Izdanja 2012 godine
Zaštita materijala 1. 2012
MICHAEL MURKOVIC Review paper [PDF] UDC:632.2/.3.099:614.876 Formation of carcinogenic substances during heating of foods The formation of some selected carcinogens during cooking is associated with some certain types of foods. The heterocyclic amines are mainly found in meat and fish that are cooked at temperatures above 150°. Acrylamide is formed in foods containing asparagine and …
Zaštita materijala 2. 2012
GABER EL-ENANY Scientific paper [PDF] UDC:623.3.035.2’036.8 Supercapacitive properties of Electropolymerized Poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) and Poly(aniline) Co-polymer electrodes In this paper a co-polymer of polyaniline (PANI) and Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) PEDOT films with different molar ratio (MR) were electrochemically deposited by cyclic voltammetry and short current pulse onto glassy carbon electrode from micellar solution. The surface morphology of the …
Zaštita materijala 3. 2012
S.JOHN MARY1 S. RAJENDRAN2 Review paper [PDF] UDC:620.193.4:612.146.421 Corrosion behaviour of metals in artificial body fluid an over view The Corrosion Performances in Various artificial body fluids of various metals are evaluated, Artificial human blood, urine serum, Joint fluid, simulated bile solutions, artificial salaiva, Hank’s solutions Ringers, Tyrode of the solution, Cigada solutions are examined …
Zaštita materijala 4. 2012
VLADA VELJKOVIĆ, OLIVERA STAMENKOVIĆ Pregledni rad [PDF] UDC:665.75 Perspektivne tehnologije dobijanja biodizela1 Biodizel, alternativno gorivo fosilnom dizelu koje po hemijskom sastavu predstavlja smešu alkil, najčešće metil, estara viših masnih kiselina (MEMK), najčešće se, u sadašnjim uslovima industrijske proizvodnje, dobija homogeno katalizovanom metanolizom biljnih ulja. Pored značajnih prednosti, osnovni nedostaci ovog postupka ogledaju se u visokim …