodom i čvrstoće na pritisak asfaltbetonskih mešavina na temperaturama od 20°C i 50°C. Uvođenje modifikujućih aditiva može značajno smanjiti zasićenje vodom asfaltbetonskih mešavina i povećati čvrstoću na temperaturama od 20 °C i 50 °C.

Ključne reči: bitumen, asfaltne mešavine, čvrstoća, adhezivni aditivi, penetracija, tačka omekša- vanja, duktilnost.

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Lyudmila Nyrkova, Vitaliy Knysh, Sergiy Solovey, Svetlana Osadchuk

E.O Paton Electric Welding Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
680 – 689 (2024)


Influence of Different Methods of Surface Treatment on Corrosion Resistance of Low-Alloy Steel


The influence of mechanical methods of surface treatment (polish and polish with the next strength- ening by high-frequency mechanical pinning, HFMP) on the corrosion resistance of low-alloy steel 15HSND were presented. The deficiencies of surface strengthening by HFMP with one impact peen were analyzed, and an instrument in which shock elements are situated in a few rows was suggest- ed. Speed of HFMP for the surfaces 35 sm2/min was recommended. The differences in structure and microhardness of near-surface layers of 15HSND steel with polished surface and the polished sur- face with next strengthening by HFMP were established after investigations in the salt frog chamber and moisture chamber during 1200 hours. Application of HFMP technology increases of corrosion re- sistance of steel: corrosion rate after neutral salt fog decreased from 2,543 mm/year on the polished surface to 2,096 mm/year after HFMP treatment, and after increased humidity and temperature, from 0,104 mm/year to 0,080 mm/year.

Keywords: accelerated climatic tests, corrosion resistance, high-frequency mechanical peening, low-alloy steel, metallography

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Uticaj različitih metoda površinske obrade na otpornost niskolegiranog čelika na koroziju


Prikazan je uticaj mehaničkih metoda površinske obrade (poliranje i poliranje sa sledećim ojačan- jem visokofrekventnim mehaničkim piningom, HFMP) na otpornost na koroziju niskolegiranog čelika 15HSND. Analizirani su nedostaci površinskog ojačanja HFMP-om sa jednim udarnim peenom i predložen je instrument u kome su udarni elementi smešteni u nekoliko redova. Preporučena je brzi- na HFMP-a za površine 35 sm2/min. Razlike u strukturi i mikrotvrdoći pripovršinskih slojeva 15HSND čelika sa poliranom površinom i polirane površine sa sledećim ojačanjem pomoću HFMP utvrđene su nakon ispitivanja u slanoj komori i komori za vlagu tokom 1200 sati. Primena HFMP tehnologije povećava otpornost čelika na koroziju: stopa korozije nakon neutralne slane magle smanjena je sa 2.543 mm/godišnje na poliranoj površini na 2.096 mm/godišnje nakon HFMP tretmana, a nakon povećane vlažnosti i temperature sa 0.104 mm/godišnje na 0.080 mm/god.

Ključne reči: ubrzana klimatska ispitivanja, otpornost na koroziju, visokofrekventno mehaničko kaljenje, niskolegirani čelik, metalografija

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Monika Srivastava1*, Ikhwan Syafiq Mohd Noor2,
Muhd Zu Azhan Yahya3, R. C.Singh1

1Centre for Solar Cell and Renewable Energy, Department of Physics, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India, 2Physics Division, Centre of Foundation Studies for Agricultural Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM Serdang, 43400, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, 3Muhd Zu Azhan Yahya Faculty of Defence Science and Technology, Universiti Petrahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysi

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
690 – 702  (2024)


Synthesis and scalable process for fabrication of Perovskite Solar Cells using organic and inorganic hole transport materials


The Organic Inorganic Lead Iodideperovskite material has emerged as a pioneer in being an active material for third generation solar cells. Apart from the synthesis, the scalable mechanism which is being used for the deposition process, greatly influences the performance of the cell owing to its impact on the morphology, uniform thickness and interface between two functional layers. This study briefly discusses the various deposition processes involved in assembling the layers of perovskite solar cells (PSC). Hole transport materials (HTM) are the crucial part of the PSC providing efficient transport of the charge carriers. However the effect of organic and inorganic HTMs is highly pronounced in the PSCs.  This study also discusses the effect of organic and inorganic HTM on the stability and efficiency of the sandwich structured PSC.

Keywords: Perovskite, Solar energy, PCE, Hole transport material

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Sinteza i skalabilni proces za proizvodnju perovskitnih solarnih ćelija korišćenjem organskih i neorganskih materijala za transport rupa


Organsko neorganski olovni jodid perovskit materijal se pojavio kao pionir u tome da bude aktivan materijal za treću generaciju solarnih ćelija. Osim sinteze, skalabilni mehanizam koji se koristi za proces depozicije, u velikoj meri utiče na performanse ćelije zahvaljujući svom uticaju na morfologiju, ujednačenu debljinu i interfejs između dva funkcionalna sloja. Ova studija ukratko govori o različitim procesima taloženja uključenim u sastavljanje slojeva solarnih ćelija perovskita (PSC). Materijali za transport rupa (HTM) su ključni deo PSC koji obezbeđuju efikasan transport nosača punjenja. Međutim, efekat organskih i neorganskih HTM je veoma izražen u PSC.  Ova studija, takođe, razmatra uticaj organskog i neorganskog HTM na stabilnost i efikasnost sendvič strukturisanog PSC.

Ključne reči: perovskit, solarna energija, PCE, materijal za transport rupa

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Sushant Kumar1*, Manoj K. Singh2*, Muhd Zu Azhan Yahya3, Ikhwan Syafiq Mohd Noor4, Pramod K. Singh1*

1Center for Solar Cells and Renewable Energy, School of Basic Sciences and Research, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306, India, 2Energy Conversion & Storage Lab, Department of Applied Science & Humanities, Rajkiya Engineering College Banda, AKTU, Uttar Pradesh, India, 3 Faculty of Defence Science and Technology, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4Ionic Materials

and Energy Devices Laboratory, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
703 – 711 (2024)



Structural, Electrochemical, and Dielectric Studies of Phytagel and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Tricyanomethanide-based Bio-polymer Electrolytes


The present work is focused on the synthesis and detailed study of biopolymer phytagel and ion- ic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tricyanomethanide (EMIm[TCM]) blended polymer electrolyte films for energy applications. Here, biopolymer phytagel-based polymeric films are synthesized with different concentrations of ionic liquid (EMIm[TCM]) using the solution cast technique. The synthe- sized films are characterized for their structural, electrochemical, and dielectric properties using different characterization tools i.e., XRD, FTIR, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Linear Sweep Voltammetry, and Wagnor polarization technique. The film with 30wt% EMIm[TCM] shows a maximum conductivity of 3.64 × 10-4 S cm-1 and an electrochemical stability window of 3.1 V. The dielectric properties such as dielectric constant (κ), dielectric loss tangent (tanδ), relaxation time, and frequency are also studied for the prepared pure phytagel and phytagel/EMIm[TCM] polymeric films.

Keywords: Biodegradable polymers, Phytagel, Ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tricy- anomethanide, Polymer electrolyte

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Strukturalna, elektrohemijska i dielektrična istraživanja fitagela i 1-etil-3-metilimidazolijuma bio-polimer elektrolita na bazi tricijanometanida


Ovaj rad je fokusiran na sintezu i detaljno proučavanje biopolimernih fitagela i jonske tečnosti 1-etil-3-metilimidazolijum tricijanometanida (EMIm[TCM]) mešanih polimernih elektrolitnih filmova za energetske primene. Ovde se polimerni filmovi, na bazi biopolimera fitagela, sintetišu sa različitim koncentracijama jonske tečnosti (EMIm[TCM]) korišćenjem tehnike livenja rastvora. Sintetizovani fil- movi su okarakterisani zbog svojih strukturnih, elektrohemijskih i dielektričnih svojstava korišćenjem različitih alata za karakterizaciju, kao što su XRD, FTIR, spektroskopija elektrohemijske impedanse, linearna voltametrija i Vagnorova tehnika polarizacije. Film sa 30vt% EMIm[TCM] pokazuje maksi- malnu provodljivost od 3,64 × 10-4 S cm-1 i prozor elektrohemijske stabilnosti od 3,1 V. Dielektrična svojstva kao što su dielektrična konstanta (k), tangenta dielektričnog gubitka (tanδ), vreme relaksacije i učestalost su takođe proučavani za pripremljene čiste fitagel i fitagel/EMIm[TCM] polimerne filmove.

Ključne reči: biorazgradivi polimeri, fitagel, jonska tečnost, 1-etil-3-metilimidazolijum tricijanometa- nid, polimerni elektrolit

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Liubov Melnyk1, Lev Chernyak1*, Valentin Sviderskyy1, Ludmila Vovchenko2, Viktoria Yevpak1

Department of Chemical Technology of Composite Materials, National Technical University of Ukraine “ Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
712 – 723 (2024)


Comparative Study of Various Volcanic Materials as Fillers in Polymer Composites


The object of the study was composite materials using rocks of volcanic origin as a filler (60-90 wt.%) and aqueous dispersions of polymers Latex 2012 and Policril 590 as a matrix. The peculiarities of the chemical and mineralogical composition and surface properties of perlite and zeolite as factors of interaction with the binder in the formation of the composite structure are shown. Differences in lyophilicity coefficients and effective specific surface of zeolite and perlite were determined, which are 0.318 versus 0.189 and 11.68 versus 2.20 m2/g, respectively. The influence of a high concen- tration of fillers on the formation of the pore structure and indicators of physical and mechanical properties of composites is evaluated. The possibility of adjusting the properties of the composites in the following range was established: water absorption in the range of 2.63-14.16 wt.%, open porosity 3.58-21.35 %, residual strain 0.1-0.3, Young’s modulus 19.7-677.5 MPa.

Keywords: composite, filler, perlite, zeolite, concentration, copolymer, porosity, properties.

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Komparativno proučavanje različitih vulkanskih materijala kao punila u polimernim kompozitima


Predmet studije bili su kompozitni materijali koji koriste stene vulkanskog porekla kao punilo (60-90 tež.%) i disperziju Latex 2012 i Policril 590 kao a matrica. Osobenosti hemijskih i mineraloških sasta- va i površinska svojstva perlita i zeolita kao interakcija sa faktorima u formaciji prikazane su u kom- pozitnim strukturama . Utvrđene su razlike u koeficijentima liofilnosti i efektivne specifične površine zeolita i perlita, koje su 0,318 prema 0,189 i 11,68 prema 2,20 m2/g, respektivno. Uticaj visoke kon- centracije punila na formiranje strukture pora i indikatora i sastava i mehaničkih i fizičkih svojstava je procenjeno. Mogućnost prilagođavanja svojstva kompozita u sledećem opsegu je uspostavljena: voda apsorpcija u 4,16 mas. %, otvorena poroznost 3,58-21,35 %, rezidualna deformacija 0,1-0,3 , Youngov modul 19,7-677,5 MPa.

Ključne reči: kompozit, punilo, perlit, zeolit, koncentracija, kopolimer, poroznost, svojstva.

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Sirisha Korrai1*, B. Vinay Sagar2, Madhavi Earle3*,
Sangeetha Sankhyayani Achanta4,Hemanshu Mediboyana5

1*Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology (A), Duvvada, Visakhapatnam-530049, India; 2Department of Environmental Sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India; 3*NSRIT College, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India; 4Department of Environmental sciences, Archarya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India; 5Centre for the Environment, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
724 – 733  (2024)


Evaluating the water quality of a Kondakarla Ava Lake for Agricultural Endeavours in Visakhapatnam, India


Global population growth is placing a pressure on freshwater resources. Freshwater resources are becoming scarcer in terms of both quantity and quality due to the rising demand. Assessing water quality of surface water bodies for irrigation is essential as water with poor quality can pose health risks. The study involved observing the physicochemical parameters of Kondakarla Ava Lake from six different sampling locations. The study revealed that it could not use directly for drinking purposes as per NSFWQI. According to parameters like RSC, SAR, PI, % Na, and IWQI, water quality is appropriate for irrigation. It is further strengthened by the USSL diagram showing that the Kondakarla Ava Lake samples fall under the categories C3S1 and C4S1, which indicates that water has low sodium peril and high to very high salinity. The Wilcox diagram showed the grouping of the samples under three categories: excellent, good to permissible, and doubtful.

Keywords: Eutrophication; Potability; Water Quality Index; Overall Index of Pollution; Principal Component Analysis; Irrigation.

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Kumulativni pristup za procenu kvaliteta površinske vode jezera kondakarla ava, visakhapatanam, Indija


Globalni rast stanovništva vrši pritisak na slatkovodneresurse. Slatkovodni resursi postaju sve oskudniji u pogledu količine I kvaliteta zbog rastuće potražnje. Procena kvaliteta vode površinskih vodnih tela za navodnjavanje je od suštinskog značaja jer voda lošeg kvaliteta može predstavljati rizik po zdravlje. Studija je uključivala posmatranje fizičko-hemijskih parametara jezera Kondakarla Ava sa šest različitih lokacija za uzorkovanje. Studija je otkrila da se ne može koristiti direktno za piće prema NSFVKI. Prema parametrima kao što su RSC, SAR, PI, % Na I IVKI, kvalitet vode je odgovarajući za navodnjavanje. Dodatno je ojačan USSL dijagramom koji pokazuje da uzorci jezera Kondakarla Ava spadaju u kategorije C3S1 I C4S1, što ukazuje da vodaima nisku opasnost od natrijuma i visok do veoma visok salinitet. Vilcok dijagram je pokazao grupisanje uzoraka u tri kategorije: odlično, dobro do dozvoljeno i sumnjivo.

Ključne reči: eutrofikacija, Potabiliti, Indeks kvaliteta vode, Ukupan indeks zagađenja, Glavni analiza komponenti, Navodnjavanje

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Rawnaq Jima’a1, Naser Shaalan2, Muna Bufaroosha3*, Gamal A.

El-Hiti4, Benson M. Kariuki5, Dina S. Ahmed6, Emad Yousif7**

1Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Diyala, Diyala, Iraq; 2Department of Chemistry, College of Science for Women, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq; 3Department of Chemistry, College of Science,

United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates; 4Department of Optometry, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 5School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, Main Building, Park Place, Cardiff, UK; 6Department of Chemical Industries, Institute of Technology- Baghdad, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq; 7 Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
734 – 747 (2024)


Synthesis and Properties of New Metal Complexes Containing Heterocyclic Moieties and Investigation of the Role of the Metal in Carbon Dioxide Gas Capture


The continuous release of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere will inevitably lead to greater environmental damage. The capture and storage of CO2 is one strategy to mitigate the harm asso- ciated with its high concentrations in the atmosphere. The design and synthesis of new materials to act as storage media for CO2 is currently an important challenge for researchers. In this regard, the investigation into the synthesis of new organometallic materials and their potential as CO2 stor- age media is reported. Therefore, the current work aimed to produce new materials using a simple procedure and investigate their properties, including factors affecting their CO2 adsorption. Four metal complexes containing heterocyclic units were synthesized using a simple method, and their structures were confirmed using several techniques. The surface morphology of the materials was inspected by microscopy. The metal complexes exhibited tunable particle sizes with diameters that ranged from 16.77 to 97.62 nm and a Brunauer‒Emmett‒Teller surface area of 1.20–4.01 m2/g. The materials can capture CO2 at 323 K and 40 bars, with the manganese-containing complex showing the highest CO2 storage capacity (13.1 cm3/gm).

Keywords: synthesis, metal complexes, carbon dioxide capture, surface area, surface morphology

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Sinteza i svojstva novih metalnih kompleksa koji sadrže heterociklične grupe i istraživanje uloge metala u hvatanju gasa ugljen-dioksida


Kontinuirano oslobađanje ugljen-dioksida (CO2) u atmosferu će neizbežno dovesti do veće štete po životnu sredinu. Sakupljanje i skladištenje CO2 je jedna od strategija za ublažavanje štete povezane sa visokim koncentracijama CO2 u atmosferi. Dizajn i sinteza novih materijala koji će delovati kao medij za skladištenje CO2 je trenutno važan izazov za istraživače. S tim u vezi, objavljeno je istraživanje sinteze novih organometalnih materijala i njihovog potencijala kao medija za skladištenje CO2. Stoga je trenutni rad imao za cilj da proizvede nove materijale koristeći jednostavnu proceduru i istraži njihova svojstva, uključujući faktore koji utiču na njihovu adsorpciju CO2. Četiri metalna kompleksa koji sadrže heteroci- klične jedinice sintetizovana su jednostavnom metodom, a njihove strukture su potvrđene korišćenjem nekoliko tehnika. Morfologija površine materijala je pregledana mikroskopski. Metalni kompleksi su po- kazali podesive veličine čestica sa prečnicima koji su se kretali od 16,77 do 97,62 nm i Brunauer-Em-mett-Teller-ovom površinom od 1,20-4,01 m2/g. Materijali mogu uhvatiti CO na 323 K i 40 bara, pri čemu kompleks koji sadrži mangan pokazuje najveći kapacitet skladištenja CO2 (13,1 cm3/gm).

Ključne reči: sinteza, metalni kompleksi, hvatanje ugljen-dioksida, površina, morfologija površine

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Amina Salihi Bayero1, Nura Alhaji Yaro2, Musa Ibrahim Mohammed3, Pramod Kumar Singh4, Bashir Abdu Muzakkari5, Umar Muhammad Jibreel1,6

1Chemistry Department, Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano-Nigeria; 2Maryam Abacha American University of Nigeria, Kano-Nigeria; 3Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University, Kano- Nigeria; 4Department of Physics, Sharda School of Basic Sciences and Research, Sharda University, India; 5Department of Computer Science, Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano -Nigeria; 6Federal College of Agricultural Produce Technology, Kano-Nigeria

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
748 – 755 (2024)


Pyrolysis Char from Waste Tyres its Characteristics, Upgrading and Application


The pyrolysis of waste tyres can recycle energy and produce reusable products (oil, char and gas). Although there are many reviews in the literature in regard to the pyrolysis characteristics of waste tyres, but this paper critically looked as pyrolysis char as one of the useful product. Its physical characteristics include pore diameter, pore volume, specific surface area, and composition. The common detection techniques of the physical characteristics include elemental analysis, proximate analysis, SEM, EDS, TGA, XRF, BET, and Raman spectroscopy. The chemical characteristics of tyre char mainly include calorific value, the surface functional groups (i.e phenols, alcohols, car- boxylic acid and C-O/C-O-C chemical structures) which can be determined by FT-IR, XRD. The higher sulfur retention on the surface of tyre char is obtained at low temperature compared with that obtained at high temperature. Tyre char could also be directly used as a catalyst material to decrease the operational cost, and improve the quality of pyrolysis oil and gas. The modified tyre char with high specific surface area and lower ash content could be used as an activated carbon adsorbent material, catalyst and catalyst support, capacitor electrode to create higher commercial value, as an adsorbent, in batteries and so on. It is suggested that the recycling applications of tyre char should be developed, which can create a high level of potential economic prospects for the waste tyre pyrolysis industry.

Keywords: Pyrolysis, Waste tyres, Char, Modification, Carbon black.

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Karakteristike pirolize iz otpadnih guma, nadogradnja i primena


Piroliza otpadnih guma može da reciklira energiju i proizvede proizvode za višekratnu upotrebu (ulje, ugljen i gas). Iako u literaturi ima mnogo pregleda u vezi sa piroliznim karakteristikama otpadnih guma, ovaj rad je kritički pogledao kao pirolizni ugljen kao jedan od korisnih proizvoda. Njegove fizičke karakteristike uključuju prečnik pora, zapreminu pora, specifičnu površinu i sastav. Uobiča- jene tehnike detekcije fizičkih karakteristika uključuju elementarnu analizu, proksimnu analizu, SEM, EDS, TGA, KSRF, BET i Raman spektroskopiju. Hemijske karakteristike ugljenisane gume uglavnom uključuju kalorijsku vrednost, površinske funkcionalne grupe (tj. fenole, alkohole, karboksilnu kiselinu i hemijske strukture C-O/C-O-C) koje se mogu odrediti pomoću FT-IR, XRD. Veće zadržavanje sum- pora na površini ugljenisane gume postiže se na niskoj temperaturi u poređenju sa onim dobijenim na visokoj temperaturi. Ugljenost guma se takođe može direktno koristiti kao katalizatorski materijal za smanjenje operativnih troškova i poboljšanje kvaliteta piroliznog ulja i gasa. Modifikovano ugl- jenisanje pneumatika sa visokom specifičnom površinom i nižim sadržajem pepela može se koristiti kao adsorbujući materijal sa aktivnim ugljem, nosač katalizatora i katalizatora, elektroda konden- zatora za stvaranje veće komercijalne vrednosti, kao adsorbent, u baterijama i tako dalje. Predlaže se da se razvijaju aplikacije za reciklažu ugljenih guma, što može stvoriti visok nivo potencijalnih ekonomskih izgleda za industriju pirolize otpadnih guma.

Ključne reči: Piroliza, otpadne gume, ugljen, modifikacija, čađ.

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Anna Stepashkina*, Khurram Shehzad

Zhejiang Lab, Kechuang Avenue, Zhongtai Sub-District, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, P.R. China.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
756 – 764 (2024)


Examining the Impact of Anisotropic Particle Orientation in a Polymer Matrix on the Electrical Properties of Composite Materials


A number of works have experimentally shown the significant influence of mechanical stretching on the electrically conductive properties of composite polymer materials. Thus, stretching polymer composite films and filaments can lead to deterioration in electrical conductivity properties which can significantly affect the characteristics of products made from such materials. The research conduct- ed in this study focuses on simulation the impact of anisotropic particle orientation within a polymer matrix and mechanical stretching on the electrical properties of composite materials. Based on the Boltzmann statistics, an expression was obtained that allows predicting the change in electrical con- ductivity during the stretching of polymer composite samples. The Monte Carlo method was used to simulate the destruction of a percolation chain of conductive particles during stretching.

Keywords: Polymer composite materials, anisotropic fillers, electrical conductivity, stretching, Monte Carlo simulation

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Ispitivanje uticaja anisotropne orijentacije čestica u polimernoj matrici na električna svojstva kompozitnih materijala


Veliki broj radova je eksperimentalno pokazao značajan uticaj mehaničkog istezanja na elektropro- vodna svojstva kompozitnih polimernih materijala. Dakle, istezanje polimernih kompozitnih filmova i filamenata može dovesti do pogoršanja svojstava električne provodljivosti što može značajno uti- cati na karakteristike proizvoda napravljenih od takvih materijala. Istraživanje sprovedeno u ovoj studiji se fokusira na simulaciju uticaja anizotropne orijentacije čestica unutar polimerne matrice i mehaničkog istezanja na električna svojstva kompozitnih materijala. Na osnovu Bolcmanove statis- tike dobijen je izraz koji omogućava predviđanje promene električne provodljivosti tokom istezanja uzoraka polimernih kompozita. Monte Karlo metoda je korišćena za simulaciju uništavanja perkola- cionog lanca provodnih čestica tokom istezanja.

Ključne reči. Polimerni kompozitni materijali, anizotropna punila, električna provodljivost, istezanje, Monte Karlo simulacija

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Thangarajan Umamathi1, Venkatachalam Prathipa2, Arockiam Roslin3, Arockiaraj Little Jewelcy3, Micheal Velankanni Jeevithe Clara3, Nilavan Anitha3, Mohamed Ibrahim Nasrin Sahana3, Susai Rajendran3,4, Arjunan Krishnaveni5

1Department of Chemistry, Sri Meenakshi Government Arts College for Women (A), Madurai, India; 2Department of Chemistry, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India; 3Corrosion Research Centre, Department of Chemistry, St Antony’s College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India (Affiliated to Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal),Tamil Nadu, India; 4Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Pondicherry University, Chinna Kalapet, Kalapet, Puducherry, India; 5PG Department of Chemistry, Yadava College, Natham Road, Tiruppalai, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
765 – 777  (2024)


Influence of sodium chloride on corrosion resistance of ever silver vessels in the presence of curd rice


The present work is undertaken to investigate the corrosion resistance of ever silver in the presence of water, water+curd system, water+curd+rice system, water+curd+rice+Salt system. The corrosion resistance has been evaluated by AC impedance spectra . AC impedance spectra have been em- ployed to investigate the corrosion resistance of ever silver electrode when it is immersed in various test solutions like water, curd, curd rice recipe, curd rice recipe with salt (sodium chloride 500 ppm). The corrosion resistance of ever silver electrode when it is immersed in various test solutions like wa- ter, water+curd, water+curd+rice and water+curd+rice+salt have been evaluated by AC impedance spectroscopy.If a protective film is formed, the charge transfer resistance increases, impedance value increases, phase angle value increases and double layer capacitance (Cdl) value decreases.When Ever silver electrode is immersed in water + curd rice system + 500ppmsodium chloride system, the corrosion resistance of ever silver electrode decreases. This is due to the presence of chloride ion introduced into the curd rice system. It implies that when curd rice is packed in vessels made of ever silver, we should avoid adding salt to the curd rice. It is better to keep the salt and curd rice separately. It is to be noted that this corrosion resistance is better than the corrosion resistance in water alone.

The corrosion resistance decreases in the following order:

Water + Curd + Rice system > Water + Curd + Rice + Salt system (sodium chloride 500ppm) > Wa- ter+Curd system > Water

Keywords: corrosion resistance, ever silver, curd rice, sodium chloride, electrochemical studies

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Uticaj natrijum hlorida na otpornost na koroziju srebrnih posuda u prisustvu pirinča


Ovaj rad je napisan kako bi se istražila otpornost na koroziju srebra u prisustvu vode, sistema voda+- gruša, sistema voda+skuta+pirinač, voda+sir+pirinač+so. Otpornost na koroziju je procenjena spek- trima impedanse naizmenične struje. Spektri impedanse naizmenične struje su korišćeni da se ispita otpornost na koroziju srebrne elektrode kada je uronjena u različite test rastvore kao što su voda, skuta, recept za sirni pirinač, recept za sirni pirinač sa solju (natrijum hlorid 500 ppm). Otpornost na koroziju srebrene elektrode kada je uronjena u različite test rastvore kao što su voda, voda+sir, voda+skuta+pirinač i voda+suta+pirinač+sol procenjena je spektroskopijom AC impedanse. Ako se formira zaštitni film, otpor prenosa naelektrisanja se povećava, povećava se vrednost impedanse, povećava se vrednost faznog ugla i smanjuje se vrednost kapacitivnosti dvostrukog sloja (Cdl). Kada se srebrna elektroda uroni u vodu + sistem pirinča + 500ppms sistem natrijum hlorida, otpornost na koroziju svake srebrne elektrode se smanjuje. Ovo je zbog prisustva hloridnog jona unešenog u sistem skute pirinča. To implicira da kada se pirinač pakuje u posude napravljene od srebra, treba izbegavati dodavanje soli u skutu. Bolje je držati so i skutu odvojeno. Treba napomenuti da je ova otpornost na koroziju bolja od otpornosti na koroziju samo u vodi.

Otpornost na koroziju se smanjuje sledećim redosledom:

sistem voda + skuta + pirinač > voda + skuta + pirinač + so sistem (natrijum hlorid 500ppm) > sistem voda + skuta > voda

Ključne reči: otpornost na koroziju, srebro, skuta, natrijum hlorid, elektrohemijska ispitivanja ORCID Numbers of all the authors

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Paulcy Rani Palayyan Raja Bai1, Sivakala Sarojam2, Anju Krishna Salimkumar Shailaja1, Anu Mini Aravind3, Xavier Thankappan Suryabai3

1 Department of Chemistry, Government College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram 14, Kerala; 2 Department of Chemistry, Sree Narayana College, Chempazhanthy, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala; 3 Centre for advanced materials research, Department of Physics, Government College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram 14, Kerala

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
778 – 785 (2024)


The Electrochemical Performance of Perovskite LaMnO3


Perovskite oxides have attracted as promising electrode materials for supercapacitors because of their unique structure, compositional flexibility, and inherent oxygen vacancy. In the present work, LaMnO3(LMO) perovskites are synthesised by microwave assisted chemical coprecipitation and followed by calcination at 750 ˚C. The crystal structure and the presence of functional groups in LaMnO3 were studied through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The surface morphology was characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Electrochemical performance of LMO electrodes is evaluated in 3M KOH and 3M NaOH electrolytes. The specific capacitance of the LMO electrode in 3M NaOH and 3M KOH electrolyte were calculated to be 557.76F/g and 290.63F/g at scan rate of 5mV/s. The enhancement in the specific capacitance of the LMO electrode in 3M NaOH can be attributed to the effective charge storage mechanism.

Keywords: Microwave, LaMnO3, perovskite, electrochemical performance, specific capacitance

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Elektrohemijske performanse perovskita LaMnO3


Perovskit oksidi su se privukli kao obećavajući elektrodni materijali za superkondenzatore zbog svo- je jedinstvene strukture, fleksibilnosti kompozicije i inherentne praznine za kiseonik. U ovom radu, LaMnO3(LMO) perovskiti se sintetišu hemijskom koprecipitacijom uz pomoć mikrotalasne pećnice, a zatim kalcinacijom na 750 ˚C. Kristalna struktura i prisustvo funkcionalnih grupa u LaMnO3 prouča- vani su difrakcijom rendgenskih zraka (XRD) i infracrvenom spektroskopijom Furijeove transformaci- je (FT-IR). Morfologija površine je okarakterisana pomoću polja emisione skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (FESEM). Elektrohemijske performanse LMO elektroda se procenjuju u 3M KOH i 3M NaOH elektrolitima. Specifični kapacitet LMO elektrode u 3M NaOH i 3M KOH elektrolitu je izračunat na 557,76F/g i 290,63F/g pri brzini skeniranja od 5mV/s. Povećanje specifične kapacitivnosti LMO elektrode u 3M NaOH može se pripisati efikasnom mehanizmu skladištenja naelektrisanja.

Ključne reči: mikrotalasna pećnica, LaMnO3, perovskit, elektrohemijske performanse, specifična kapacitivnost

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Sonia Yadav1, Nadeem Sharma1*

1Department of Chemistry, Maharishi Markandeshwar Engineering College,Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana, Ambala, Haryana, India-133207

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
786 – 796 (2024)


Cerium(III) Phosphotungstate: an Efficient Catalystin Esterification of Fatty Acids


In this report, a known heteropolyacid salt (HPAs) cerium (Ⅲ) phosphotungstate was synthesizedin a volume ratio 2:1:2 with a molar ratio 1:1:1 of each ingredient. These HPAs are further utilized in form of a catalyst to generate biodiesel through the esterification of variable carbon chain length alcohols (methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, isopropanol, n-butanol) and stearic acid at different condi- tions of reaction. FTIR of the produced biodiesel was also done for the assurance of ester peaks in it. Analysis of some important biodiesel properties such as density, dynamic viscosity, acid value, an- iline point, cloud, pour point, flash and fire point etc., done to differentiate and validate the results. A large surface area of the catalyst i.e. 121.427 m2/g determined using the BET surface area analyser,supports the fact of outrageous catalytic action in the esterification reaction. The effect of additives was also studied on the properties of resultant biodiesel. The calorific value of the samples was measured as 7320 Kcal/kg without additive and 7512 Kcal/kg after adding toluene (as an additive) in the biodiesel generated in the study. The pour point temperature of the biodiesel with additives wasobserved even < 20°C.

Keywords: Cerium(III) Phosphotungstate, Biodiesel, butyl stearate, fuel value, additives

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Cerijum(iii) fosfotungstat: efikasan katalizator u esterifikaciji masnih kiselina


U ovom radu, poznati fosfotungstat cerijuma(Ⅲ) soli heteropoli kiseline (HPAs) sintetizovan je u zapreminskom odnosu 2:1:2 sa molarnim odnosom 1:1:1 svakog sastojka. Ovi HPA se dalje koristeu obliku katalizatora za generisanje biodizela kroz esterifikaciju alkohola promenljive dužine ugl- jeničnog lanca (metanol, etanol, n-propanol, izopropanol, n-butanol) i stearinske kiseline u različitim uslovima reakcije. FTIR proizvedenog biodizela je, takođe, urađen za osiguranje estarskih pikova unjemu. Analiza nekih važnih svojstava biodizela kao što su gustina, dinamički viskozitet, kiselinska vrednost, tačka anilina, oblak, tačka stinjavanja, tačka paljenja i plamena itd., urađena su da bi se razlikovali i potvrdili rezultati. Velika površina katalizatora, tj. 121.427 m2/g, određena korišćenjem BET površinskog analizatora, podržava činjenicu nečuvenog katalitičkog delovanja u reakciji ester- ifikacije. Takođe je proučavan uticaj aditiva na svojstva dobijenog biodizela. Izmerena je kalorijska vrednost uzoraka na 7320 Kcal/kg bez aditiva i 7512 Kcal/kg nakon dodavanja toluena (kao aditiva)u biodizel generisan u studiji. Temperatura tečenja biodizela sa aditivima je primećena čak i < 20°C.

Ključne reči: cerijum(III) fosfovolframat, biodizel, butil stearat, vrednost goriva, aditivi.

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Vladimir D. Jović

Institute for Multidisciplinary Research University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Short communication
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (4)
797 – 800 (2024)


The long time performance of catalysts usually used in the literature


In this communication the “long time operation” in characterization of catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) has been discussed. It has been explained that commonly used procedure in pratically all published papers is useless and that it is necessary to define “accelerated service life test” (ASLT) in order to predict the behavor of electrodes under industrial conditions. At the same time, one example for ASLT for cathodes in chlor-alkali electrolysis, obtained in our previosly published papers is presented.

Keywords: Long time operation, industrial electrolysis, accelerated service life tests

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Ponašanje katalizatora pri dugotrajnom ispitivanju koje se obično koristi u naučnim radovima


U poslednjih10-ak godina u skoro svakom naučnom radu koji opisuje ponašanje određenog katalizatora u određenoj elektrohemijskoj reakciji, najčešće izdvajanje vodonika i kiseonika, tzv. “dugotrajno ispitivanje ”koje traje vise od 24 sata je postalo obavezno, kako bi se predvidelo ponašanje (stabilnost) katalizatora priprimeni u industrijskom postrojenju za elektrolizu vode, ili hloralkalnu elektrolizu. U ovoj komunikaciji se govori o „dugotrajnoj operaciji“ u karakterizaciji katalizatora za reakciju evolucije vodonika (HER). Objašnjeno je da je uobičajena procedura u skoro svim objavljenim radovima beskorisna i da je neophodno definisati „test ubrzanog radnog veka“ (ASLT) kako bi se predvidelo ponašanje elektroda u industrijskim uslovima. Istovremeno je prikazan jedan primer za ASLT za katode u hlor-alkalnoj elektrolizi, dobijen u našim prethodno objavljenim radovima.

Ključne reči: dugotrajno ispitivanje, ubrzani test, industrijska elektroliza

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