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Zaštita Materijala 4. 2022

Zoran Karastojković1, Dragan Stojiljković2, Suzana Polić3

1Society for Ethics and Evaluation in the Arts and Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, 2SPIT, Bošnjace, Serbia, 3National Museum in Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
381 – 385  (2022)


Choosing the procedure for repair of damaged arm at an unicate desk lamp


Repair of any unicate artefact always requires the challenge and however demands for high level of knowledge&experience in this field, at the same level conservation works. Those demands are regarding not only on visual appearance, it is itended to stain unchainched other properties, even to question of strength, either it is an artistic piece, also the possibility of lowering the corrosion resistance, after the repair works have done.

Here in details are analysed possible solutions for repairing of one broken arm when an unicate lamp unintentionaly is damaged. The used bulk material of the lamp is not available for using a kind of welding or soldering procedures, firstly that those methods will markably change the surface properties of the repaired zone. So, the repairing is provided by combining two methods: reinforcing with semihard aluminum wire and two component glue.

Keywords: damage analysis, repairing methods, renforcing, sticking of broken parts

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Izbor postupka reparacije polomljene ruke jedne unikatne stolne lampe


Reparacija nekog unikatnog dela uvek predstavlja izazov i zahteva puno stručnosti i umeća konzervacije. Zahtevi se odnose na vizuelni izgled, koji što više treba da ostane neizmenjen, pa do pitanja čvrstoće kao i mogućeg odvijanja korozije nakon izvođenja svih planiranih reparaturnih radova. Ovde se analiziraju mogući postupci reparacije jedne polomljene ruke na unikatnoj stonoj lampi i detaljno je opisano izvođenje reparacije kombinovanjem armiranja aluminijumskom žicom i dvokomponentnim lepkom.

Кljučne reči: analiza oštećenja, postupcie reparacije, armiranje, lepljeje delova

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Ogheneme Clifford  Ogheneblorhie1,  Suraj Jare Olagunju3, Abdullahi Guruza1, Habeeb Muhammed Sani3, Idawu Yakubu Suleiman4*, Isah Aliyu2, Lasisi Shaibu2, Abdullahi Tanko Mohammed1

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Kebbi State, Nigeria, 2Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Kebbi State, Nigeria. 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria, 4*Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
386 – 394  (2022)


Improving the mechanical and wear behaviours of reinforced aluminium alloy with animal waste particulates ash


The research work investigated the mechanical and wear behaviours of aluminium alloys reinforced with cow horn ash (CHA) which is cost-effective and environmentally-friendly materials at different weight percentages (0 wt. % to 15 wt. %) at 3 wt. % interval. The cow horn ash was characterized by X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The matrix and the composites morphology were studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) for the distribution of cow horn ash particles within the matrix. The wear behaviour of the alloy and composites produced at various reinforcements were carried out using a Taber abrasion wear-testing machine. The XRF showed the compositions of CHA to contain carbon (95.70 %), silicon (2.60 %), calcium (1.00%) and others. Mechanical properties investigated increase with increase in 3 wt. % to 15 wt. % of CHA.  The morphologies revealed uniform distribution of CHA within the matrix resulted to the improvement in both mechanical and wear properties. The wear resistance of the composites increases with increase in the applied load and decreases with increases in the weight percentage of CHA and this can be used in the automobile and engineering industries for the productions of brake shoes, electrical insulators and others.

Keywords: Aluminum alloy, Cow horn ash, Wear resistance, Microstructure, Mechanical properties, Applied loads

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Poboljšanje mehaničkog ponašanja i trošenja ojačane legure aluminijuma sa česticama pepela životinjskog porekla


Istraživački rad je ispitivao mehaničko ponašanje i habanje legura aluminijuma ojačanih pepelom od kravljeg roga (CHA) koji je isplativ i ekološki prihvatljiv materijal u različitim težinskim procentima (0 tež. % do 15 tež. %) pri 3 tež. % interval. Pepeo od kravljeg roga je okarakterisan rendgenskom fluorescencijom (KSRF). Morfologija matrice i kompozita proučavani su pomoću skenirajućeg elektronskog mikroskopa (SEM) za distribuciju čestica pepela kravljeg roga unutar matrice. Ponašanje na habanje legure i kompozita proizvedenih na različitim armaturama je sprovedeno korišćenjem Taber mašine za ispitivanje habanja. KSRF je pokazao da sastav CHA sadrži ugljenik (95,70%), silicijum (2,60%), kalcijum (1,00%) i druge sastojke. Ispitivane mehaničke osobine rastu sa povećanjem od 3 tež. % do 15 tež. % CHA. Morfologije su otkrile ujednačenu distribuciju CHA unutar matrice što je dovelo do poboljšanja i mehaničkih i habajućih svojstava. Otpornost na habanje kompozita raste sa povećanjem primenjenog opterećenja i opada sa povećanjem težinskog procenta CHA i to se može koristiti u automobilskoj industriji i industriji za proizvodnju kočionih papučica, električnih izolatora i dr.

Ključne reči: legura aluminijuma, pepeo od kravljeg roga, otpornost na habanje, mikrostruktura, mehanička svojstva, primenjena opterećenja

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Jelena Vuković1*, Milomirka Obrenović1, Slavko Smiljanić1

1University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Technology Zvornik, Zvornik, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Review paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
395 – 403  (2022)


Application of fly ash for flouride adsorption


The suitable characteristics of fly ash from thermal power plants make it a proper adsorbent for removing various pollutants from water and aqueous solutions. Valorization and utilization of fly ash can reduce the use of conventional adsorbents. The paper presents an overview of the possibility of using raw and modified fly ash to remove fluorides from water and aqueous solutions, as well as the influence of different process parameters (sorbent dose, contact time, pH value, temperature, etc.) on the value of adsorption capacity and adsorption efficiency of used sorbent. Fly ash can be used as an effective sorbent for the removal of fluoride, both in raw and modified form, with given optimal process parameters. Raw fly ash shows better adsorption properties when performing the experiment in a column, with a higher dose of sorbent and longer contact time, in an acidic environment (pH = 2-3), compared to batch experiments. Various authors have modified fly ash by treatment with certain chemical agents (HCl, Ca (OH)2…) or by synthesis of zeolite based on fly ash. Modification of fly ash improves its adsorption properties, so in slightly acidic conditions (pH = 6), for a relatively short contact time (10-30 min), in batch conditions, significant adsorption efficiency ( ̴ 90%) can be achieved.

Keywords: fly ash, adsorption, fluorides, wastewater.

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Upotreba letećeg pepela za adsorpciju flourida


Odgovarajuće karakteristike letećeg pepela iz termoelektrana čine ga pogodnim adsorbensom za uklanjanje različitih polutanata iz vode i vodenih rastvora. Njegovom valorizacijom i iskorištenjem može se smanjiti upotreba konvencionalnih adsorbenasa. U radu je predstavljen pregled moguć­nosti upotrebe sirovog i modifikovanog letećeg pepela za uklanjanje fluorida iz vode i vodenih rastvora, kao i uticaj različitih procesnih parametara (doza sorbenta, kontaktno vrijeme, pH vrijed­nost, temperatura i drugi) na vrijednost adsorpcionog kapaciteta i efikasnosti adsorpcije korištenog sorbenta. Leteći pepeo se može koristiti kao efikasan sorbent za uklanjanje fluorida, i u sirovom i u modifikovanom obliku, pri određenim optimalnim parametrima procesa. Sirovi leteći pepeo poka­zuje bolja adsorpciona svojstva pri izvođenju eksperimenta u koloni nego pri šaržnim uslovima, pri upotrebi veće doze sorbenta i dužem vremenu kontakta, u kiseloj sredini (pH = 2-3). Različiti autori su modifikovali leteći pepeo tretmanom određenim hemijskim sredstvima (HCl, Ca(OH)2…) ili sintezom zeolita na bazi letećeg pepela. Modifikacijom letećeg pepela se po­boljšavaju njegova adsorpciona svojstva, tako da se u slabo kiseloj sredini (pH = 6), za relativno kratko kontaktno vrijeme (10-30 min), u šaržnim uslovima, postiže značajna efikasnost adsorpcije ( ̴ 90%).

Ključne riječi: leteći pepeo, adsorpcija, fluoridi, otpadna voda.

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Aleksandar Zdravković*, Goran Petković, Dragana Marković Nikolić, Danijela Stojadinović, Ivanka Ristić, Nebojša Ristić, Tanja Nikolić

Department of Technology and Art studies, Academy of Professional studies South Serbia, Leskovac, Serbia

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
404 – 417  (2022)


Assessment of water pollution of the South Morava River (Serbia) by statistical and index methods


Factor analysis/principal component analysis (FA/PCA), applied to 16 physico-chemical parameters at three different monitoring sites (Mojsinje, Korvingrad, and Ristovac) of the South Morava River in 2015, and from 2011-2018 for station Ristovac, extracted two and four varimax factors which explain 100.000 and 90.874 % of the total variance in water quality, respectively. The relationships among the stations and years obtained by cluster analysis (CA) categorize observed objects in different quality levels. Parameters responsible for pollution of the South Morava River are related to point (industrial/sewage effluents), non-point (runoff from arable land and erosion), and natural source (a mineral component of the river water). The results of the water pollution index (WPI) method for 2015 have shown that the South Morava River at Korvingrad station represents a “moderately polluted” water body (class III), but at Mojsinje and Ristovac station a “polluted” water body (class IV). The obtained ecological potential values indicated that water quality at the Korvingrad station corresponds to class II, “good ecological potential”. The surface water at Mojsinje and Ristovac stations deviated from the required ecological water standards by the European Union Water Framework Directive (EU WFD), class III. The South Morava River had the highest load of nutrients (PO4-P and TP) and organic matter (TOC) at Ristovac station, which was confirmed by the index and comparative method (polluted water with poor ecological potential) in period from 2011-2018. A comprehensive analysis of the paper identified a decreasing trend in pollution of the South Morava River, primarily at Ristovac station.

Keywords: South Morava River, water quality, multivariate statistical techniques, water pollution index, ecological status/potential

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Određivanje zagađenja vode reke južne morave (srbija) statističkim i indeksnim metodama


Faktorska analiza/analiza glavnih komponenti (FA/PCA), primenjena na 16 fizičko-hemijskih parametara sa tri različita monitoring mesta (Mojsinje, Korvingrad i Ristovac) reke Južne Morave u 2015. godini i za period od 2011-2018. godine za stanicu Ristovac, je izdvojila dva odnosno četiri varimaks faktora koji objašnjavaju 100,000 i 90,874% ukupne varijanse kvaliteta vode, redom. Veza između stanica i godina dobijena klaster analizom (CA) kategoriše posmatrane objekte prema različitim nivoima kvaliteta. Parametri odgovorni za zagađenje reke Južne Morave odnose se na tačkasti (industrijski/kanalizacioni efluenti), netačkasti (oticanje sa obradivog zemljišta i erozija) i prirodni izvor (mineralna komponenta rečne vode). Rezultati metode indeksa zagađenja vode (WPI) za 2015. godinu pokazali su da reka Južna Morava na stanici Korvingrad predstavlja „umereno zagađeno“ vodno telo (klasa III), dok na stanici Mojsinje i Ristovac „zagađeno“ vodno telo (klasa IV). Dobijene vrednosti ekološkog potencijala ukazuju da kvalitet vode na stanici Korvingrad odgovara klasi II, „dobar ekološki potencijal“. Površinska voda na stanicama Mojsinje i Ristovac odstupa od propisanih ekoloških standarda Okvirne direktive o vodama Evropske unije (EU WFD), klasa III. Reka Južna Morava ima najveće opterećenje nutrijentima (PO4-P i TP) i organskom materijom (TOC) na stanici Ristovac, što je potvrđeno indeksnom i uporednom metodom (zagađena voda sa slabim ekološkim potencijalom) u periodu od 2011-2018. godine. Sveobuhvatnom analizom rada utvrđen je trend smanjenja zagađenja reke Južne Morave, pre svega na stanici Ristovac.

Ključne reči: reka Južna Morava, kvalitet vode, multivarijacione statističke metode, indeks zagađenja vode, ekološki status/potencijal

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Nilavan Anitha1*, Venkatachalam Prathipa2, Veerapandian Velkannan3, Marimmuthu Dhanalakshmi4, Alexis Subashini Mary4, Subramani Aishwarya4, Francis Flori Jenifer4, Balu Nithiya Shree4, Gurmeet Singh5, Abdulhameed Al-Hashem6, Susai Rajendran1,7, Caslav Lacnjevac8

1Department of Chemistry, Corrosion Research Centre , St. Antony’s College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Dindigul, India,2Department of Chemistry, PSNA College of Engineering and Techcnolgy, Dindigul India, 3Department of Chemistry, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Thiruparankundram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India, 4MV Muthiah Government Arts College for Women, Dindigul, India, 5Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India, 6Petroleum Research Centre, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait,  7Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India, 8University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, Serbia

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
418 – 429  (2022)


Corrosion resistance of SS 18/8 alloy and Gold 22 K alloy in artificial sweat in the presence of D-glucose


Corrosion resistance of SS 18/8 alloy and Gold 22 K alloy immersed in artificial sweat in the absence and presence of 100 ppm of D-Glucose has been investigated by polarization study and AC impedance spectra. It is observed that corrosion resistance of SS 18/8 alloy and also Gold 22 K alloy immersed in artificial sweat in the presence of 100 ppm of D-Glucose decreases. Hence it is concluded that people wearing ornaments made of these two alloys need to worry about the excess of D-Glucose in their sweat. When SS 18/8 alloy is immersed in artificial sweat in the presence of 100 ppm of D-Glucose, Linear Polarisation Resistance value decreases from 589308032 Ohmcm2 to  87905  Ohmcm2 ; corrosion current increases from 8.923×10-11A/cm2  to  4.008×10-9 A/cm2; charge transfer resistance value increases from  4884 Ohmcm2  to   3.168 x10-7 12210 Ohmcm2; impedance value decreases from 8.023 to 4.008; double layer capacitance increases from  8.9099×10-14F/cm2 to 1.4868 x10-9F/cm2, and phase angle decreases from 94°  to  54°. When Gold 22 K alloy is immersed in artificial sweat in the presence of 100 ppm of D-Glucose, Linear Polarisation Resistance  value decreases from 4248438 Ohmcm2 to  236576 Ohmcm2 ; corrosion current increases from 8.038 x10-9A/cm2 to 1.546 x10-7A/cm2 ; charge transfer resistance decreases from 23680 Ohmcm2 to 6336 Ohmcm2; impedance value decreases from 4.647to 4.567; double layer capacitance increases from 2.154 x10-10 F/cm2 to  8.049×10-10 F/cm2 , and phase angle increases from 66° to 64°.

Keywords: Corrosion resistance, SS 18/8 alloy ,Gold 22 K alloy , Artificial sweat , D-Glucose, polarization study , AC impedance spectra.

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Otpornost na koroziju legure ss 18/8 i legure zlata 22K u veštačkom znoju u prisustvu D-glukoze


Otpornost na koroziju legure SS 18/8 i legure zlata 22K uronjene u veštački znoj u odsustvu i prisustvu 100ppm D-glukoze je ispitana proučavanjem polarizacije i spektrom impedanse naizmenične struje. Primećeno je da se smanjuje otpornost na koroziju legure SS 18/8 i legure zlata 22K uronjene u veštački znoj u prisustvu 100ppm D-glukoze. Otuda se zaključuje da ljudi koji nose ukrase od ove dve legure moraju da brinu o višku D-glukoze u svom znoju. Kada se legura SS 18/8 uroni u veštački znoj u prisustvu 100ppm D-glukoze, vrednost otpora linearne polarizacije opada sa 589308032Ohmcm2 na 87905Ohmcm2; struja korozije raste sa 8,923k10-11A/cm2 na 4,008k10-9A/cm2; vrednost otpora prenosa naelektrisanja se povećava sa 4884 Ohmcm2 na 3,168 k10-7 12210 Ohmcm2; vrednost impedanse se smanjuje sa 8,023 na 4,008; kapacitivnost dvostrukog sloja se povećava sa 8,9099k10-14 F/cm2 na 1,4868k10-9 F/cm2, a fazni ugao se smanjuje sa 94° na 54°. Kada se legura zlata 22 K potopi u veštački znoj u prisustvu 100 ppm D-glukoze, vrednost otpora linearne polarizacije opada sa 4248438 Ohmcm2 na 236576 Ohmcm2; struja korozije raste sa 8,038 k10-9A/cm2 na 1,546 k10-7A/cm2; otpor prenosa naelektrisanja se smanjuje sa 23680 Ohmcm2 na 6336 Ohmcm2; vrednost impedanse se smanjuje sa 4,647 na 4,567; kapacitivnost dvoslojnog sloja se povećava sa 2,154 k10--10F/cm2 na 8,049k10-10 F/cm2, a fazni ugao se povećava sa 66° na 64°.

Ključne reči: Otpornost na koroziju, legura SS 18/8, legura zlata 22K, veštački znoj, D-glukoza, studija polarizacije, spektri impedanse naizmenične struje.

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Nilavan Anitha1*, Nellainayagam Narendran2,  Veerapandian Velkannan3, Gurumoorthy Nandhini4, Francis Flori Jenifer4,  Alexis Subashini Mary4, Subramani Aishwarya4, Balu Nithiya Shree4, Gurmeet Singh5, Abdulhameed Al-Hashem6, Susai Rajendran1,7, Caslav Lacnjevac8

1Department of Chemistry, Corrosion Research Centre , St. Antony’s College of Arts and Sciences for Women, (Affiliated to Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal, India),2Department of Chemistry, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, India, 3Department of Chemistry, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Thiruparankundram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India (Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai , India), 4MV Muthiah Government Arts College for Women, Dindigul, India,5Vice Chancellor, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India, 6Petroleum Research Centre, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait, 7Adjunct Professor, Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India, 8Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
430 – 436  (2022)


Corrosion resistance of orthodontic wire made of nickel-titanium alloy in artificial saliva in the presence of Kopiko candy


Corrosion resistance of an orthodontic wire made of Ni-Ti alloy immersed in artificial saliva in the absence and presence of 500 ppm of Kopiko candy has been investigated by polarization study and AC impedance spectra. It is observed that corrosion resistance of Ni-Ti alloy immersed in artificial saliva in the presence of 500 ppm of Kopiko candy increases. Hence it is concluded that people clipped with orthodontic wire made of Ni-Ti alloy need not worry about taking Kopiko candy orally. When Ni-Ti alloy is immersed in artificial saliva in the presence of 500 ppm of Kopiko candy, Linear Polarization Resistance value increases from 347978 Ohmcm2to 415003 Ohmcm2; corrosion current decreases from 1.346 x10-7A/cm2to 1.105 x10-7A/cm2 ; charge transfer resistance value increases from 31945 Ohmcm2 to 44357 Ohmcm2; impedance value increases from 4.649to 4.819; double layer capacitance decreases from 1.596×10-10F/cm2 to 1.150 x10-10F/cm2, and phase angle increases from 39.63° to 50°.

Keywords: Corrosion resistance, Ni-Ti alloy, artificial saliva, Kopiko candy, polarization study, AC impedance spectra, pediatric dentistry

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Otpornost na koroziju ortodontske žice od legure nikl-titanijuma u veštačkoj pljuvački u prisustvu Kopiko bombona


Otpornost na koroziju ortodontske žice, napravljene od legure Ni-Ti, uronjene u veštačku pljuvačku u odsustvu i prisustvu 500 ppm Kopiko bombona je ispitana polarizacionom studijom i spektrom impedanse naizmenične struje. Primećeno je da se otpornost na koroziju Ni-Ti legure potopljene u veštačku pljuvačku u prisustvu 500 ppm Kopiko bombona povećava. Otuda se zaključuje, da ljudi koji su sadrze ortodontsku žicu u ustima od Ni-Ti legure ne moraju da brinu o uzimanju Kopiko bombona oralno. Kada se legura Ni-Ti potopi u veštačku pljuvačku u prisustvu 500 ppm Kopiko bombona, vrednost otpora linearne polarizacije se povećava sa 347978 Ohmcm2 na 415003 Ohmcm2; struja korozije se smanjuje sa 1,346 k10-7 A/cm2 na 1,105 k10-7 A/cm2; vrednost otpora prenosa naelektrisanja se povećava sa 31945 Ohmcm2 na 44357 Ohmcm2; vrednost impedanse se povećava sa 4,649 na 4,819; kapacitivnost dvostrukog sloja se smanjuje sa 1,596k10-10 F/cm2 na 1,150k10-10 F/cm2, a fazni ugao se povećava sa 39,63° na 50°.

Ključne reči: otpornost na koroziju, legura Ni-Ti, veštačka pljuvačka, Kopiko bombon, studija polarizacije, spektri AC impedanse, dečija stomatologija.

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Leonid Dvorkin1*, Oleh Bordiuzhenko1

1National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
437 – 446  (2022)


Binders for pressed products based on phosphogypsum waste


The article is devoted to the issues of obtaining pressed building materials based on dihydrate phosphogypsum. Dihydrate phosphogypsum after mechanical activation in a ball mill acquires the ability to harden in pressed specimens. After activation of dihydrate phosphogypsum in a ball mill and its pressing at a pressure of 30 MPa, the strength of specimens increases by 6…8 times compared to non-activated specimens and reaches 25…30 MPa. There is found the influence of various chemical admixtures on binding properties of activated phosphogypsum and there are shown possibilities of water resistance improvement and increasing of other properties characterizing this material. There is studied an effect of aggregates on the building and technical properties of artificial stone made of phosphogypsum and peculiarities of its structure and change under the influence of different factors.

Keywords: dihydrate phosphogypsum, binders, compression, water resistance, strength.

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Veziva za presovane proizvode na bazi otpada fosfogipsa


Članak je posvećen pitanjima dobijanja presovanih građevinskih materijala na bazi dihidrata fosfogipsa. Dihidrat fosfogips nakon mehaničke aktivacije u kugličnom mlinu stiče sposobnost stvrdnjavanja u presovanim uzorcima. Nakon aktiviranja dihidrata fosfogipsa u kugličnom mlinu i njegovog presovanja pod pritiskom od 30 MPa, čvrstoća uzoraka se povećava za 6…8 puta u poređenju sa neaktiviranim uzorcima i dostiže 25…30 MPa. Utvrđen je uticaj različitih hemijskih dodataka na vezivna svojstva aktiviranog fosfogipsa i prikazane su mogućnosti poboljšanja vodootpornosti i povećanja drugih svojstava koja karakterišu ovaj materijal. Proučava se uticaj agregata na građevinsko-tehnička svojstva veštačkog kamena od fosfogipsa i osobenosti njegove strukture i promene pod uticajem različitih faktora.

Ključne reči: dihidrat fosfogips, veziva, kompresija, vodootpornost, čvrstoća.

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Pooviah Shanthy1, Karunaivel Kavipriya2, Arockiasamy Santhiya Brintha1,3*, Ganesan Priyanka1, Krishnasamy Vigneswari1, Veerapandian Velkannan4, Gurmeet Singh5, Abdulhameed Al-Hashem6, Anitha Nilavan7, Susai Rajendran7,8, Caslav Lacnjevac9

1PG Department of Chemistry, Sri Meenakshi Government Arts College for Women  (Autonomous), Madurai, India, 2Department of Chemistry, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, India, 3Department of Chemistry, Sacred Heart College of Arts and Science, Dindigul, India, 4Department of Chemistry, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Thiruparan­kundram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India, 5Vice Chancellor, Pondicherry Univer­sity, Puducherry, India, 6Petroleum Research Centre, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait, 7Department of Chemistry, Corrosion Research Centre , St. Antony’s College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Dindigul-624005(Mother Teresa Women’s University,Kodaikanal, India), 8Adjunct Professor, Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India, 9Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
447 – 453  (2022)


Influence of thiourea on the corrosion resistance of mild steel immersed in simulated concrete pore solution


The corrosion resistance of mild steel in simulated concrete pore solution (SCPS) in the absence and presence of thiourea has been investigated by polarization study and AC impedance spectra. Polarisation study reveals that thiourea system functions as anodic inhibitor. AC impedance spectra reveal that a protective film is formed on the metal surface. When mild steel is used as rebar, thiourea may be mixed with concrete. Thus the mild steel will be protected from corrosion. The protective film consists of iron-thiourea complex formed on metal surface. In the presence of thiourea the linear polarisation resistance increases, corrosion current decreases, charge transfer resistance (Rt) increases, impedance increases, phase angle increases and double layer capacitance (Cdl) value decreases. This formulation may find application in concrete technology.

Keywords: thiourea, corrosion resistance, mild steel, simulated concrete pore solution, electrochemical studies

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Uticaj tiouree na otpornost na koroziju mekog čelika uronjenog u simulirani rastvor betonskih pora


Otpornost mekog čelika na koroziju u rastvoru simuliranih pora betona (SCPS) u odsustvu i prisustvu tiouree je ispitana polarizacionom studijom i spektrom impedanse naizmenične struje. Studija polarizacije otkriva da sistem tiouree funkcioniše kao anodni inhibitor. Spektri impedanse naizmenične struje otkrivaju da se na površini metala formira zaštitni film. Kada se kao armatura koristi meki čelik, tiourea se može mešati sa betonom. Tako će meki čelik biti zaštićen od korozije. Zaštitni film se sastoji od kompleksa gvožđe-tiourea formiranog na metalnoj površini. U prisustvu tiouree raste otpor linearne polarizacije, smanjuje se struja korozije, povećava otpor prenosa naelektrisanja (Rt), raste impedansa, povećava se fazni ugao i smanjuje se vrednost dvoslojnog kapacitivnosti (Cdl). Ova formulacija može naći primenu u tehnologiji betona.

Ključne reči: tiourea, otpornost na koroziju, meki čelik, simulirani rastvor betonskih pora, elektrohemijska ispitivanja

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Arjunan Krishnaveni1, Nilavan Anitha2, Veerapandian Velkannan3, Sampathkumar Jayanthi4, Thangaiyan Shanthi5, Kuttipaiyan Sevvanthi4, Duraisamy Kaniya4, Elumalai Thulasi4, Duraisamy Sarmina4, Gurmeet Singh6,  Abdulhameed Al-Hashem7, Susai Rajendran2,8, Caslav Lacnjevac9

1Department of Chemistry, Yadava College, Madurai, India (Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India), 2Department of Chemistry, Corrosion Research Centre, St. Antony’s College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Dindigul-624005, 3Department of Chemistry, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Thiruparankundram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India, 4Department of Chemistry, Namakkal Kavignar Ramalingam Government Arts College for Women, Namakkal, India, 5Department of Chemistry, Arasu College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Karur, India, 6Vice Chancellor, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India, 7Petroleum Research Centre, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait, 8Adjunct Professor, Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India, 9Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
454 – 462  (2022)


Inhibition of corrosion of L 80 alloy pipeline carrying simulated oil well water by succinic acid


Simulated oil well water (SOWW) is conceded out by pipelines made of several alloys, for instance mild steel L80. These alloys may simulated oil well water undergo corrosion owing to presence of various aggressive ions present in SOWW. To prevent this several inhibitors have been used. Inhibition of corrosion of L80 alloy pipeline carrying simulated oil well water by succinic acid has been evaluated by electrochemical studies such as polarization study and AC impedance spectra (EIS). Polarisation study reveals that in the presence of inhibitor linear polarization resistance  increases and corrosion current decreases. AC impedance spectra reveal that in presence of succinic acid, Rt value increases, impedance value increases, phase angle increases and Cdl value decreases. The present study reveals that when succinic acid is added to simulated oil well water, the corrosion resistance of L80 alloy increases. It implies that succinic acid may be added to simulated oil well water flowing through pipe line made of L80 alloy.

Keywords: Inhibition of corrosion, L80 alloy, pipeline carrying simulated oil well water ,  succinic acid , electrochemical studies.

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Inhibicija korozije cevovoda od legure L 80, koji nosi simuliranu vodu iz bunara, ćilibarnom kiselinom


Voda iz naftne bušotine (SOWW) ispušta se cevovodima napravljenim od nekoliko legura, na primer mekog čelika L80. Ove legure mogu, ispuštajući vodu iz naftnih bunara, da podležu koroziji zbog prisustva različitih agresivnih jona prisutnih u vodi iz naftne bušotine (SOWW). Da bi se ovo sprečilo, korišćeno je nekoliko inhibitora. Inhibicija korozije cevovoda od legure L80, koji nosi simuliranu vodu iz bunara, ćilibarnom kiselinom je procenjena elektrohemijskim studijama kao što su studija polarizacije i spektri AC impedanse (EIS). Studija polarizacije otkriva da u prisustvu inhibitora raste otpor linearne polarizacije, a struja korozije opada. Spektri impedanse naizmenične struje otkrivaju da u prisustvu ćilibarne kiseline, vrednost Rt raste, vrednost impedanse raste, fazni ugao raste i vrednost Cdl opada. Ova studija otkriva da kada se ćilibarna kiselina doda simuliranoj vodi iz naftnih bunara, otpornost legure L80 na koroziju se povećava. To implicira da se ćilibarna kiselina može dodati simuliranoj vodi iz naftnih bunara koja teče kroz cevovod od legure L80.

Ključne reči: Inhibicija korozije, legura L80, cevovod koji nosi simuliranu bušotinsku vodu, jantarna kiselina, elektrohemijska ispitivanja.

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Alagarsamy Senthilkumar1*, Anderson Arul Gnana Dhas2, Anbarasu Athimoolam3, Annam Renita Antony4   

1Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, Chennai-119, Tamilnadu, India, 2Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, Chennai-600119, India, 3Panimalar Engineering college, Department of Mecha­nical Engineering, Chennai-600123, Tamilnadu, India, 4Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Department of chemical Engineering, Chennai-600119, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
463 – 476  (2022)


Evaluation of R600a blended with various quantities of CuO, Al2O3 and SiO2 nanoparticles


In this work three different nanoparticle concentrations of CuO, Al2O3, and SiO2 are dispersed in  R600a vapour compression refrigeration system.The experiment was carried out using nanolubricant concentrations of 0g/L, 0.2g/L, and 0.4g/L having CuO, Al2O3, and SiO2 nanoparticles diffused in mineral oil with refrigerant mass fractions of 30, 40, and 60g. Nano lubricant was prepared at various concentrations using CuO, Al2O3, and SiO2 nanoparticles and refrigerant mass charges which were employed to perform tests. The system’s performance was investigated with the variables such as coefficient of performance, refrigeration effect, compressor work, and pull down test. As a result of this study, it can be inferred that there is a significant enhancement in COP value of 2.7 by utilizing 0.4g/L SiO2 nanolubricant concentration with 40g of refrigerant. This inclusion of nanolubricant enhanced the refrigeration effect up to180W and resulted in a reduction of compressor work to 60W.The results obtained by using nanolubricants are compared with the system without nanolubricants. The pull down test with 0.4g/L SiO2 nanolubricant concentration quickly achieved low evaporator temperature  compared to other conditions. The research was performed with various nanoparticles in R600a refrigeration system,the experiments were conducted with different nanoparticles by varying nanoparticle concentrations and refrigerant mass charges. From the experiments it is observed that SiO2 nanolubricant results in enhanced COP and refrigerant effect,which can be used as a better alternative to a pure mineral refrigeration system.Among three nanoparticles, SiO2 resulted in better performance and refrigerating effect with 56% less power consumption.

Keywords : CuO, Al2O3 and SiO2  nanoparticles; R600a; Performance enhancement.

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Procena R600a pomešanog sa različitim količinama nanočestica CuO, Al2O3 i SiO2


U ovom radu tri različite koncentracije nanočestica CuO, Al2O3 i SiO2 su dispergovane u rashladnom sistemu R600a parom kompresije. Eksperiment je izveden korišćenjem koncentracija nanomaziva od 0g/L, 0.2g/L i 0.4g/L sa CuO, Al2O3 i nanočestice SiO2, difundovane u mineralnom ulju sa masenim udelom rashladnog sredstva od 30, 40 i 60 g. Nanomazivo je pripremljeno u različitim koncentracijama korišćenjem nanočestica CuO, Al2O3 i SiO2 i rashladnog masenog punjenja koji su korišćeni za izvođenje testova. Performanse sistema su ispitivane pomoću varijabli kao što su koeficijent performansi, efekat hlađenja, rad kompresora i test spuštanja. Kao rezultat ove studije, može se zaključiti da postoji značajno povećanje vrednosti COP od 2,7 korišćenjem koncentracije nanomaziva od 0,4 g/L SiO2 sa 40 g rashladnog sredstva. Ovo uključivanje nanomaziva povećalo je efekat hlađenja do 180W i rezultiralo smanjenjem rada kompresora na 60W. Rezultati dobijeni korišćenjem nanomaziva upoređuju se sa sistemom bez nanomaziva. Pul-down test sa koncentracijom nanomaziva od 0,4 g/L SiO2 brzo je postigao nisku temperaturu isparivača u poređenju sa drugim uslovima. Istraživanje je sprovedeno sa različitim nanočesticama u rashladnom sistemu R600a; eksperimenti su sprovedeni sa različitim nanočesticama različitim koncentracijama nanočestica i masenim punjenjem rashladnog sredstva.

Iz eksperimenata je primećeno da SiO2 nanolubrikant dovodi do poboljšanog COP i efekta rashladnog sredstva, koji se može koristiti kao bolja alternativa čistom mineralnom sistemu za hlađenje. Među tri nanočestice, SiO2 je rezultirao boljim performansama i efektom hlađenja sa 56% manjom potrošnjom energije.

Ključne reči: nanočestice CuO, Al2O3 i SiO2, R600a, Poboljšanje performansi.

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Kamatchi Hariharan Manikandan1,2*,  Anderson Arul1,
Suresh Kannan Iyappan2

1Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, Chennai, India, 2SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vadapalani Campus, Chennai, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
477 – 483  (2022)


Study on mechanical properties of  Inconel 625 and Incoloy 800H with nitrate based molten salts


Energy storage is the most indispensable technology in the recent days with augmented power demand, which helps in balancing the energy demand and production time. Among the broad spread of energy storage types, molten salts technology in concentrated solar plants is most economical, highly efficient with excellent duration on the storage timings. In this current effort, Inconel 625 and Incoloy 800H nickel based super alloys have been taken and heated with sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate molten salts. The super alloy substrates were coated with Yttria stabilized zirconia as thermal barrier coating which could enhances the heat resistance and corrosion resistance property of the base substrates.  Both layered and non-coated super alloy samples were intense to a fairly accurate temperature of 1000oC for different duration as 9, 12 and 15 hours. The mechanical properties of both unheated and heated specimens were compared with the results obtained from tensile test, compression test, hardness test, and impact test. The changes in the micro-structural properties were investigated with the support of SEM images and by XRD analysis. The mechanical properties of YSZ coated specimens are found to be better than the uncoated specimens; which increases the sustainability of the super alloys with the molten salts.

Keywords: Inconel 625, Incoloy 800H, Yttria stabilized zirconia, Sodium nitrate, Potassium nitrate salts and hot corrosion.

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Studija mehaničkih svojstva inconel 625 i incoloi 800H sa istopljenim solima na bazi nitrata


Skladištenje energije je najznačajnija tehnologija poslednjih dana sa povećanom potražnjom za energijom, koja pomaže u balansiranju potražnje za energijom i vremena proizvodnje. Među široko rasprostranjenim vrstama skladištenja energije, tehnologija rastopljenih soli u koncentrisanim solarnim postrojenjima je najekonomičnija, veoma efikasna sa odličnim trajanjem u vremenskom periodu skladištenja. U ovom trenutnom pokušaju, Inconel 625 i Incoloi 800H superlegure na bazi nikla su uzete i zagrejane sa rastopljenim solima natrijum nitrata i kalijum nitrata. Podloge od super legure su obložene cirkonijumom stabilizovanim itrijem kao premazom za termičku barijeru koji može poboljšati otpornost na toplotu i otpornost na koroziju osnovnih supstrata. I slojeviti i neobloženi uzorci super legure bili su intenzivni do prilično tačne temperature od 10000C u različitom trajanju od 9, 12 i 15 sati. Mehanička svojstva i nezagrejanih i zagrejanih uzoraka upoređena su sa rezultatima dobijenim testom na zatezanje, ispitivanjem kompresije, testom tvrdoće i ispitivanjem udarca. Promene u mikrostrukturnim osobinama su ispitivane uz podršku SEM slika i KSRD analizom. Utvrđeno je da su mehanička svojstva uzoraka obloženih ISZ bolja od neobloženih; što povećava održivost super legura sa rastopljenim solima.

Ključne reči: Inconel 625, Incoloi 800H, itrij stabilizovan cirkonijum, natrijum nitrat, soli kalijum nitrata, vruća korozija.

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Hamed Khaled Mohamed1, Ahmed Nabhan M. Elkholy2*, Sami Zain El-Abden2

1New Cairo Technology University, Mechatronics Department, Cairo, Egypt, 2Minia University, Faculty of Engineering, Production Engineering and Mechanical Design, El-Minia, Egypt

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
381 – 385  (2022)


Mechanical characteristics of Al-1050 and Al-6061 alloys deformed using equal channel angular rolling process


One of the effective severe plastic deformations (SPD) techniques is Equal channel angular rolling (ECAR) process which can lead to proper ultra-fine grained (UFG) structures of material, the main objective of this work is to study the improvement in mechanical properties within 1050 and 6061 aluminum alloy sheets. There are more attempts to investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties of strips material, the influence of process parameters such as number of equal channel angular rolling passes, routes (A&C) and annealing temperature after each passes on deformation behavior of 6061 and 1050 Aluminum alloys were investigated experimentally .Results was indicated that for AL-6061 without  annealing process at first pass it was the higher stress than the passes after annealing process and also the grains was fine in the first pass ,For AL-1050 it was indicated that with ambient temperature at six pass the mechanical properties was improved and its recorded the higher stress with more passes at  six pass for rout C and also the fine grains of microstructure was obtained in the six pass with compared  to the material with annealing process which becomes more ductility with more passes.

Keywords: Aluminum alloys, ECAR, dislocations, Microstructure, Mechanical properties

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Mehaničke karakteristike legura Al-1050 i Al-6061 deformisanih korišćenjem ravnokanalnog procesa ugaonog valjanja


Jedna od učinkovitih tehnika teških plastičnih deformacija (SPD) je proces jednakokanalnog kutnog valjanja (ECAR) koji može dovesti do pravilne ultrafino zrnate (UFG) strukture materijala, glavni cilj ovog rada je proučavanje poboljšanja mehaničkih svojstava unutar 1050 i 6061 listova aluminijske legure. Postoji više pokušaja istraživanja mikrostrukture i mehaničkih svojstava materijala traka, utjecaja procesnih parametara kao što su broj jednakih kanalnih kutnih prolaza valjanja, rute (A&C) i temperatura žarenja nakon svakog prolaza na deformacijsko ponašanje 6061 i 1050 aluminijskih legura. ispitan eksperimentalno. Rezultati su pokazali da je za AL-6061 bez procesa žarenja u prvom prolazu to bilo veće naprezanje od prolaza nakon procesa žarenja, a također su zrna bila fina u prvom prolazu. Za AL-1050 je naznačeno da je uz temperaturu okoline u šest prolaza mehanička svojstva su poboljšana i zabeleženo je veće naprezanje s više prolaza u šest prolaza za način C, a također su fina zrna mikrostrukture dobivena u šest prolaza u usporedbi s materijalom s postupkom žarenja koji postaje duktilniji s više prolazi.

Ključne reči: Legure aluminijuma, ECAR, dislokacije, mikrostruktura, mehanička svojstva

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Ashish Soni1, Pankaj Kumar Das1, Mohammad Yusuf 2,3*, Syahrir Ridha2,3

1National Institute of Technology Agartala, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tripura, India, 2Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak, 32610, Malaysia, 3Institute of Hydrocarbon Recovery, Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak, 32610, Malaysia

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 63 (4)
493 – 501  (2022)


Experimental investigations on the workability of sustainable composite by recycling waste plastics and agro-waste


Widespread applications of raw materials in building construction with population generation have steadily increased the demand for fresh raw materials and provoked environmental pollution. Development of sustainable building materials by recycling various solid waste could be a viable approach to reduce the problems arising from generating solid waste besides providing an alternative raw material for building construction. The present study demonstrates the development of polymeric composite materials as floor tile using different waste plastics, includes low- density polyethylene, high-density polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate, and polypropylene as matrices with incorporation rice husk ash and sand as fillers. The workability of the developed materials was verified through experimental evaluations of physical, mechanical, and tribological properties. The minimum values of water absorption and abrasive wear were found to be 0.0397 % and 0.03267 (cm3) for the composites LDPE50PET20S30 and LD50S50, respectively. However, the composites HD50S50 resulted in an optimum mechanical strength with compressive strength and flexural strength of 46.2 and 6.24 (N/mm2), respectively. It was observed that the workability of the composites improves with the incorporation of sand particles. The scope of the present study relies on the development of methods and techniques for developing sustainable building materials through recycling of solid waste along with its characterization which provides an easy reference for solid waste processing towards sustainability.

Keywords: Characterizations, Green manufacturing, Sustainable composites, Recycling, Waste management

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Eksperimentalna istraživanja obradivosti održivog kompozita reciklažom otpadne plastike i poljoprivrednog otpada


Široka primena sirovina u građevinarstvu sa generisanjem stanovništva stalno je povećavala potražnju za svežim sirovinama i izazivala zagađenje životne sredine. Razvoj održivih građ­evinskih materijala reciklažom različitog čvrstog otpada mogao bi biti održiv pristup za smanjenje problema koji proizilaze iz generisanja čvrstog otpada, pored obezbeđivanja alternativne sirovine za izgradnju zgrada. Ova studija pokazuje razvoj polimernih kompozitnih materijala, kao podne pločice koristeći različite otpadne plastike, uključujući polietilen niske gustine, polietilen visoke gustine, polietilen tereftalat i polipropilen kao matrice sa ugradnjom pepela od pirinčane ljuske i peska kao punila. Obradivost razvijenih materijala je verifikovana eksperimentalnim procenama fizičkih, mehaničkih i triboloških svojstava. Utvrđene su minimalne vrednosti upijanja vode i abra­zivnog habanja od 0,0397 % i 0,03267 (cm3) za kompozite LDPE50PET20S30 i LD50S50, res­pektivno. Međutim, kompoziti HD50S50 su rezultirali optimalnom mehaničkom čvrstoćom – čvrsto­ćom na pritisak i čvrstoćom na savijanje od 46,2 i 6,24 (N/mm2), respektivno. Primećeno je da se obradivost kompozita poboljšava ugradnjom čestica peska. Obim ove studije oslanja se na razvoj metoda i tehnika za dobijanje održivih građevinskih materijala kroz reciklažu čvrstog otpada zajedno sa njegovom karakterizacijom koja pruža laku referencu za preradu čvrstog otpada ka održivosti.

Ključne reči: karakteristike, zelena proizvodnja, održivi kompoziti, reciklaža, upravljanje otpadom.

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