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Zaštita Materijala 4. 2023

Lokanathudu Mohan Prasad, Ramanujam Saravanathamizhan*, Vengapattu Thangavelu Perarasu

Anna University, Department of Chemical Engineering, A.C.Tech Campus, Chennai-600025, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
365 – 371  (2023)


Corrosion protection of mild steel using nanomaterials coating


Effectiveness of nanoparticle coatings in preventing corrosion of mild steel metal samples were experimentally determined. TiO2 and ZrO2 nanoparticles coatings were done by brush coating. Different samples were prepared by varying the parameters such as thickness of coatings, concentration of nanoparticles and temperature of heat treatment. Corrosion rate of both uncoated mild steel and coated using TiO2, ZrO2 samples was determined in the corrosive environments of 1M HCl and 3.5 wt% NaCl. From the experiments it was found that the coated mild steel samples prepared at temperature 80oC are more effective than samples prepared at 200 oC. It is observed that TiO2 coatings prepared with ratio 2:0.3, 0.182 mm coating thickness and heat treated at 80oC, and ZrO2 coatings with thickness of 0.185 mm, prepared from nanoparticle paste of 1:0.3 ratios, heat treated at 80 oC, have shown better protection for mild steel in 1M HCl and 3.5% NaCl solutions compared with other TiO2 and ZrO2 coatings.

Keywords: corrosion protection, nano composites; corrosion resistance, mild steel

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Zaštita od korozije mekog čelika korišćenjem premaza od nanomaterijala


Eksperimentalno je utvrđena efikasnost premaza nanočestica u sprečavanju korozije uzoraka metala od mekog čelika. Oblaganje nanočestica TiO2 i ZrO2 urađeno je premazivanjem četkom. Različiti uzorci su pripremljeni variranjem parametara kao što su debljina premaza, koncentracija nanočestica i temperatura termičke obrade. Stopa korozije i neobloženog mekog čelika i obloženog uzorcima TiO2, ZrO2 određena je u korozivnom okruženju 1M HCl i 3,5 tež% NaCl. Iz eksperimenata je ustanovljeno da su obloženi uzorci mekog čelika pripremljeni na temperaturi 80oC efikasniji od uzoraka pripremljenih na 200oC. Uočeno je da su se bolje pokazali TiO2 premazi pripremljeni u odnosu 2:0,3, debljine prevlake 0,182 mm i termički obrađeni na 80oC i ZrO2 prevlake debljine 0,185 mm, pripremljene od paste nanočestica u odnosu 1:0,3, termički obrađene na 80oC. zaštita mekog čelika u 1MHC i 3,5% rastvorima NaCl u poređenju sa drugim TiO2 i ZrO2 premazima.

Ključne reči: zaštita od korozije, nano kompoziti; otpornost na koroziju, meki čelik

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Agha Inya Ndukwe*, Nsikan Etim Dan,
Justus Uchenna Anaele, Paulinus Chukwudi Agu

Federal University of Technology, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
372 – 382  (2023)


Recent findings on corrosion of ferritic stainless steel weldments: A review


This study covers the review of the degradation of ferritic stainless-steel weldments between 2015 and 2022. The industrial and automotive sectors make extensive use of ferritic stainless steel (FSS) due to its superior oxidation and corrosion resistance, low price, high thermal conductivity, and low thermal expansion. However, it has been reported that ferritic stainless steel is harder to weld than austenitic stainless steel and that doing so would probably result in a weaker welded joint owing to the coarsening of grains high welding temperatures. According to past research, the amount of heat applied during the welding procedure affected how soon the FSS (409 M) weldment degraded after being exposed to NaCl (3.5%) medium. The coarsening of the grains was considered to be the cause of this. When the shielding gas’ CO2 content increased, the intergranular corrosion of the FSS weld metal was found to increase. Welds made with the ER430LNb filler metal had significantly lower intergranular corrosion of FSS (AISI 441) than those made with the ER430Ti filler metal. It was discovered that boiling Cu-CuSO4 – 50% H2SO4 solution increased the corrosion rate for the FSS (AISI 430) weldment more than boiling 40% HNO3 Solution. Weldments made of FSS (AISI 430) were found to be negatively affected by the Cu-CuSO4 – 50% H2SO4 environment in terms of intergranular corrosion attack.

Keywords: Corrosion, weldment, ferritic stainless steel, welding, FSS

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Novi nalazi o koroziji feritnih varova od nerdjajuceg celika – pregled


Ova studija pokriva pregled degradacije feritnih zavarenih spojeva od nerđajućeg čelika između 2015. i 2022. Industrijski i automobilski sektor u velikoj meri koriste feritni nerđajući čelik (FSS) zbog njegove superiorne otpornosti na oksidaciju i koroziju, niske cene, visoke toplotne provodljivosti, i nisko toplotno širenje. Međutim, prijavljeno je da je feritni nerđajući čelik teže zavariti od austenitnog nerđajućeg čelika i da bi to verovatno rezultiralo slabijim zavarenim spojem jer visoke temperature zavarivanja ogrubljuju zrno. Prema prošlim istraživanjima, količina toplote primenjene tokom postupka zavarivanja uticala je na to koliko brzo se FSS (409 M) zavar degradirao nakon izlaganja medijumu NaCl (3,5%). Smatralo se da je uzrok tome ugrušavanje zrna. Kada se povećao sadržaj CO2 u zaštitnom gasu, otkriveno je da se povećava intergranularna korozija metala šava FSS. Zavari napravljeni dodatnim metalom ER430LNb imali su značajno manju intergranularnu koroziju FSS (AISI 441) od onih napravljenih sa dodatnim metalom ER430Ti. Otkriveno je da ključanje rastvora Cu-CuSO4 – 50% H2SO4 povećava stopu korozije za FSS (AISI 430) zavar više od ključanja 40% rastvora HNO3. Utvrđeno je da na zavare napravljene od FSS (AISI 430) negativno utiče okruženje Cu-CuSO4 – 50% H2SO4 u smislu napada intergranularne korozije.

Ključne reči: Korozija, zavarivanje, feritni nerđajući čelik, zavarivanje, FSS

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Dejana Kasapović1, Lejla Klepo2, Jelena Ostojić2,Farzet  Bikić1,  Fehim Korać2*

1University of Zenica, Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
383 – 391  (2023)


Effect of polka raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) extract on corrosion inhibition of bronze


Plant extracts contain a large number of organic compounds, and one of the large groups of compounds present are phenolic compounds. Researchers have shown that a certain number of these compounds can be used as effective metal corrosion inhibitors. Plant extracts of raspberries (leaves, flowers, and fruit) were obtained by ultrasonic extraction using 96% ethanol as a solvent. The UV/Vis spectrophotometric method was used to determine the content of total phenols in plant extracts. Phenolic acids and flavonoids in plant extracts were separated and quantified using the HPLC method. Tafel extrapolation was used for electrochemical characteristics. The corrosion characteristics and behavior of bronze in 3% NaCl solution, with and without the presence of plant extracts were investigated. The content of total phenols in leaves was found to be 107.14±3.63 mg/g in flowers 148.99±9.02 mg/g and in fruits was 8.75±0.61 mg/g. Leaf extract in a concentration of 0.04828 g/L according to the Tafel extrapolation method provides the best protection for bronze in a 3% NaCl solution. The same concentration in the case of flower and fruit extracts proved to be the most favorable.

Keywords: raspberry extract, ultrasound, corrosion inhibition, bronze

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Uticaj ekstrakta polka maline (Rubus idaeus L.) na inhibiciju korozije bronze


Biljni ekstrakti sadrže veliki broj organskih spojeva, a jedni od mnogih su fenolni spojevi. Ispitivanja su pokazala da se određeni broj ovih spojeve može primijeniti kao efikasni inhibitori korozije metala. Biljni ekstrakti maline (list, cvijet i plod) dobijeni su metodom ultrazvučne ekstrakcije uz primjenu 96% etanola kao rastvarača. UV/Vis spektrofotometrijskom metodom je određen sadržaj ukupnih fenola u biljnim ekstraktima. HPLC-metodom su razdvojene i kvantificirane fenolne kiseline i flavonoidi u biljnim ekstraktima. Za elektrohemijske karakteristike korištena je Tafelova ekstrapolacija. Ispitivane su korozione karakteristike i ponašanje bronze u 3% rastvoru NaCl i u prisustvu biljnih ekstrakata.  Sadržaj ukupnih fenola kod lista je 107.14±3.63, cvijeta 148.99±9.02 i ploda 8.75±0.61 mgGAE/g ekstrakta. Metodom Tafelove ekstrapolacije je utvrđeno da koncentracija ekstrakta lista, cvijeta i ploda  od 0.04828 g/L pruža najbolju zaštitu bronzi u 3% NaCl.

Ključne riječi: ekstrakt maline, ultrazvuk, inhibicija korozije, bronza

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Badiea A. Mahyoub,1,2*, Amer H. Abdu2,3, Adel A. Ahmed2,4, Ibtisam M. Kamal1

1Soran University,Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, 2Taiz University, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Engineering & IT College, Yemen, 3Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Doha, Qatar, 4 University Malaysia Parlis, School of Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Parlis, Malaysia

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
392 – 401  (2023)


Utilization of plastic and glass waste mixed with sand as an alternative brick materials


Nowadays, the research for innovative approaches to and practices for plastic waste in a circular economy has acquired a big attention. Plastic waste causes a serious environmental pollution concern. Meantime, the cement industry is one of the biggest sources of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emissions, which is considered as another environmental challenge to change of climate. All those and others side effects of plastic waste, make the plastic sand glass bricks an attractive alternative material to construction. In this paper, the plastic and glass waste were used at different percentage for replacing cement as a binder to produce non-traditional concretes. The literature review reveals that there is a deficiency of studies that manage the plastic sand glass as a construction material from economic perspective. Plastic sand glass bricks prepared could be a workable solution for combating issues related to solid waste. The results showed that the compressive strength decreased with increasing ratios of plastic to sand. On another hand, it is increased with increasing of sand ratio. Plastic brick prepared poses a density less than the conventional bricks, and acceptable hardness. Low water absorption also reflected that the plastic brick could be used in the construction. TGA and DSC analysis showed that the plastic brick prepared has a good thermal stability and the decomposition is in the limited and acceptable range. Optimization of the two effective variables (plastic/sand and galas ratios) has been made and correlating the results obtained using Box–Wilson statistical method to create a model for describing the predictable properties of a new product.

Keywords: material waste, brick industry, compressive strength, hardness

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Korišćenje plastičnog i staklenog otpada pomešanog sa peskom kao alternativni materijali od cigle


U današnje vreme, istraživanje inovativnih pristupa i praksa za plastični otpad u cirkularnoj ekonomiji dobija veliku pažnju. Plastični otpad izaziva ozbiljnu zabrinutost zbog zagađenja životne sredine. U međuvremenu, industrija cementa je jedan od najvećih izvora emisije ugljen-monoksida i ugljen-dioksida, što se smatra još jednim ekološkim izazovom promene klime. Sve te i druge nuspojave plastičnog otpada čine plastične peščane staklene cigle atraktivnim alternativnim materijalom za izgradnju. U ovom radu plastični i stakleni otpad korišćeni su u različitim procentima za zamenu cementa kao veziva za proizvodnju netradicionalnih betona. Pregled literature otkriva da postoji nedostatak studija koje upravljaju plastičnim peščanim staklom kao građevinskim materijalom iz ekonomske perspektive. Pripremljene plastične staklene opeke od peska mogu biti izvodljivo rešenje za borbu protiv problema u vezi sa čvrstim otpadom. Rezultati su pokazali da se čvrstoća na pritisak smanjuje sa povećanjem odnosa plastike i peska. S druge strane, povećava se sa povećanjem odnosa peska. Pripremljena plastična cigla ima gustinu manju od konvencionalne cigle i prihvatljivu tvrdoću. Niska apsorpcija vode je, takođe, pokazala da se plastična cigla može koristiti u konstrukciji. TGA i DSC analize su pokazale da pripremljena plastična cigla ima dobru termičku stabilnost i da je razlaganje u ograničenom i prihvatljivom opsegu. Urađena je optimizacija dve efektivne varijable (odnos plastika/pesak i galas) i korelacija rezultata dobijenih primenom Bok-Vilson statističke metode za kreiranje modela za opisivanje predvidljivih osobina novog proizvoda.

Ključne reči: materijalni otpad; Industrija opeke; jačina pritiska; tvrdoća

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Alda Kika1, Alma Shehu2, Sonila Kane Shehu2, Pranvera  Lazo2*

1University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Computer Sciences, Tirana, Albania, 2University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Tirana, Albania

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
402 – 412  (2023)


A preliminary study on assessment of air quality in Tirana, Albania


The concentrations of particulate matter and Fe in airborne particulate matter and transplanted moss were investigated to evaluate the air quality of Tirana city. It was carried out in the summer of 2021 and the winter of 2020–2021. Particulate matter of various sizes (PM2.5 and PM10) was collected on Teflon-coated glass fibre filters. Fe was determined in PMs and moss transplants, the last were exposed for two months at the same monitoring site as PMs. The measurements were carried out in areas with heavy traffic during the summer under relatively high air temperatures, up to 23° C, which can affect the high concentrations of solid particles in the air and therefore high Fe levels. Statistical analysis was used to discuss the results of particulate matter and iron in solid particles and moss. A higher concentration of Fe was found in total suspended particles (TSP) and a lower concentration in smaller particles. The concentration data were compared with the recommended values in the European Directives. The concentrations of all parameters under investigation were higher than the permitted ones for rural and residential areas and lower than the recommended values for industrial areas. Correlation analysis revealed high and significant correlations (R > 0.8, p < 0.05) between Fe concentrations in moss transplants and particulate matter, showing a high effect of particulate matter on airborne Fe. It may increase human exposure through inhalation and lead to harmful health problems. This requires stronger measures to improve air quality in the city.

Keywords: air quality, PM, moss bags, cross roads, residential area, Tirana

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Preliminarna studija o proceni kvaliteta vazduha u Tirani, Albanija


Koncentracije čestica i Fe u česticama u vazduhu i presađenoj mahovini su istražene da bi se procenio kvalitet vazduha grada Tirane. Izveden je u leto 2021. i u zimu 2020–2021. Čestice različitih veličina (PM2,5 i PM10) su sakupljene na filterima od staklenih vlakana obloženih teflonom. Fe je određen u PM i transplantacijama mahovine, poslednji su bili izloženi dva meseca na istom mestu praćenja kao i PM. Merenja su vršena u područjima sa gustim saobraćajem tokom leta pod relativno visokim temperaturama vazduha, do 23°C, što može uticati na visoke koncentracije čvrstih čestica u vazduhu, a samim tim i na visok nivo Fe. Statistička analiza je korišćena za razmatranje rezultata čestica i gvožđa u čvrstim česticama i mahovini. Veća koncentracija Fe je nađena u ukupnim suspendovanim česticama (TSP), a niža koncentracija u manjim česticama. Podaci o koncentracijama su upoređeni sa vrednostima preporučenim u evropskim direktivama. Koncentracije svih ispitivanih parametara bile su veće od dozvoljenih za ruralna i stambena područja i niže od preporučenih vrednosti za industrijska područja. Korelaciona analiza je pokazala visoke i značajne korelacije (R > 0,8, p < 0,05) između koncentracija Fe u transplantaciji mahovine i čestice, pokazujući visok efekat čestica na Fe u vazduhu. Može povećati izloženost ljudi udisanjem i dovesti do štetnih zdravstvenih problema. Za to su potrebne jače mere za poboljšanje kvaliteta vazduha u gradu.

Ključne reči: kvalitet vazduha, PM, kese od mahovine, raskrsnice puteva, stambeno naselje, Tirana

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Agha Inya Ndukwe*, Samson Onyedikachi Ihuoma, Chiedoziem Akuwudike, Daniel Onyedikachi  Oluehi,Frank Arinze Akaneme, Emmanuel Uchenna Chibiko

Federal University of Technology, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
413 – 423  (2023)


Predictive model for the corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1.5 M HCl by the leaf-juice of Carica papaya


This current study employed the predictive models driven by the artificial neural network (ANN) and multiple regression (MR) to forecast the corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1.5 M HCl by the leaves of the Carica papaya plant. Corrosion studies were carried out using the weight loss method at room temperature. The corrosion rate of the mild steel coupon, obtained from the study environment was predicted taking into cognizance the influence of the independent variables viz: the time of exposure, the concentration of HCl (1.5 M), and the concentration of the papaya leaf juice. The fresh papaya leaves were obtained within the surrounding of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. A grinding machine powered by an internal combustion engine was used for grinding the fresh leaves, and a white cloth was utilized to squeeze out the juice. Filtration of the produced juice was done twice with a clean white cloth. Different bowls containing mild steel coupons (5.0 x 5.0 x 0.1 cm) and HCl (1.5 M) solutions were treated with Carica papaya leaf extracts at concentrations of 5 ml, 10 ml, 15 ml, and 20 ml. Results indicated that the highest inhibition efficiency of 95.91% was observed after 120 hours when 20 ml of papaya leaf extract was added. Conversely, the highest corrosion rate of 114.19 mpy was recorded after 24 hours of exposure to HCl (1.5 M) with 5 ml of papaya leaf extract. Generally, the addition of papaya leaf extract in different concentrations added to 1.5 M HCl resulted in a decrease in the rate of mild steel corrosion over time. It was noted that the prediction of the experimental corrosion rate by the artificial neural network offered a lesser error in comparison with that obtained by multiple regression according to the error margin obtained after the prediction of the experimental corrosion rate.

Keywords: Inhibitive model, papaya leaf juice, corrosion, mild steel, artificial neural network, multiple regression

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Modeliranje inhibitornog ponašanja ekstrakta lista papaje na koroziju mekog čelika u 1,5 M HCl


Ova studija razvila je model za inhibiciju korozije mekog čelika u 1,5M HCl od strane listova biljke papaje Carica. Studije korozije su sprovedene metodom gubitka težine na sobnoj temperaturi. Brzina korozije uzorka od mekog čelika, dobijenog iz okruženja za proučavanje, je predviđena uzimajući u obzir uticaj nezavisnih varijabli, a to su: vreme izlaganja, koncentracija HCl (1,5M) i koncentracija soka lista papaje. Predviđanje je postignuto korišćenjem višestruke regresije (MR) i veštačkih neuronskih mreža (ANN). Pre toga, sveži listovi papaje su nabavljeni u okruženju Federalnog tehnološkog univerziteta, Overri, država Imo, Nigerija. Za mlevenje svežeg lišća korišćena je mašina za mlevenje sa motorom sa unutrašnjim sagorevanjem, a za ceđenje soka korišćena je bela krpa. Filtriranje proizvedenog soka je obavljeno dva puta čistom belom krpom. Različite posude koje su sadržavale uzorke od mekog čelika (5,0 k 5,0 k 0,1 cm) i rastvore HCl (1,5 M) tretirane su ekstraktima listova Carica papaje u koncentracijama od 5 ml, 10 ml, 15 ml i 20 ml. Rezultati su pokazali da je najveća efikasnost inhibicije od 95,91% primećena nakon 120 sati kada je dodato 20 ml ekstrakta lista papaje. Nasuprot tome, najveća brzina korozije od 114,19 mpi je zabeležena nakon 24 sata izlaganja HCl (1,5M) sa 5 ml ekstrakta lista papaje. Generalno, dodavanje ekstrakta listova papaje u različitim koncentracijama koje se dodaju u 1,5M HCl rezultiralo je smanjenjem brzine blage korozije čelika tokom vremena. Primećeno je da predviđanje eksperimentalne brzine korozije veštačkom neuronskom mrežom nudi manju grešku u poređenju sa onom dobijenom višestrukom regresijom prema margini greške dobijenoj nakon predviđanja eksperimentalne brzine korozije.

Ključne reči: Inhibitivni model, sok od lista papaje, korozija, meki čelik, veštačka neuronska mreža, višestruka regresija

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Meenakshi Singh1, Manager Rajdeo Singh2*

1National Museum Institute, Department of Conservation Janpath, New Delhi, India, 2Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Department of Tourism Administration, Aurangabad, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
424 – 432  (2023)


Metallurgical investigations on 17th century Maratha Shivrai copper coins


The technical and numismatic complexities of Maratha Shivrai copper coins have been well documented. However, more information still needs to be on the chemical, mineralogical, microstructure composition, and metallurgical process employed for coin minting. Five Shivari coins (17-18 century CE) were studied under ED-XRF, XRD, and cross-sectional analysis by SEM-EDX. Scientific investigations reveal that the Maratha practiced excellent cupellation techniques to remove most ore impurities. The ED-XRF data on the surface and interior indicate that the coin comprises pure copper, and copper content varies between 97.73% to 100%. The coin surfaces are free from ore impurities like sulphur, Lead, tin, phosphorus, etc., and the black stains observed are due to copper mineralization detected through XRD analysis. There is a slight iron concentration gradient on the coin surfaces (4.48%) vis-à-vis the inner core (0.14%). Cross-sectional analysis revealed many cracks and cavities in the coin interior due to copper mineralization threatening its stability if not taken care of. The archaeo-metallurgical studies of the coin interior reveal that significant impurities like Lead, sulphur, tin, iron, etc., are present in traces due to excellent polling, and Shivrai is a single-phase copper coin.

Keywords:  Shivrai copper coins, Maratha dynasty, Cupellation, Metallography, Corrosion

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Metalurška istraživanja bakarnog novca iz 17. veka Maratha Shivrai


Tehnička i numizmatička složenost bakarnih kovanica Maratha Šivrai je dobro dokumentovana. Međutim, još uvek je potrebno više informacija o hemijskom, mineraloškom, mikrostrukturnom sastavu i metalurškom procesu koji se koristi za kovanje novčića. Pet Šivari kovanica (17-18 vek n.e.) proučavano je pod ED-KSRF, KSRD i analizom poprečnog preseka pomoću SEM-EDKS. Naučna istraživanja otkrivaju da su Maratha praktikovali odlične tehnike kupelacije kako bi uklonili većinu nečistoća rude. Podaci ED-KSRF na površini i unutrašnjosti ukazuju da novčić sadrži čisti bakar, a sadržaj bakra varira između 97,73% do 100%. Površine novčića su slobodne od rudnih nečistoća kao što su sumpor, olovo, kalaj, fosfor, itd., a uočene crne mrlje su posledica mineralizacije bakra otkrivene KSRD analizom. Postoji blagi gradijent koncentracije gvožđa na površini novčića (4,48%) u odnosu na unutrašnje jezgro (0,14%). Analiza poprečnog preseka otkrila je mnogo pukotina i šupljina u unutrašnjosti novčića zbog mineralizacije bakra koja ugrožava njegovu stabilnost ako se ne vodi računa o tome. Arheo-metalurška istraživanja unutrašnjosti novčića otkrivaju da su značajne nečistoće poput olova, sumpora, kalaja, gvožđa itd. prisutne u tragovima zbog odličnog ispitivanja, a Šivrai je jednofazni bakarni novčić.

Ključne reči: Šivrai bakarni novčići, dinastija Maratha, kupelacija, metalografija, korozija

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Avani Kumar Upadhyay1, Manjeet  Singh  Goyat2*,Ajay Kumar1,  Rashi Nathawat3

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 2Department of Applied Science, School of Engineering, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 3Functional Ceramics and Smart Materials Lab, Department of Physics, Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
433 – 443  (2023)


Taguchi design of experiments based optimization and experimental investigation of mechanical performance of hybrid epoxy nanocomposites


The rising demand of safety in the aerospace and automobile industry is continuously motivating researchers to develop high strength, lightweight hybrid polymer composites, usually consisting a combination of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and ceramic nanoparticles in the epoxy matrix. However, the development of such composites are usually hindered by some existing challenges, such as optimization of the concentration of CNTs, nanoparticles and their distribution in viscous epoxy matrices. In order to make the most of the impressive mechanical characteristics of CNTs and SiO2 nanoparticles, ultrasonic dual mixing (UDM) technique was employed to develop MWCNT/SiO2 based hybrid epoxy nanocomposites (HENCs). A well-known approach, such as the Taguchi design of experiment, was used to optimize the concentration of MWCNT, SiO2 nanoparticles in epoxy and curing cycle of epoxy with respect to the tensile strength of the resulting HENCs. Additionally, the tensile strength, Young’s Modulus, Strain to failure, and hardness were measured for HENCs. The results revealed that the optimal concentration of 1% MWCNT and 10% SiO2 leads to the maximum increase in tensile strength and other mechanical properties of the HENCs. 

Keywords: hybrid nanocomposite, ultrasonic dual mixing, optimization, micromechanics, epoxy, Mechanical properties

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Taguchi dizajn optimizacije zasnovane na eksperimentima i eksperimentalno ispitivanje mehaničkih performansi hibridnih epoksidnih nanokompozita


Rastuća potražnja za bezbednošću u vazduhoplovnoj i automobilskoj industriji kontinuirano motiviše istraživače da razviju lagane hibridne polimerne kompozite visoke čvrstoće, koji se obično sastoje od kombinacije ugljeničnih nanocevi (CNT) i keramičkih nanočestica u epoksidnoj matrici. Međutim, razvoj ovakvih kompozita obično ometaju neki postojeći izazovi, kao što su optimizacija koncentracije CNT-a, nanočestica i njihova distribucija u viskoznim epoksidnim matricama. Da bi se maksimalno iskoristile impresivne mehaničke karakteristike CNT-a i nanočestica SiO2, korišćena je tehnika ultrazvučnog dvostrukog mešanja (UDM) za razvoj hibridnih epoksidnih nanokompozita (HENC) zasnovanih na MVCNT/SiO2. Dobro poznati pristup, kao što je Taguchi dizajn eksperimenta, korišćen je za optimizaciju koncentracije MVCNT, SiO2 nanočestica u epoksidu i ciklusa očvršćavanja epoksida u odnosu na zateznu čvrstoću nastalih HENC. Dodatno, zatezna čvrstoća, Jangov modul, deformacija do loma i tvrdoća su mereni za HENC. Rezultati su otkrili da optimalna koncentracija od 1% MVCNT i 10% SiO2 dovodi do maksimalnog povećanja zatezne čvrstoće i drugih mehaničkih svojstava HENC-a.

Ključne reči: hibridni nanokompozit, ultrazvučno dvostruko mešanje, optimizacija, mikromehanika, epoksid, mehanička svojstva

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Borko Matijević1*,  Gorana Mrđan1, Jelena Lađarević2,Nataša Valentić2,  Dušan Mijin2,  Suzana Apostolov1, Đenđi Vaštag1

1University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
444 – 451 (2023)


Synthesis and solvatochromism of some hydroxy substituted phenyl azo pyridone dyes


Aryl azo dyes are widely used due to their excellent physicochemical properties (primarily high value of the molar extinction coefficient and great resistance to light and wet processing) and the fact that can be obtained in a simple method of diazotization and coupling. In this paper, three new dyes of 5-(hydroxy substituted phenylazo)-3-cyano-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pyridone were synthesized by a diazo coupling reaction. The obtained dyes were characterized by melting point, IR, NMR, and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Given the fact that the structure of the molecule and interactions obtained with the surrounding medium can affect its activity, the possibility of azo hydrazo tautomerism has been studied, as the influence of the position of the substituent present (orto-, meta- and para position). In addition, the effect of the solvent used was determined by applying a solvatochromic model using the LSER method (linear solvation energy relationship). Obtaining information about the inter- and intramolecular relationships that newly synthesized compounds can achieve may be of great importance for all further investigations and their potential application as biologically active compounds.

Keywords: Aryl azo dyes, carbonitrile, synthesis, azo-hydrazone tautomerism,  solvatochromism, intermolecular interaction

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Sinteza i solvatohromizam nekih hidroksi supstituisanih fenilazo piridonskih boja


Aril azo boje imaju široku primenu zbog svojih odličnih fizičko-hemijskih svojstava (prvenstveno visoke vrednosti molarnog ekstinkcionog koeficijenta i velike otpornosti na svetlost i vlagu) i činjenice da se mogu dobiti jednostavnom metodom diazotizacije i kuplovanja. U ovom radu susintetisane tri boje 5-(hidroksi supstituisane fenilazo)-3-cijano-6-hidroksi-4-metil-2-piridona reakcijom diazo kuplovanja. Dobijene boje su okarakterisane tačkom topljenja, IR, NMR i UV-Vis spektroskopijom. S obzirom na to da struktura molekula i ostvarene interakcije sa okolnim medijumom mogu uticati na aktivnost ispitivanih jedinjenja, proučavan je solvatohromizam i mogućnost azo-hidrazon tautomerije, kao i uticaj položaja prisutnog supstituenta (orto-, meta- i para pozicija ) u strukturi ispitivanih jedinjenja. Pored toga, kvantitatifikovan je efekat korišćenih rastvarača primenom dva solvatohromna modela koristeći LSER metodu (linear solvation energy relationship). Dobijanje informacija o inter- i intra-molekulskim interakcijama koje sintetizovana jedinjenja mogu da ostvare su od velike važnosti za sva dalja istraživanja i njihovu potencijalnu primenu kao biološki aktivnih jedinjenja.

Ključne reči: Aril azo boje, karbonitil, sinteza, azo-hidrazon tautomerija, solvatohromizam, inetrmolekulske interakcije

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Shakul Hameed Musthafa Kani1, Mohamed Kani Anwar Sathiq1*, Syed Mohamed Syed Ismail Syed Abuthahir1, Hameed Mohamed Kasim Sheit1, Maharajan Raja2

1Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, PG and Research Department of Chemistry, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli-India, 2Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Department of Chemistry, Sudharsan College of Arts and Science, Pudukottai, Tiruchirappalli, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
452 – 467  (2023)


Anti-corrosion properties of expired ropinirole (ERN System) drug as inhibitor for mild steel in 1M HCl


Ropinirole is utilized to forestall sickness and spewing brought about by disease chemotherapy and radiation treatment. It works by hindering serotonin, a characteristic substance in the body that causes queasiness and retching. After lapse, they can be utilized as consumption added substances or inhibitors. The consumption obstruction activity of terminated Ropinirole drug (ERN) on the erosion of mild steel in 1M HCl medium has been assessed by the weight reduction strategy. The weight reduction estimations showed that erosion restraint effectiveness expanded with expanding the convergence of the inhibitor, with greatest security productivity at 0.001 M. The temperature influences the pace of erosion; at high temperatures, the consumption restraint effectiveness diminishes, and erosion is noticed. The robotic parts of consumption obstruction have been concentrated by the potentiodynamic polarization method and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The potentiodynamic polarization strategy uncovers that the inhibitor framework capabilities as a cathodic kind of inhibitor, controlling cathodic responses. An inhibitor can decrease corrosion current due to inhibited reaction rate and increase Linear polarization resistance due to the formation of a barrier on the electrode surface. time., since, within the sight of an inhibitor framework, the charge moves opposition esteem increments and the twofold layer capacitance esteem diminishes. The surface morphology of repressed gentle steel was dissected by filtering electron microscopy (SEM). The natural constituents on the gentle steel surface have been portrayed by energy dispersive X-beam spectroscopy (EDAX). The harshness of the gentle steel surface in cleaned MS, clear MS, and inhibitor frameworks has been described by nuclear power microscopy (AFM). The outcomes have obviously shown that ERN has a repressing limit with regards to decreasing the erosion of gentle steel submerged in hydrochloric corrosive medium.

Keywords: Acidic solutions, Ropinirole, Mild steel, EIS, Isotherm, SEM-EDAX and AFM.

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Antikorozivna svojstva leka Ropinirol (ERN sistem) sa isteklim rokom trajanja kao inhibitora za meki čelik u 1M HCl


Ropinirol se koristi za prevenciju bolesti i za hemoterapiju i lečenje zračenjem. Deluje tako što ometa serotonin, karakterističnu supstancu u telu koja izaziva mučninu i povraćanje. Nakon isteka, mogu se koristiti kao inhibitori korozije. Aktivnost opstrukcije potrošnje prekinutog leka Ropinirol (ERN) na eroziju mekog čelika u 1M HCl medijumu je procenjena strategijom smanjenja težine. Procene smanjenja težine su pokazale da se efikasnost ograničavanja erozije povećava sa povećanjem konvergencije inhibitora, sa najvećom bezbednosnom produktivnošću na 0,001 M. Temperatura utiče na tempo erozije; na visokim temperaturama smanjuje se efikasnost ograničavanja potrošnje i primećuje se erozija. Robotski delovi opstrukcije potrošnje koncentrisani su metodom potenciodinamičke polarizacije i spektroskopijom elektrohemijske impedanse (EIS). Potenciodinamička strategija polarizacije otkriva da je okvir inhibitora sposoban kao katodna vrsta inhibitora, koji kontroliše katodne odgovore. Inhibitor može smanjiti struju korozije zbog inhibirane brzine reakcije i povećati otpor linearne polarizacije zbog formiranja barijere na površini elektrode. Površinska morfologija potisnutog mekog čelika je skenirana pomoću filterske elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). Prirodni sastojci na čeličnoj površini prikazani su spektroskopijom X-zraka sa disperzijom energije (EDAKS). Oštrina čelične površine u očišćenom MS, bistrom MS i inhibitorskim okvirima opisana je pomoću AFM. Rezultati su očigledno pokazali da ERN ima represivnu granicu u pogledu smanjenja erozije mekog čelika potopljenog u hlorovodoničnu korozivnu sredinu.

Ključne reči: kiseli rastvori, ropinirol, blagi čelik, EIS, izoterma, SEM-EDAX i AFM.

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Arjunan Krishnaveni1, David Selvaraj Gnanasangeetha2, Xavier Joseph Susmitha3, Satha Sivam Susithra3, Thomas William Makshiya3, NilavanAnitha3, Susai Rajendran*3,4, CaslavLacnjevac5, Abdulhameed Al-Hashem6

1PG Department of Chemistry, Yadava College, Thiruppalai, Madurai, India, 2Department of Chemistry, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Dindigul, India, 3PG Department of Chemistry, Corrosion Research centre, St.Antony’s College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Dindigul – 624005, (Affliated to Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal) Tamilnadu, India, 4Pondicherry University, Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Puducherry, India, 5University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, Serbia, 6Petroleum Research Centre, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
468 – 477  (2023)


Synthesis of copper sulphide thin film on Indium Tin Oxide glass plate by SILAR method and its characterization


Thin film of copper sulphide has been deposited on Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) glass plate. This film has been characterized by UV-Visible reflectance spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, EDAX, and SEM. The film has been subjected to polarization study by immersing in sea water. The above studies on the thin film has been compared with copper sulphide prepared by chemical method; that is by mixing a solution of copper sulphate and sodium sulphide solution. For comparison study methods such as UV-Visible reflectance  and FTIR have been employed. The UV-Visible reflectance spectrum reveals that the band gap of the copper sulphide film is 1.823eV. This indicates that the film functions as semi conductor. The UV- Visible absorption study of the film indicates that the λmax appears at 310 nm. The FTIR study of the copper sulphide film confirms the presence of CuS. The polarization study reveals that the linear polarization resistance (LPR) value decreases, when compared to ITO plate immersed in sea water.This indicates that the current flowing through the thin film increases.Such a finding can be used in solar cells. This is supported by the fact that the current flowing through the thin film, when it is immersed in sea water increases, when compared to the current flowing through the empty glass plate (without black coating) is immersed in sea water. This is further supported by the fact that for black thin film, the band gap decreases after coating.
The EDAX study confirms the presence of elements Cu and S.The SEM study reveals the presence of thin film of copper sulphide on the ITO glass plate. The particle size of the copper sulphide is in the range of 101.1nm, 107.8nm and 114.5nm. Thus it is encouraging to note that copper sulphide nano particles have been prepared by SILAR method.

Keywords: synthesis of thin film, copper sulphide, SILAR method, characterization, FTIR, EDAX.

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Sinteza tankog filma bakar sulfida na staklenoj ploči od indijum-kalaj oksida metodom SILAR i njena karakterizacija


Tanak film bakar-sulfida nanesen je na staklenu ploču indijum-kalaj oksida (ITO). Ovaj film je okarakterisan UV-vidljivom refleksivnom spektroskopijom, FTIR spektroskopijom, EDAKS i SEM. Film je podvrgnut proučavanju polarizacije uranjanjem u morsku vodu. Gore navedene studije o tankom filmu su upoređene sa bakar-sulfidom pripremljenim hemijskom metodom; odnosno mešanjem rastvora bakar-sulfata i rastvora natrijum-sulfida. Za poređenje korišćene su metode istraživanja kao što su UV-vidljiva refleksija i FTIR. Spektar UV-vidljive refleksije otkriva da je deo u okviru bakar-sulfidnog filma 1,823eV. Ovo ukazuje da film funkcioniše kao poluprovodnik. Studija UV-vidljive apsorpcije filma pokazuje da se λ max pojavljuje na 310 nm. FTIR studija filma bakar-sulfida potvrđuje prisustvo CuS. Studija polarizacije otkriva da se vrednost linearnog polarizacionog otpora (LPR) smanjuje u poređenju sa ITO pločom uronjenom u morsku vodu. Ovo ukazuje da se struja koja teče kroz tanki film povećava. Takav nalaz se može koristiti u solarnim ćelijama. Tome u prilog govori i činjenica da se struja koja teče kroz tanki film, kada je uronjen u morsku vodu, povećava, u poređenju sa strujom koja teče kroz praznu staklenu ploču (bez crnog premaza) uronjena u morsku vodu. Ovo je dodatno potkrepljeno činjenicom da se za crni tanki film, deo u pojasu smanjuje nakon nanošenja premaza. EDAKS studija potvrđuje prisustvo elemenata Cu i S. SEM studija otkriva prisustvo tankog filma bakar-sulfida na ITO staklenoj ploči. Veličina čestica bakarnog sulfida je u opsegu od 101,1 nm, 107,8 nm i 114,5 nm. Stoga je ohrabrujuće primetiti da su nanočestice bakar sulfida pripremljene SILAR metodom.

Ključne reči: Sinteza tankog filma, bakar sulfid, SILAR metoda, karakterizacija, FTIR, EDAKS.

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Ubanozie Julian Obibuike1, Stanley Toochukwu Ekwueme1, Anthony Chemazu Igbojionu1, Ifeanyi Michael Onyejekwe1, Nnaemeka Princewill Ohia2, Mathew Chidubem Udochukwu1

1Federal University of Technology, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Owerri, Nigeria, 2Africa Center of Excellence in Future Energies and Electrochemical Systems (ACE-FUELS) Owerri, Nigeria

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
478 – 490 (2023)


Performance analyses of hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) polymer as gelling agent in gravel-pack carrier fluid formulation for sand control of hydrocarbon production wells


This study considers the performance of 40ppt and 60ppt hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) polymer used as a gelling agent in the formulation of carrier fluids for gravel pack transport in sand control operations in oil and gas wells. The gravel pack carrier fluid was prepared by adding adequate amounts of sodium persulfate (SP) used as gel breaker, Fe-2 used as an iron control agent, KCL brine as mixed fluid, K-35 used as pH buffer, BE-6, and BE-35 used as biocides, HEC used as a gelling agent, and distilled water. The effects of temperature, gel loading, and breaker fluid concentration on the rheology, gel break time, and sand settling of the formulated HEC carrier fluid were considered. The results showed that shear stress, plastic viscosity and yield point and consistency factor decreased with an increase in bottomhole temperature for both 40ppt and 60ppt HEC gels. Furthermore, flow behaviour index was observed to be within the range of 0.45±0.1 40ppt and 0.5±0.04 for 60ppt HEC of gel loading, respectively and showing shear-thinning characteristics. Good gravel settling was observed for the HEC gels when in contact with gravel, addition of breaker fluid greatly improved the sand/gravel suspension for 40ppt and 60ppt gel loadings. Gel break time of the HEC gel increased with increasing gel loading, and at higher breaker fluid concentrations, HEC gel degradation becomes more critical as temperature increases. The results highlight the adequate performance of HEC polymer as gravel pack fluid in sand control operation.

Keywords: Carrier fluid, HEC, Sand control, Breaker fluid, Gravel pack

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Analiza performansi polimera hidroksietil celuloze (HEC) kao sredstva za želiranje u tečnoj formulaciji nosača šljunka za kontrolu peska u bunarima za proizvodnju ugljovodonika


Ova studija razmatra performanse polimera 40ppt i 60ppt hidroksietil celuloze (HEC) koji se koristi kao sredstvo za želiranje u formulaciji nosećih tečnosti za transport šljunčanog omotača u operacijama kontrole peska u naftnim i gasnim bušotinama. Tečnost za nosač šljunka je pripremljena dodavanjem adekvatnih količina natrijum persulfata (SP) koji se koristi kao razbijanje gela, Fe-2 koji se koristi kilo sredstvo za kontrolu gvožđa, KCL slani rastvor kao mešana tečnost, K-35 koji se koristi kao pH pufer, BE-6, i BE-35 koji se koristi kao biocid, HEC koji se koristi kao sredstvo za želiranje i destilovana voda. Razmatrani su efekti temperature, opterećenja gela i koncentracije tečnosti za razbijanje na reologiju, vreme lomljenja gela i taloženje peska formulisanog HEC nosećeg fluida. Rezultati su pokazali da se napon smicanja, plastični viskozitet i tačka tečenja i faktor konzistencije smanjuju sa povećanjem temperature na dnu rupe i za 40ppt i za 60ppt HEC gelove. Štaviše, uočeno je da je indeks ponašanja protoka u opsegu od 0,45±0,1 40ppt i 0,5±0,04 za 60ppt HEC opterećenja gela, respektivno i pokazuje karakteristike smicanja-razređivanja. Dobro taloženje šljunka je primećeno za HEC gelove kada su u kontaktu sa šljun­kom, dodavanje tečnosti za razbijanje uveliko je poboljšalo suspenziju peska/šljunka za 40ppt i 60ppt gel opterećenja. Vreme loma gela HEC gela se povećava sa povećanjem punjenja gela, a pri višim koncentracijama tečnosti za razbijanje, razgradnja HEC gela postaje kritičnija kako temperatura raste. Rezultati ističu adekvatne performanse HEC polimera kao tečnosti za šljunak u kontroli peska.

Ključne reči: Noseća tečnost, HEC, kontrola peska, tečnost za razbijanje, šljunak

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Omar Belguendouz1 , Bendaoud Mebarek2*, Yassine El Guerri3, Mourad Keddam4, Naima Hadjadj5,6, Youcef Djafri1

1Université Ibn Khaldoun, University of Tiaret, Laboratoire Synthèse et Catalyse, Algeria, 2University of Tiaret, Laboratoire de Recherche en Intelligence Artificielle et Systèmes (LRIAS), Algeria, 3Research laboratory of industrial technologies, University of Tiaret, Algeria, 4Materials Technology laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering, USTHB, El-Alia, Bab-Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria, 5Université de Tissemsilt, Département Sciences de la Matière, Faculté  des Sciences et Technologie, Tissemsilt, Algérie, 6 Université des Sciences et de Technologies USTO-MB, Laboratoire d’Etudes Physique des Matériaux, El M’Naouar, Oran, Algérie

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
491 – 502  (2023)


Simple model and integral method for simulating the growth of the borided layer FeB/Fe2B on the AISI H13 steel


The prediction of boride layer growth kinetics requires the development of a mathematical model. In the present study, two diffusion models (a simple model and an integral method-based model) were proposed to investigate the boriding kinetics of pack-borided AISI H13 steel. These two diffusion models did not consider the effect of boride incubation times of the total boride layer (FeB + Fe2B). The diffusion coefficients of boron in the FeB and Fe2B layers were estimated using the proposed integral method-based model. Additionally, the growth rate constants were determined and the layer thickness was calculated after finding the needed parameters. The results obtained were compared to the experimental ones taken from the work of Nait Abdellah et al.[4] and a good agreement has been noticed. Finally, the mass gain has been calculated for both phases, showing that of FeB increased more compared to that of Fe2B over time.

Keywords: Diffusion model, simulation, boronizing, FeB, Fe2B, integral method, layer thickness

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Jednostavan model i integralna metoda za simulaciju rasta boridnog sloja FeB/Fe2B na čeliku AISI H13


Predviđanje kinetike rasta boridnog sloja zahteva razvoj matematičkog modela. U ovoj studiji predložena su dva modela difuzije (jednostavan model i model zasnovan na integralnoj metodi) za istraživanje kinetike borenja AISI H13 čelika sa bočnim pakovanjem. Ova dva modela difuzije nisu uzela u obzir efekat vremena inkubacije borida ukupnog sloja borida (FeB + Fe2B). Koeficijenti difuzije bora u slojevima FeB i Fe2B procenjeni su primenom predloženog modela zasnovanog na integralnoj metodi. Pored toga, određene su konstante brzine rasta i izračunata je debljina sloja nakon pronalaženja potrebnih parametara. Dobijeni rezultati su upoređeni sa eksperimentalnim rezultatima preuzetim iz rada Naita Abdelaha et al. [4] i uočen je dobar dogovor. Konačno, povećanje mase je izračunato za obe faze, pokazujući da se FeB povećava više u poređenju sa Fe2B tokom vremena.

Ključne reči: model difuzije, simulacija, boronizacija, FeB, Fe2B, integralna metoda, debljina sloja

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Surender1,2, Chandra Mohan1, Rakesh Kumar2

1K. R. Mangalam University, Gurugram , Haryana, India, 2Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology (GGSIPU), Janakpuri, New Delhi, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
503 – 511  (2023)


Novel modification of activated charcoal sheet with N-methylpolypyrrole and silver nanoparticles for removal of hexavalent chromium in water treatment processes


The novel NPPY-AgNP’s@AC CPN were synthesized and used for batch mode reductive adsorption of hexavalent Chromium (Cr+6) ions in water treatment processes. The Activated Charcoal (AC) sheet was firstly encapsulated with silver nanoparticles (AgNP’s) by in-situ reduction method and capped with N-methylpolypyrrole (NPPY) to obtain NPPY-AgNP’s@AC conducting polymer nanocomposites (CPN). The obtained CPN were characterized by HR-FESEM, XRD, FTIR, and EDS. The nanocomposite materials showed excellent Cr+6 ions adsorption efficiency (Ad%) of 97.8% with adsorption capacity (qe) of 340 mg/g. The impact of various parameters like pH, adsorbent dose, initial Cr+6 ions concentration, temperature, and contact time on Ad% and qe were evaluated. The recycling experiments of NPPY-AgNP’s@AC CPN revealed their enhanced reuse performance and could be utilised for five consecutive cycles without suffering much reductions in their initial efficacy. The novel PPY-AgNP’s@AC CPN seems to be highly efficient materials for Cr+6 ions removal from polluted water.

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Nova modifikacija lista aktivnog uglja sa N-metilpolipirolom i nanočesticama srebra za uklanjanje heksavalentnog hroma u procesima tretmana vode


Novi NPPI-AgNP’s@AC CPN su sintetizovani i korišćeni za serijsku reduktivnu adsorpciju heksavalentnih jona hroma (Cr+6) u procesima prečišćavanja vode. List sa aktivnim ugljem (AC) je prvo kapsuliran sa nanočesticama srebra (AgNP) metodom redukcije na licu mesta i zatvoren sa N-metilpolipirolom (NPPI) da bi se dobili NPPI-AgNP @AC provodljivi polimerni nanokompoziti (CPN). Dobijeni CPN su okarakterisani pomoću HR-FESEM, XRD, FTIR i EDS. Nanokompozitni materijali su pokazali odličnu efikasnost adsorpcije jona Cr+6 (Ad%) od 97,8% sa kapacitetom adsorpcije (qe) od 340 mg/g. Ocenjen je uticaj različitih parametara kao što su pH, doza adsorbenta, početna koncentracija Cr+6 jona, temperatura i vreme kontakta na Ad% i qe. Eksperimenti recikliranja NPPI-AgNP’s@AC CPN-a su otkrili njihove poboljšane performanse ponovne upotrebe i mogli su da se koriste u pet uzastopnih ciklusa bez mnogo smanjenja njihove početne efikasnosti. Čini se da je novi PPI-AgNP’s@AC CPN visoko efikasan materijal za uklanjanje Cr+6 jona iz zagađene vode.

Ključne reči: Joni teških metala, aktivni ugalj, nanočestice srebra, N-metilpolipirol, heksavalentni hromr

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Priya Malik, Supriya Sehrawat, Aryan Boora, Bhavna Anisha, Sushma Kumari, Yogesh Ahlawat, Surender Duhan*

Advance Sensors Lab, Department of Physics, D.C.R.U.S.T. Murthal, Haryana, INDIA

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
512 – 518  (2023)


Optical and structural properties of Nd2O3-SiO2 nanocomposite as synthesized from sol-gel technique


Nd2O3-SiO2 nanocomposite was prepared in the current work utilising the sol-gel technique. After being heated in air, the amorphous phase of silicates transformed to crystalline phase via intermediate phase as oxide. Due to its comparatively small operating temperature and ability to form nanostructures with precise size, sol-gel approach is a compelling alternative. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), which verified the structural characteristics of neodymium silicate (Nd2O3-SiO2) nanocomposites, were used to characterise the synthesised materials. The effect of duration and annealing temperature on the phase advancement of the silicates has been considered thoroughly. It was discovered that the sample was sintered for 3 hours at various temperatures, thus obtaining neodymium silicates. In addition, Optical characterization of Nd2O3 –SiO2 was performed using Photoluminescence Spectroscopy (PL).

Keywords: Nanocomposites, neodymium silicate, sol-gel, annealing

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Optičke i strukturne osobine Nd2O3-SiO2 nanokompozita sintetizovanog iz Sol-Gel tehnike


Nanokompozit  Nd2O3-SiO2 je pripremljen u radu primenom sol-gel tehnike. Nakon zagrevanja na vazduhu, amorfna faza silikata se transformiše u kristalnu fazu preko međufaze kao oksid. Zbog svoje relativno male radne temperature i sposobnosti formiranja nanostruktura sa preciznom veličinom, sol-gel pristup je ubedljiva alternativa. Rendgenska difrakcija praha (XRD), skenirajuća elektronska mikroskopija (SEM) i infracrvena spektroskopija Furijeove transformacije (FTIR), kojima su verifikovane strukturne karakteristike neodimijum silikata (Nd2O3-SiO2) nanokompozita, korišćeni su za karakterizaciju sintetizovanih materijala.
Uticaj trajanja i temperature žarenja na napredovanje faze silikata je detaljno razmotren. Otkriveno je da  kada se uzorak sinteruje 3 sata na različitim temperaturama, dobija se neodimijum silikati. Pored toga, izvršena je optička karakterizacija Nd2O3 –SiO2 korišćenjem fotoluminiscencione spektroskopije (PL).

Ključne reči: nanokompoziti, neodimijum silikat, sol-gel, žarenje

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Saveetha Subramaniam, Vijayalakshmi Arumugam*

Research Department of Physics, Sri Vasavi College Erode, Tamilnadu, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 64 (4)
519 – 524  (2023)


Magnifying the GCD behaviour of FePO4 composite with low temperature plasma exposed Bamboo charcoal enforced in energy storage devices


Materials based on phosphate have been suggested as suitable electrode components for energy storage devices and also indicated that the phosphate framework can help to keep active sites stable. The physical and chemical properties of Fe-based phosphates make them promising cathode compounds for energy storage systems. In this work, the additive carbonous material as a bamboo charcoal (BCC) which was prepared and activated using the pyrolysis process. The irradiation of DC glow discharge plasma improved the surface attributes such as wettability, adhesion, and conductivity. Here, the hydrothermal technique was used to synthesize FePO4 nano particles. The dielectric behaviour was analysed at room temperature for pure FePO4 and composite of FePO4/Plasma treated BCC. The GCD behaviour of pure FePO4 and composite of FePO4/Plasma treated BCC was analysed with aqueous electrolyte of 2M KOH at different current densities. In perspective, the dielectric constant and specific capacitance of the FePO4/plasma treated BCC material seems to be very strong.

Key words: Bamboo charcoal (BCC), FePO4 nano particles, DC glow discharge plasma, Surface modification, GCD, dielectric properties etc.

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Uvećavanje GCD ponašanja kompozita FePO4 sa bambusovim ugljem izloženim plazmi niske temperature, primenjenim u uređajima za skladištenje energije


Materijali zasnovani na fosfatu su predloženi kao prikladne komponente elektrode za uređaje za skladištenje energije i takođe su ukazali da fosfatni okvir može pomoći da se aktivna mesta održe stabilnima. Fizička i hemijska svojstva fosfata na bazi Fe čine ih obećavajućim katodnim jedinjenjima za sisteme za skladištenje energije. U ovom radu je aditivni ugljeni materijal kao bambusov ugalj koji je pripremljen i aktiviran postupkom pirolize (BCC). Zračenje plazme DC sjajnog pražnjenja poboljšalo je atribute površine kao što su kvašenje, adhezija i provodljivost. Ovde je korišćena hidrotermalna tehnika za sintezu nanočestica FePO4. Dielektrično ponašanje je analizirano na sobnoj temperaturi za čisti FePO4 i kompozit BCC tretiran sa FePO4/plazmom. GCD ponašanje čistog FePO4 i kompozita BCC tretiranog FePO4/plazmom je analizirano sa vode­nim elektrolitom od 2M KOH pri različitim gustinama struje. U perspektivi, čini se da su dielektrična konstanta i specifična kapacitivnost BCC materijala tretiranog FePO4/plazmom veoma jaki.

Ključne reči: Bambusov ugalj (BCC), FePO4 nano čestice, DC usijana plazma, modifikacija površine, GCD, dielektrična svojstva itd.

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