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Zaštita Materijala 2. 2024

Alladi. Devi Sravanthi1, Ponnuri. Bharath2, Peddi. Kiranmayi*1,
Dittakavi. Ramachandran2

1Acharya Nagarjuna University, Department of Biochemistry, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur. Andhra Pradesh, India, 2Acharya Nagarjuna University, Department of Chemistry, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur. Andhra Pradesh, India.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
191 – 201  (2024)


Development and validation of RP-HPLC method for quantitative estimation of related substances in gatifloxacin drug substance


The analysis of improved RP-HPLC method for the separation and quantification of Gatifloxacin and its impurities are described. Samples are analysed by means of reverse phase (RP-HPLC) using an Zorbax Eclipse C18, 50 x 4.6 mm5µm and the mobile phase consists of two Channels A and B.Channel-A:0.1% Trifluoroacetic acid buffer   and Channel-B:Acetonitrile. The flow rate is 1.0 ml/min. The column temperature was maintained at 35°C and sample temperature was maintained at 25°C, injection volume 10µLand wavelength fixed at 220nm UV-detection. The developed LC method was validated with respect to specificity, precision, linearity, ruggedness and robustness. Validation study compared as per ICH guideline.

Keywords: Gatifloxacin, determination of related substances, liquid chromatography

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Razvoj i validacija rp-hplc metode za kvantitativnu procenu srodnih supstanci u supstanci leka gatifloksacin


Opisana je analiza poboljšane RP-HPLC metode za odvajanje i kvantifikaciju gatifloksacina i njegovih nečistoća. Uzorci se analiziraju pomoću reverzne faze (RP-HPLC) korišćenjem Zorbak Eclipse C18, 50 x 4,6 mm 5 µm, a mobilna faza se sastoji od dva kanala A i B. Kanal-A: 0,1% pufer trifluorosirćetne kiseline i kanal-B: acetonitril. Brzina protoka je 1,0 ml/min. Temperatura kolone je održavana na 35°C, a temperatura uzorka je održavana na 25°C, zapremina injekcije 10 µLand talasna dužina fiksirana na 220 nm UV-detekcija. Razvijena LC metoda je validirana s obzirom na specifičnost, preciznost, linearnost, robusnost i robusnost. Studija validacije upoređena prema ICH smernicama.

Ključne reči: Gatifloksacin, određivanje srodnih supstanci, tečna hromatografija

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Agha Inya Ndukwe,1* Chukwuma Daniel Okolo1,
Benjamin Uchenna Nwadirichi1

1Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria

Review paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
202 – 212  (2024)


Overview of corrosion behaviour of ceramic materials in molten salt environments


This study reviewed previous studies between the years 2015 and 2021 on how ceramic materials degraded in the presence of molten salt environments. The processes of corrosion resistance of various ceramic compositions subjected to various molten salt compositions and temperatures were also scrutinized. The results offer important new insights into the variables affecting ceramics’ corrosion behaviour and the production of corrosion products.  The reported result reveals that the ceramic material with the composition (Sm0.5Sc0.5)2Zr2O7 performed better than that of Sm2Zr2O7 in terms of hot corrosion resistance in molten salt (V2O5 + Na2SO4). It has also been reported that corrosion behaviour is influenced by particle size. Notably, zirconia (n-YSZ) with nanoscale grain sizes was more susceptible to hot corrosion, which was explained by increased specific surface areas. On the other hand, sintering and additives have been found to enhance corrosion resistance. The Y-Y2Si2O7 ceramic’s resistance to corrosion in (V2O5 + Na2SO4) molten salt was enhanced by the addition of alumina. The results of these investigations help us understand how corrosion works and what influences ceramic materials’ susceptibility to deterioration in molten salt environment. This information can direct the development of more corrosive-resistant ceramic materials for use in high-temperature environments or molten salt-based energy systems, among other corrosive uses.

Keywords: hot corrosion, alumina, heat exchangers, nitrides, zirconia

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Pregled korozionog ponašanja keramičkih materijala u okruženjima rastopljene soli


Ova studija je pregledala prethodne studije između 2015. i 2021. o tome kako su keramički materijali degradirali u prisustvu rastopljene soli. Takođe, ispitani su procesi otpornosti na koroziju različitih keramičkih kompozicija izloženih različitim sastavima rastopljene soli i temperaturama. Rezultati nude važne nove uvide u varijable koje utiču na koroziono ponašanje keramike i proizvodnju proizvoda korozije. Prijavljeni rezultat otkriva da je keramički materijal sastava (Sm0.5Sc0.5)2Zr2O7 imao bolji učinak od Sm2Zr2O7 u pogledu otpornosti na toplu koroziju u rastopljenoj soli (V2O5 + Na2SO4). Takođe, prijavljeno je da na ponašanje korozije utiče veličina čestica. Značajno je da je cirkonijum (n-ISZ) sa veličinom zrna na nanoskali bio podložniji vrućoj koroziji, što se objašnjava povećanim specifičnim površinama. S druge strane, utvrđeno je da sinterovanje i aditivi povećavaju otpornost na koroziju. Otpornost I-I2Si2O7 keramike na koroziju u (V2O5 + Na2SO4) rastopljenoj soli je poboljšana dodatkom glinice. Rezultati ovih istraživanja pomažu nam da razumemo kako korozija funkcioniše i šta utiče na podložnost keramičkih materijala propadanju u rastopljenim slanim medijima. Ove informacije mogu da usmere stvaranje keramičkih materijala otpornijih na koroziju za upotrebu u okruženjima sa visokim temperaturama ili energetskim sistemima na bazi rastopljene soli, između ostalih korozivnih upotreba.

Ključne reči: vruća korozija, glinica, izmenjivači toplote, nitridi, cirkonijum

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Vijayalakshmi K. Arumugam1*, Judith Fennila1,
Thangavel K. Maheswari2

1Department of Physics, Sri Vasavi College, Erode -638316,India 2Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode-638402, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
213 – 219  (2024)


Blend of low cost electrode material for energy storage device under DC glow discharge plasma exposed ESAC


The waste biomass in the form of eucalyptus globulus seeds activated carbon, which is employed as the electrode material and is environmentally acceptable, provides the good specific capacitance in the current work which is used for the energy storage application. A sample carbonization and physical activation procedure was used to create the activated carbon from the eucalyptus seeds. As prepared activated carbon was exposed to a DC glow discharge plasma, which modifies the surface of the material without altering its core characteristics. The investigation of the activated carbon was done utilizing structural, morphological, and electrochemical techniques of both pure and plasma treated. The increasing intensity of the X-ray diffraction indicates the carbon’s amorphous and disorderly character. More oxygen-containing functional groups are present, according to an FTIR analysis. The FESEM/EDAX investigation has demonstrated the less appearance and more graphitic porosity with random orientation. Moreover, the electrochemical investigations were examined for utilization of the material of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD) which has a specific capacitance of 150F/g for a 1.5mA/g current density. The results revealed that the activated carbon made from Eucalyptus seeds after plasma treatment has good surface characteristics, improved specific capacitance, and is a low-cost electrode material for fabrication of energy storage device.

Keywords: Eucalyptus seeds, Activated carbon, Plasma treatment, Surface modification, Specific capacitance

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Mešavina jeftinog elektrodnog materijala za uređaj za skladištenje energije ispod esac-a izloženog dc sjajnom pražnjenju plazmi


Otpadna biomasa u vidu aktivnog uglja semena eukaliptusa globulusa, koji se koristi kao materijal elektrode i ekološki prihvatljiv, obezbeđuje dobar specifični kapacitet u trenutnom radu koji se koristi za primenu za skladištenje energije. Korištena je procedura karbonizacije uzorka i fizičke aktivacije za stvaranje aktivnog uglja iz semena eukaliptusa. Kao pripremljen, aktivni ugalj je bio izložen DC usijanoj plazmi, koja modifikuje površinu materijala bez promene njegovih osnovnih karakteristika. Ispitivanje aktivnog uglja je obavljeno korišćenjem strukturnih, morfoloških i elektrohemijskih tehnika, kako čistih tako i tretiranih plazmom. Povećani intenzitet difrakcije rendgenskih zraka ukazuje na amorfni i neuređeni karakter ugljenika. Prisutno je više funkcionalnih grupa koje sadrže kiseonik, prema FTIR analizi. FESEM/EDAKS istraživanje je pokazalo manji izgled i veću grafitnu poroznost sa nasumičnom orijentacijom. Štaviše, elektrohemijska ispitivanja su ispitana za korišćenje materijala elektrohemijske impedansne spektroskopije (EIS) i galvanostatskog pražnjenja-pražnjenja (GCD) koji ima specifičnu kapacitivnost od 150F/g za gustinu struje od 1,5mA/g. Rezultati su otkrili da aktivni ugalj napravljen od semena eukaliptusa nakon tretmana plazmom ima dobre površinske karakteristike, poboljšanu specifičnu kapacitivnost i da je jeftin elektrodni materijal za izradu uređaja za skladištenje energije.

Ključne reči: seme eukaliptusa, aktivni ugalj, tretman plazmom, modifikacija površine, specifična kapacitivnost.

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Naima Hadjadj1,2, Bendaoud Mebarek3,
Yassine El Guerri4, Mourad Keddam5

1Département Sciences de la Matière, Faculté  des Sciences et Technologie, Université de Tissemsilt, BP 182, 38000 Tissemsilt, Algérie, 2Laboratoire d’Etudes Physique des Matériaux, Université des Sciences et de Technologies USTO-MB, BP 1505 El M’Naouar, Oran, Algérie, 3Laboratoire de Recherche en Intelligence Artificielle et Systèmes (LRIAS), University of Tiaret, Algeria, 4Research laboratory of industrial technologies, University of Tiaret, Algeria, 5Laboratoire de Technologie des Matériaux, Faculté de Génie Mécanique et Génie des Procédés, USTHB, B.P No. 32, 16111, El-Alia, Bab-Ezzouar, Alger, Algérie

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
220 – 235  (2024)


Dybkov model for the estimation of boron diffusion in the FeB/Fe2B bilayer on AISI 316 steel


The aim of this work is to apply three models to simulate the boron diffusion in AISI 316 steel, with an approach based on classical mass balance equations, the Dybkov model and the integral method. From the numerical solutions of both models, the predicted values of layers’thicknesseshave been compared to the experimental results. In addition, in order to improve the predictability of the two models, it is necessary to find precise measurements on the diffusion of boron in each phase.The comparison of experimental and theoretical results allows us to confirm the validity of both models. After validation, the root mean square error and the diffusion coefficient were calculated to achieve good performance and better accuracy. The comparison of the results from the two simulation models with confronted with the experimental data to verify the validity of this theoretical study. Finally, the comparison of the derived results gave the values of the root mean square error equal to 1.6μm for Fe2B and 0.75μm forFeB.

Keywords:Boriding, diffusion, Iron borides, Dybkov model, Integral method

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Dibkov model za procenu difuzije bora u dvosloju FeB/Fe2B na čeliku AISI 316


Cilj ovog rada je primena tri modela za simulaciju difuzije bora u čeliku AISI 316, sa pristupom zasnovanim na klasičnim jednačinama bilansa mase, Dibkovljevom modelu i integralnoj metodi. Iz numeričkih rešenja oba modela, upoređene su predviđene vrednosti debljine slojeva sa eksperimentalnim rezultatima. Pored toga, da bi se poboljšala predvidljivost ova dva modela, neophodno je pronaći precizna merenja difuzije bora u svakoj fazi. Poređenje eksperimentalnih i teorijskih rezultata nam omogućava da potvrdimo validnost oba modela. Nakon validacije, izračunati su srednja kvadratna greška i koeficijent difuzije da bi se postigle dobre performanse i bolja tačnost. Poređenjem rezultata iz dva simulaciona modela suočena su sa eksperimentalnim podacima da bi se potvrdila validnost ove teorijske studije. Konačno, poređenje izvedenih rezultata dalo je vrednosti srednje kvadratne greške jednake 1,6 mm za Fe2B i 0,75 mm za FeB.

Ključne reči: Boriranje, difuzija, boridi gvožđa, Dibkov model, Integralna metoda

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Aarudi Ranganth Shashikala1*, Kothakula Keerthi1,
Sridhar Bangarpet Shankar2

1,2Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Itgalpura, Bengaluru-64, India,2Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, MSRIT, Bengaluru-54, India.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
236 – 245  (2024)


Electrochemical investigations of Ni-P/nano c-BN deposited on aluminum alloy


Electrochemical investigations were carried out on the Ni-P/nano cubic-Boron Nitride (c-BN) coatings obtained by using sodium hypophosphite reduced electrolyte bath solution with complexing agents. The screening of complexing agents was carried out by UV-Visible spectrophotometric studies. The deposits obtained using optimized bath composition was tested by EDAX, SEM and XRD in order to understand the structural morphology of the coatings. Electrochemical studies conducted by Potentiodynamic polarization and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) reveled the greater stability of coatings in acidic and alkaline environment. To evaluate the behavior of the coatings in marine environment, Salt spray test was conducted using sodium chloride solution. Results indicate the improved resistance to corrosion with the incorporation of nano c-BN in the coatings.

Keywords: cubic-Boron Nitride, Corrosion resistance, Polarization, EIS, Salt spray

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Elektrohemijska ispitivanja Ni-P/nano c-BN nanesenih na leguru aluminijuma


Elektrohemijska ispitivanja su obavljena na prevlakama Ni-P/nano kubni bor nitridom (c-BN) dobijenim korišćenjem rastvora u kupatilu elektrolita redukovanog natrijum hipofosfitom sa agensima za stvaranje kompleksa. Skrining agenasa za stvaranje kompleksa je sproveden UV-Visible spektrofotometrijskim studijama. Naslage dobijene korišćenjem optimizovanog sastava kupatila su testirane pomoću EDAX, SEM i XRD da bi se razumela strukturna morfologija premaza. Elektrohemijske studije sprovedene pomoću potenciodinamičke polarizacije i elektrohemijske impedansne spektroskopije (EIS) otkrile su veću stabilnost premaza u kiseloj i alkalnoj sredini. Da bi se procenilo ponašanje premaza u morskom okruženju, sprovedeno je ispitivanje slanim sprejom korišćenjem rastvora natrijum hlorida. Rezultati ukazuju na poboljšanu otpornost na koroziju ugradnjom nano c-BN u prevlake.

Ključne reči: kubni-bor nitrid, otpornost na koroziju, polarizacija, EIS, slani sprej

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Narendhran Sadhasivam*

Department of Biotechnology, Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Kuniamuthur, Coimbatore, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
246 – 257  (2024)


Synergistic effect of Fe and Co doped ZnO nanoparticles synthesized using Alpinia galanga against Candida parasilopsis


In this investigation, nanoparticles such as ZnO, Fe doped ZnO and Co doped ZnO NPs prepared by the co-precipitation method were tested against the pathogenic yeast. The spectroscopic analyses were carried out to identify the morphological and chemical composition of the synthesized nanoparticles. The results of XRD analysis revealed that the synthesized nanoparticles were crystalline in nature with average size ranges between 32 – 34 nm approximately. EDX and SEM analysis were carried out to identify the element composition (Co, Fe and Zn) and spherical shape of nanoparticles. The functional group that is responsible for the capping and stability of nanoparticles was confirmed by FTIR analysis,  to compare the antifungal efficiency of ZnO, Fe doped ZnO and Co doped ZnO from the resultant zone of inhibition.

Keywords: Antifungal activity, Candida parapsilosis, Copper, Iron, Zinc

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Sinergistički efekat nanočestica ZnO dopiranih Fe i Co sintetizovanih korišćenjem alpinia galanga protiv candida parasilopsis


U ovom istraživanju, nanočestice kao što su ZnO, ZnO dopiran Fe i ZnO NP dopiran Co pripremljene metodom koprecipitacije su testirane protiv patogenog kvasca. Spektroskopske analize su sprovedene radi identifikacije morfološkog i hemijskog sastava sintetizovanih nanočestica. Rezultati XRD analize su otkrili da su sintetizovane nanočestice kristalne prirode sa prosečnim rasponom veličine između 32 – 34 nm približno. EDKS i SEM analize su sprovedene da bi se identifikovao sastav elemenata (Co, Fe i Zn) i sferni oblik nanočestica. Funkcionalna grupa koja je odgovorna za zatvaranje i stabilnost nanočestica je potvrđena FTIR analizom, da bi se uporedila antifungalna efikasnost ZnO, ZnO dopiranog Fe i ZnO dopiranog Co iz rezultujuće zone inhibicije.

Ključne reči: Antifungalna aktivnost, Candida parapsilosis, bakar, gvožđe, cink

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Alladi. Devi Sravanthi1, Ponnuri. Bharath2, Peddi. Kiranmayi*1,
Dittakavi. Ramachandran2

1Acharya Nagarjuna University, Department of Biochemistry, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur. Andhra Pradesh, India, 2Acharya Nagarjuna University, Department of Chemistry, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur. Andhra Pradesh, India.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
191 – 201  (2024)


Investigation of the performance of activated carbon derived from ripe plantain peels for CO2 capture: Modelling and optimisation using response surface methodology


This study investigates the potential of activated carbon derived from ripe plantain peels (PPAC) for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. PPAC was prepared through carbonization and activation using H3PO4, and its unique properties were extensively characterized which revealed irregular sponge-like protrusions and well-defined pores under Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Elemental analysis identified carbon, silicon, and oxygen as major components, corroborated by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis indicating the presence of silicon oxide (SiO2), potassium oxide (K2O), and calcium oxide (CaO). Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy highlighted diverse functional groups on PPAC’s surface. CO2 adsorption tests were conducted at 27°C and 40°C with varying pressures on PPAC particles of 150µm and 845µm sizes. Results revealed that CO2 adsorption capacity increased with escalating pressures. Remarkably, at 27°C, PPAC exhibited superior performance than at 40°C, attributed to a higher-pressure drop enhancing the driving force for CO2 adsorption. Larger particles (845µm) demonstrated higher adsorption capacity due to increased surface area, enhanced pore accessibility, and faster mass transfer. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) conducted gave 2FI model as the most representative of the design data and showed high accuracy (R2=0.9973) and low error metrics (MSE=0.01697, RMSE=0.130269, MAE=0.109, MAPE=2.7244). The Adeq Precision value of 76.26 validated the model’s reliability. Optimization using RSM yielded optimal CO2 adsorption values (9.69 mmol/g) at 27°C and 100 bars. PPAC emerges as a promising solution for CO2 capture, offering valuable prospects in mitigating emissions and addressing climate change challenges.

Keywords: Ripe Plantain peel activated carbon, Response surface methodology, Characterization, optimisation, CO2 adsorption

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Istraživanje učinka aktivnog uglja dobijenog iz kore zrele banane za hvatanje CO2: modeliranje i optimizacija korišćenjem metodologije površine odgovora


Ova studija istražuje potencijal aktivnog uglja dobijenog iz kore zrele banane (PPAC) za hvatanje ugljen-dioksida (CO2). PPAC je pripremljen karbonizacijom i aktivacijom pomoću H3PO4, a njegova jedinstvena svojstva su opsežno okarakterisana što je otkrilo nepravilne izbočine nalik sunđeru i dobro definisane pore pod skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM). Elementarna analiza identifikovala je ugljenik, silicijum i kiseonik kao glavne komponente, što je potvrđeno analizom rendgenske difrakcije (XRD) koja ukazuje na prisustvo silicijum oksida (SiO2), kalijum oksida (K2O) i kalcijum oksida (CaO). Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spektroskopija je istakla različite funkcionalne grupe na površini PPAC-a. Testovi adsorpcije CO2 su sprovedeni na 27°C i 40°C sa različitim pritiscima na PPAC čestice veličine 150µm i 845µm. Rezultati su otkrili da se kapacitet adsorpcije CO2 povećava sa eskalirajućim pritiscima. Izvanredno, na 27°C, PPAC je pokazao superiorne performanse nego na 40°C, što se pripisuje većem padu pritiska koji povećava pokretačku snagu za adsorpciju CO2. Veće čestice (845 µm) su pokazale veći kapacitet adsorpcije zbog povećane površine, poboljšane dostupnosti pora i bržeg prenosa mase. Sprovedena metodologija površine odgovora (RSM) dala je 2FI model kao najreprezentativniji od projektnih podataka i pokazala je visoku tačnost (R2=0,9973) i nisku metriku greške (MSE=0,01697, RMSE=0,130269, MAE=0,109, MAPE=2,7244). Vrednost Adek Precision od 76,26 potvrdila je pouzdanost modela. Optimizacija korišćenjem RSM-a je dala optimalne vrednosti adsorpcije CO2 (9,69 mmol/g) na 27°C i 100 bara. PPAC se pojavljuje kao obećavajuće rešenje za hvatanje CO2, nudeći vredne izglede za smanjenje emisija i rešavanje izazova klimatskih promena.

Ključne reči: aktivni ugalj od kore zrele banane, metodologija površine odgovora, karakterizacija, optimizacija, adsorpcija CO2

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Svetlana Osadchuk, Lyudmila Nyrkova*

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
273 – 278  (2024)


Investigation of properties of epoxy coating on X80 steel under cathodic polarization conditions


The effect of cathodic polarization on the properties of the protective epoxy coating on X80 steel samples under cyclic changes in temperature from 20 to 75 оC over a period ~3.5 months was investigated. It is shown that in a 3% NaCl solution, with decreasing polarization potential from -1.05 to -0.85 V, the disbondment radius of the epoxy coating decreased by ~3.48 times (from 10.8 to 3.1 mm). At -0.75 V and in the absence of polarization, disbondment of the coating from the steel don’t observed. By potential -0.75 V coating retains its protective properties according to the transient specific electrical resistance indicator, and its aging is slowed down.

Keywords: epoxy coating, X80 steel, cathodic polarization, protective potential, cathodic disbondment, transient specific electrical resistance, coating degradation

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Istraživanje svojstva epoksi premaza na čeliku x80 u uslovima katodne polarizacije


Ispitivan je uticaj katodne polarizacije na svojstva zaštitnog epoksidnog premaza na uzorcima čelika X80 pri cikličnim promenama temperature od 20 do 75oC u periodu ~3,5 meseca. Pokazano je da se u 3% rastvoru NaCl, sa smanjenjem potencijala polarizacije sa -1,05 na -0,85 V, radijus odvajanja epoksidnog premaza smanjio za ~3,48 puta (sa 10,8 na 3,1 mm). Na -0,75 V i u odsustvu polarizacije, odvajanje prevlake od čelika nije primećeno. Potencijal -0,75 V premaz zadržava zaštitna svojstva prema prolaznom specifičnom indikatoru električnog otpora, a njegovo starenje se usporava.

Ključne reči: epoksidni premaz, X80 čelik, katodna polarizacija, zaštitni potencijal, katodno odvajanje, prolazni specifični električni otpor, degradacija premaza

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Natarajan Thiruveni1,2, Ramu Mathammal2, Dhanapal Prakash Babu3, Sadasivam Ponkumar4, Ramasamy Jayavell5

1Department of Physics, Government Arts College for Women, Salem, India, 2Department of Physics, Sri Sarada college for women (Autonomous), Salem, India, 3School of Applied Sciences, Department of Physics, REVA University, Bangalore, India, 4Department of Physics, Thiruvalluvar Government Arts College, Namakkal, India, 5Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai -600 025

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
279 – 284  (2024)


A novel Sr0.99Zr(PO4)2:0.01Eu3+ ceramic glass viable for long term energy storage applications


This paper reports the first-time synthesis of Sr0.99Zr(PO4)2:0.01Eu3+ ceramic glass were synthesized via solution combustion using glycine as fuel (1:1 fuel-to-oxidizer ratio). X-ray diffraction confirmed the desired crystalline phase, while Scherrer analysis indicated an average particle size of approximately 60 nm. This was further supported by scanning electron microscopy, which revealed a particle size around 75 nm. Notably, the material exhibited a characteristic mesoporous structure, a signature feature of the solution combustion technique. Dielectric studies revealed a double exponential decay profile, signifying the presence of voids within the material. Importantly, the significantly smaller time constant (t2) compared to t1 highlights the material’s suitability for long-term energy storage applications.

Keywords: SZO nanoceramics, solution combustion synthesis, energy storage, dielectric properties

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Novo Sr0.99Zr(PO4)2:0.01Eu3+ keramičko staklo održivo za dugoročne aplikacije za skladištenje energije


U ovom radu je prikazana prva sinteza Sr0,99Zr(PO4)2:0,01Eu3+ keramičkog stakla sintetizovana sagorevanjem rastvora korišćenjem glicina kao goriva (odnos goriva i oksidatora 1:1). Difrakcija rendgenskih zraka je potvrdila željenu kristalnu fazu, dok je Šererova analiza pokazala prosečnu veličinu čestica od približno 60 nm. Ovo je dodatno podržano skenirajućim elektronskim mikroskopom, koji je otkrio veličinu čestica oko 75 nm. Primetno je da je materijal pokazao karakterističnu mezoporoznu strukturu, prepoznatljivu karakteristiku tehnike sagorevanja rastvora. Dielektrične studije su otkrile dvostruki eksponencijalni profil raspadanja, što označava prisustvo praznina unutar materijala. Važno je da značajno manja vremenska konstanta (t2) u poređenju sa t1 naglašava pogodnost materijala za dugoročne aplikacije za skladištenje energije.

Ključne reči: SZO nanokeramika, sinteza sagorevanja rastvora, skladište energije, dielektrična svojstva.

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Rajnish Grewal1, Sunita Dahiya2, Sunil Kumar3*,
Naveen Kumar4

1, 2Department of Physics, Baba Mastnath University Rohtak, Haryana, India, 3Department of Physics, RR BAWA DAV College, Batala (143505), Punjab, India, 4Department of Physics, Panjab University Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
285 – 293  (2024)


Structural, microstructural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Fe2O3 modified CuO composite


1-xCuO-xFe2O3 composites where x = 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 have been synthesized using ball milling mixing method. The structural, microstructural, elemental analysis, magnetic and dielectric properties of prepared ceramic composites have been investigated using the advanced characterization techniques.The influence of sintering tempearture on structural, dielectric and magnetic properties have been investigated. The structral phase analysis has been carried out using X-ray diffraction and effect of sintering tempertaure clearly depicted in graphs. As increase in sintering temperature from 700 °C to 900 °C, diffraction peaks shift towards higher angles, indicating changes in crystal lattice parameters and potential crystal structure distortions. However, after careful consideration of the XRD results and a comprehensive analysis, we concluded that a synthesis temperature of 700 °C is preferable. The SEM micrographs shows an increase in grain size of ceramic composites as concentrtaion of Fe2O3 increases. The Energy Dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy affirms presence of elements according to stoichiometric proportion whereas S-shaped M vs. H. loop confirms presence of magnetic ordering. Variation of Real (ε’) and Imaginary (ε”) parts of dielectric permittivity with frequency shows genernal dielectric behavior.

Keywords: Composites, Ball milling mixing method, Dielectric properties, Magnetic properties

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Strukturna, mikrostrukturna, magnetna i dielektrična svojstva CuO kompozita modifikovanog Fe2O3


1-xCuO-xFe2O3 kompoziti, gde je x = 0,05, 0,10, 0,15 i 0,20, su sintetizovani metodom mešanja sa kugličnim mlevenjem. Pripremljena keramika je okarakterisana po različitim osobinama kao što su strukturna i mikrostrukturna, elementarni sastav prema navedenoj stehiometrijskoj proporciji i magnetna svojstva. Takođe, istraživana su dielektrična svojstva pripremljenih keramičkih kompozita, sinterovanih na različitim temperaturama, na sobnoj temperaturi. Kako povećavamo temperaturu sinteze sa 700 °C na 900 °C, vrhovi difrakcije se pomeraju ka većim uglovima, što ukazuje na promene u parametrima kristalne rešetke i potencijalne izobličenja kristalne strukture. Ova primećena promena ukazuje na povećanu toplotnu energiju koja utiče na raspored atoma u materijalu. Međutim, nakon pažljivog razmatranja XRD rezultata i sveobuhvatne analize, zaključili smo da je temperatura sinteze od 700°C poželjnija. Na ovoj nižoj temperaturi održava se željena kristalna struktura, minimizirajući rizik od strukturnih promena ili faznih transformacija koje bi mogle uticati na svojstva i performanse materijala. Pored toga, izbor od 700°C obezbeđuje ravnotežu između postizanja željenih karakteristika materijala i izbegavanja potencijalnih nedostataka povezanih sa višim temperaturama sinteze. SEM mikrografije pokazuju povećanje veličine zrna keramičkih kompozita. Energetska disperzivna rendgenska spektroskopija potvrđuje prisustvo elemenata u skladu sa stehiometrijskom proporcijom, dok S-oblika M protiv H. petlje potvrđuje prisustvo magnetnog uređenja. Realni (e’) i imaginarni (e”) delovi dielektrične permitivnosti u odnosu na frekvenciju pokazuju dielektrično ponašanje.

Ključne reči: Kompoziti, metoda mešanja sa kugličnim mlevenjem, dielektrična svojstva, magnetna svojstva

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Ramaiah Prakash1*, Sundaresan Srividhya2,
Pitchaipillai Neelamegam3, Karuppasamy Mukilan4,
Rajagopal Premkumar4, Muthu Vinod Kumar5

1Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, India, 2Department of Civil Engineering, Builders Engineering College, Kangeyam, Tirupur, India, 3Department of Civil Engineering, SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Kattankulathur, India, 4Department of Civil Engineering, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, India, 5Department of Civil Engineering,
Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science, Chennai, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
294 – 306  (2024)


Fresh and hardened characteristics of a novel alkali-activated geopolymer concrete with GGBFS


The development of a country’s infrastructure relies heavily on the use of cement concrete as the major building material. The cement industry significantly contributes to global warming due to its substantial carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Reducing the consumption of cement in concrete while maintaining its essential features can lead to a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly advancement of the construction sector.

By looking at a new concrete mix that includes fly ash (FA) and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS), this study aims to develop cement less concrete. An Alkali-Activated Solution (AAS) was used as the liquid binder along with a dry mix of FA and GGBFS. This study examines the utilization and impact of liquid and solid binders in the production of alkali-activated GGBFS-based Geopolymer Concrete (GPC), as well as the optimal quantities required for their incorporation. Various ratios of AAS to GSB were experimented with to determine the optimum mixture. To find optimum mixture of GGBFS for the GPC, different amounts of GGBFS were utlised as a Partial substitution for fly ash. At 28 days, test specimens, such as cubes, cylinders, and beams, were cast and put to the test. The GPC has also decided to use heat curing to get good results. It is found that the ratio 0.5 between AAS and GSB and a makeup of 75% GGBFS made the strongest material. The results of the study show that using AAS and GGBFS in geopolymer concrete makes a better product, which could be used in places where there is not enough water.

Keywords: Geopolymer; Geopolymer Solid Binder; Alkali-Activated Solution; Fly Ash; GGBFS

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Karakteristike svežeg i očvrslog alkalno aktiviranog geopolimernog betona sa GGBFS


Razvoj infrastrukture jedne zemlje u velikoj meri se oslanja na upotrebu cementnog betona kao glavnog građevinskog materijala. Industrija cementa značajno doprinosi globalnom zagrevanju zbog značajne emisije ugljen-dioksida (CO2). Smanjenje potrošnje cementa u betonu uz zadržavanje njegovih osnovnih karakteristika može dovesti do isplativijeg i ekološki prihvatljivijeg napretka građevinskog sektora.

Posmatrajući novu mešavinu betona koja uključuje leteći pepeo (FA) i mlevenu granuliranu šljaku iz visokih peći (GGBFS), ova studija ima za cilj razvoj betona bez cementa. Alkalno aktiviran rastvor (AAS) je korišćen kao tečno vezivo zajedno sa suvom mešavinom FA i GGBFS. Ova studija ispituje korišćenje i uticaj tečnih i čvrstih veziva u proizvodnji geopolimer betona (GPC) na bazi GGBFS aktiviranog alkalno, kao i optimalne količine potrebne za njihovu ugradnju.

Eksperimentisani su različiti odnosi AAS prema GSB da bi se odredila optimalna smeša. Da bi se pronašla optimalna mešavina GGBFS za GPC, različite količine GGBFS su korišćene kao delimična zamena za leteći pepeo. Nakon 28 dana, uzorci za testiranje, kao što su kocke, cilindri i grede, su liveni i stavljeni na ispitivanje. GPC je takođe odlučio da koristi toplotno očvršćavanje da bi dobio dobre rezultate. Utvrđeno je da je odnos 0,5 između AAS i GSB i sastav od 75% GGBFS čini najjači materijal. Rezultati studije pokazuju da se upotrebom AAS i GGBFS u geopolimer betonu dobija bolji proizvod, koji bi se mogao koristiti na mestima gde nema dovoljno vode.

Ključne reči: Geopolimer; Geopolimerno čvrsto vezivo; Alkalno aktivirani rastvor; Pepeo; GGBFS

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Abdel Hafiz A. Ali1* , Seddik S. Waheed2, Salah M. Rabia2 , Nouby M. Ghazaly3

1Assis. Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Minia, Egypt, 2Emeritus Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Minia University, Egypt 3Technical College, Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadiq University, Baghdad, Iraq, 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, South Valley University, Egypt.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
307 – 314  (2024)


Assessment of the effect of mixing polystyrene (PS) with sawdust (SD) on copyrolysis products


The co-pyrolysis process between biomass and solid waste especially plastics has attracted significant attention in research studies as a means to enhance both the quantity and quality of bio-oil derived from biomass decomposition. In this research paper, the PS/SD co-pyrolysis was carried out for six different concentrations ranging from 0% to 100%, with increments of 20% PS, inside a small laboratory reactor at 450 oC and heating rate (HR) of 20.5 oC min-1. Results showed that an increase in the proportion of PS in the blend resulted in a higher bio-oil outcome. The highest bio-oil yield was recorded at the 80PSSD blend, indicating that co-pyrolysis had a positive effect on oil production in all mixtures. The most significant positive impact was observed at the 20PSSD blend, reaching [+11.54]. Conversely, gas production showed a negative effect, with gas quantities lower than expected for all mixtures, and the most significant negative impact was at 20PSSD, with a decrease of [-11.8]. As for char outcome, there was a minimal increase in its quantity, with the highest positive impact of charcoal observed at 80PSSD, reaching [+3.44]. Consequently, it can be observed that the quantity of char produced is not significantly affected by the co-blending process.

Keywords: PS plastic, biomass, sawdust, co-pyrolysis, bio-oil.

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Procena efekta mešanja polistirena (PS) sa piljevinom (SD) na proizvode od kopirolize


Proces kopirolize između biomase i čvrstog otpada, posebno plastike, privukao je značajnu pažnju u istraživačkim studijama kao sredstvo za poboljšanje i količine i kvaliteta bio-ulja dobijenog razgradnjom biomase. U ovom istraživačkom radu, PS/SD ko-piroliza je sprovedena za šest različitih koncentracija u rasponu od 0% do 100%, sa povećanjem od 20% PS, unutar malog laboratorijskog reaktora na 450 oC i brzini zagrevanja (HR) od 20,5 oC min-1. Rezultati su pokazali da je povećanje udela PS u mešavini rezultiralo većim ishodom bio-ulja. Najveći prinos bio-ulja zabeležen je kod mešavine 80PSSD, što ukazuje da je kopiroliza imala pozitivan efekat na proizvodnju ulja u svim smešama. Najznačajniji pozitivan uticaj primećen je kod mešavine 20PSSD, dostižući [+11,54]. Suprotno tome, proizvodnja gasa je pokazala negativan efekat, sa količinama gasa manjim od očekivanih za sve smeše, a najznačajniji negativan uticaj je bio na 20PSSD, uz smanjenje od [-11,8]. Što se tiče ishoda ugljenika, došlo je do minimalnog povećanja njegove količine, sa najvećim pozitivnim uticajem drvenog uglja zabeležen na 80PSSD, koji je dostigao [+3,44]. Shodno tome, može se primetiti da na količinu proizvedenog ugljenika ne utiče značajno proces zajedničkog mešanja.

Ključne reči: PS plastika, biomasa, piljevina, kopiroliza, bio-ulje

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Gayathri Thangavel*, Kavitha Balakrishnan,,
Nirmala Murugesan

Department of Physics, Sri GVG Visalakshi College for Women, Udumalpet, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
315 – 330 (2024)


NiO/MnO2 nanocomposite in addition of layered Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) electrode for accountable supercapacitor  application


(Reduced Graphene oxide/Nickel oxide/Magnesium dioxide) RGO/NiO/MnO2 nanocomposite electrode was successfully prepared by simple co-precipitation method. The synthesised nanocomposite was characterised by XRD, FESEM, EDAX, FTIR, UV, CV, GCD, EIS. The RGO/NiO/MnO2 nanocomposite was pretreated by ultrasonication, followed by thermal annealing at 350 oC. The crystalline face and size of nanocomposite were analysed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The sandwich-like structure of RGO/NiO/MnO2 was analysed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). This structure promoted an efficient contact between electrolyte and active materials, and the distinct architecture could offer fast transfer channels of ion and electrons. The nanocomposite exhibited high conductivity owing to the presence of RGO. The electrochemical performance of prepared nanocomposite was done by Cyclic Voltammetry (CV), Galvanostatic charge discharge (GCD), Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The synthesised RGO/NiO/MnO2 nanocomposite acquired high specific capacitance of 1167F/g at current density of 1 A/g. The low cost, low temperature RGO/NiO/MnO2 nanocomposite electrode could be the promising electrode for Energy storage devices.

Keywords: Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO), NiO/MnO2 nanocomposite, pseudo- capacitor, cyclic voltammograms, Supercapacitor

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NiO/MnO2 nanokompozit kao dodatak slojevitoj elektrodi sa redukovanim grafen oksidom (RGO) za odgovornu primenu superkondenzatora


Smanjeni grafen oksid/nikl oksid/magnezijum dioksid, RGO/NiO/MnO2, nanokompozitna elektroda je uspešno pripremljena jednostavnom metodom ko- precipitacije. Sintetizovani nanokompozit je okarakterisan XRD, FESEM, EDAX, FTIR, UV, CV, GCD, EIS. Nanokompozit RGO/NiO/MnO2 je prethodno obrađen ultrazvukom, nakon čega je usledilo termičko žarenje na 350C. Kristalna površina i veličina nanokompozita su analizirani rendgenskom difrakcijom (XRD). Struktura nalik na sendvič RGO/NiO/MnO2 je analizirana skenirajućim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM). Ova struktura je promovisala efikasan kontakt između elektrolita i aktivnih materijala, a posebna arhitektura bi mogla da ponudi brze kanale za prenos jona i elektrona. Nanokompozit je pokazao visoku provodljivost zahvaljujući prisustvu RGO. Elektrohemijske performanse pripremljenog nanokompozita urađene su cikličkom voltametrijom (CV), galvanostatskim pražnjenjem naelektrisanja (GCD), spektroskopijom električne impedanse (EIS). Sintetizovani nanokompozit RGO/NiO/MnO2 dobija visoku specifičnu kapacitivnost od 1167F/g pri gustini struje od 1 A/g. Niskotemperaturna RGO/NiO/MnO2 nanokompozitna elektroda bi mogla biti elektroda koja obećava za uređaje za skladištenje energije.

Ključne reči: Redukovani grafen oksid (RGO), nanokompozit NiO/MnO2, pseudokondenzator, ciklični voltamogrami, superkondenzator.

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Abd El-Aziz S. Fouda1*, Ibrahim S. El-Hallag2,
Ahmed A. El-Barbary2, Fatma M. El Salamony1

1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura-35516, Egypt, 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
331 – 342  (2024)



Electrochemical and theoretical evaluations of 3-(4-chlorophenyl)-
7-methyl-5H-[1, 2, 4] triazolo [3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazin-6(7H)-one as corrosion inhibitor for copper in nitric acid environment


3-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-methyl-5H-[1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazin-6(7H)-one (CTT) was synthesized and evaluated as corrosion inhibitor for copper in one molar HNO3. The adsorption properties for the synthesized CTT were determined by experimental and theoretical methods in acid environment. The chemical method such as mass loss method (ML),  DC potentiodynamic polarization (PDP) and AC impedance (EIS) techniques were utilized to determine the inhibitive behavior of CTT. Outcome data obtained from these methods displayed that with increasing  the concentration of CTT its inhibition efficiencies (%IE) increases and reached 91.5% at 24×10-6 M , 25oC using EIS technique. The presence of CTT reduces the capacity of the double layer (Cdl) and improves the charge transfer resistance (Rct) in a solution of one molar nitric acid. CTT is a mixed-type inhibitor from the data obtained from the polarization curves. The attained data indicated that CTT was physically adsorbed onto the Cu surface in accordance for the Langmuir adsorption. The surface protection examination was carried out using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) and atomic force microscope (AFM). Also, The quantum chemical parameters of CTT were computed and discussed. The results of several methods are in  agreement with each other.

Keywords: Corrosion inhibition, Copper, Nitric acid, 3-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-methyl-5H-[1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazin-6(7H)-one (CTT), Langmuir isotherm.

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Elektrohemijske i teorijske procene 3-(4-hlorofenil)-7-metil-5H-[1, 2, 4] triazolo [3,4-b][1,3,4]tiadiazin-6(7H)-ona kao inhibitor korozije za bakar u okruženju azotne kiseline


3-(4-hlorofenil)-7-metil-5H-[1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]tiadiazin-6(7H)-on (CTT) je sintetizovan i ocenjen kao inhibitor korozije za bakar u 1M HNO3. Eksperimentalnim i teorijskim metodama u kiseloj sredini određena su adsorpciona svojstva sintetizovanog CTT. Za određivanje inhibitivnog ponašanja CTT korišćene su hemijske metode kao što su metoda gubitka mase (ML), DC potenciodinamička polarizacija (PDP) i AC impedansa (EIS). Podaci dobijeni ovim metodama pokazuju da sa povećanjem koncentracije CTT-a njegova efikasnost inhibicije (%IE) raste i dostiže 91,5% pri 24k10-6 M , 25oC primenom EIS tehnike. Prisustvo CTT smanjuje kapacitet dvostrukog sloja (Cdl) i poboljšava otpor prenosa naelektrisanja (Rct) u rastvoru jedne molarne azotne kiseline. CTT je inhibitor mešovitog tipa iz podataka dobijenih iz krivulja polarizacije. Dobijeni podaci ukazuju da je CTT fizički adsorbovan na površinu Cu u skladu sa Langmuir adsorpcijom. Ispitivanje površinske zaštite obavljeno je pomoću skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM), energetski disperzivnog rendgenskog zraka (EDKS) i mikroskopa atomske sile (AFM). Takođe, izračunati su i diskutovani kvantno hemijski parametri CTT-a. Rezultati nekoliko metoda se međusobno slažu.

Ključne reči: Inhibicija korozije, bakar, azotna kiselina, 3-(4-hlorofenil)-7-metil-5H-[1,2,4] triazolo [3,4-b][1,3,4]tiadiazin-6( 7H)-on (CTT), Langmuir izoterma

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Mukesh Kumar*

Department of Physics, Multanimal Modi College Modinagar, Ghaziabad, UP 201204, India.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
343 – 349  (2024)


Studies of structural and optical properties of sputtered SiC thin films


The present study explored the deposition of amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC) thin films on Si (100) and glass substrates using RF-magnetron sputtering. The sputtering power is changed from 100 to 250 W to study its influence on the characteristics of a-SiC thin films. Raman spectroscopy reveals the formation of a-SiC as well as carbon clusters. The film deposited at 100 W clearly shows the presence of both transverse optical (TO) and longitudinal optical (LO) phonon modes. The average roughness of the a-SiC films found to follow an increasing trend with increase in the sputtering power. The optical band gap of the a-SiC films measured by UV-Visible spectrophotometer was found to increase up to 2.45 eV with decrease in sputtering power. All a-SiC thin films were highly transparent. The Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy results were in agreement with the data observed by UV-Visible spectroscopy.

Keywords: SiC thin films, Magnetron sputtering, Raman spectroscopy, PL spectroscopy

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Studije strukturnih i optičkih osobina raspršenih SiC tankih filmova


Ova studija je istraživala taloženje tankih filmova amorfnog silicijum karbida (a-SiC) na Si (100) i staklene podloge korišćenjem RF-magnetronskog raspršivanja. Snaga raspršivanja je promenjena sa 100 na 250V da bi se proučavao njen uticaj na karakteristike a-SiC tankih filmova. Ramanova spektroskopija otkriva formiranje a-SiC kao i klastera ugljenika. Film deponovan na 100 V jasno pokazuje prisustvo i poprečnih optičkih (TO) i uzdužnih optičkih (LO) fononskih modova. Utvrđeno je da prosečna hrapavost a-SiC filmova prati rastući trend sa povećanjem snage raspršivanja. Utvrđeno je da se optički razmak a-SiC filmova meren UV-vidljivim spektrofotometrom povećava do 2,45 eV sa smanjenjem snage raspršivanja. Svi a-SiC tanki filmovi bili su veoma providni. Rezultati fotoluminiscencije (PL) spektroskopije bili su u saglasnosti sa podacima uočenim UV-vidljivom spektroskopijom.

Ključne reči: SiC tanki filmovi, Magnetronsko raspršivanje, Ramanova spektroskopija, PL spektroskopija

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Arunprasad Jaychandran1*, Murugan Ramaiyan2,
Christian Johnson Singaram 3,Anukarthika Balakrishnan3

1Research Scholar, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, India,  2Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu-608002, India,3Department of Civil Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College,Perundurai, Tamilnadu, India.

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
350 – 359  (2024)


Non-destructive evaluation of subsurface corrosion on hot steel angle sections embedded in concrete and its repair by cement slurry and nitozinc coating


This research article presents a comprehensive investigation into the materials and corrosion resistance of angle components critical to infrastructure construction. The study focuses on two key angle materials: steel angles and Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) angles, selected based on project-specific requirements. The concrete mix design, incorporating crucial components like chemicals (Calcium Chloride, Sodium Hydroxide, Calcium Hydroxide), aggregates (M Sand and 20 mm Aggregate), and cement (Portland Pozzolana Cement – 43 grade), ensures that the structural integrity and performance meet desired standards. The research also involves advanced corrosion assessment techniques, including the Half-Cell Potential Test and the Applied Voltage Test (Holiday Test), which offer insights into material conductance, corrosion resistance, and protective coating integrity. Moreover, a Chemical Resistance Test examines the impact of various solutions on these materials, highlighting their suitability for diverse industrial applications. The results underscore the importance of tailored material selection, proactive corrosion management, and the critical role of protective coatings in ensuring infrastructure longevity and safety. This study contributes to the advancement of corrosion assessment methods, supporting the durability of critical infrastructure materials.

Keywords: corrosion, coating, chemical resistance, durability, FRP, angle section

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Nedestruktivna procena podzemne korozije na ugaonim profilima od vrućeg čelika ugrađenih u beton i njihova sanacija cementnom suspenzijom i nitocink premazom


Ovaj istraživački članak predstavlja sveobuhvatno istraživanje materijala i otpornosti na koroziju ugaonih komponenti kritičnih za izgradnju infrastrukture. Studija se fokusira na dva ključna ugaona materijala: čelične uglove i uglove od plastike ojačane vlaknima (FRP), odabrane na osnovu zahteva specifičnih za projekat. Dizajn betonske mešavine, koji uključuje ključne komponente kao što su hemikalije (kalcijum hlorid, natrijum hidroksid, kalcijum hidroksid), agregati (M pesak i 20 mm agregat) i cement (Portland Pozzolana cement – 43 stepen), osigurava da se strukturalni integritet i performanse ispune željeni standardi. Istraživanje, takođe, uključuje napredne tehnike procene korozije, uključujući test potencijala polućelije i test primenjenog napona (Holidai Test), koji nude uvid u provodljivost materijala, otpornost na koroziju i integritet zaštitnog premaza. Štaviše, test hemijske otpornosti ispituje uticaj različitih rešenja na ove materijale, naglašavajući njihovu pogodnost za različite industrijske primene. Rezultati naglašavaju važnost odabira materijala po meri, proaktivnog upravljanja korozijom i kritične uloge zaštitnih premaza u obezbeđivanju dugovečnosti i bezbednosti infrastrukture. Ova studija doprinosi unapređenju metoda procene korozije, podržavajući trajnost kritičnih infrastrukturnih materijala.

Ključne reči: korozija, premaz, hemijska otpornost, trajnost, FRP, ugaoni presek

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Rajasundaravadivel Jeya Prakash1, Balu Soundara2, Singaram Christian Johnson3

1Nandha Engineering College, Erode, Tamilnadu, India,
2The College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India, 3Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode, Tamilnadu, India

Scientific paper
ISSN 0351-9465, E-ISSN 2466-2585

Zastita Materijala 65 (2)
360 – 370  (2024)


Serviceability performance of fibre reinforced no fine concrete pavement


The massive development of the construction industry demands sustainability, and the studies on No Fines Concrete (NFC) will support sustainable development in the field of transportation and highway industry. It is the key requirement of all developing countries like India in order to satisfy three main criteria namely sustainability, serviceability and feasibility in addition to its performance. Application of NFC pavement is itself a sustainable method to manage and discharge the retaining stormwater during heavy floods. Fibre Reinforced No Fine Concrete (FRNFC) was considered, with findings suggesting that the inclusion of fibres has minimal impact on strength characteristics and only marginally reduces the permeability of NFC. However, NFC pavements require regular maintenance to prevent clogging of pores with dust, sediments, and debris, which impairs water flow. A 2 m x 2 m span real-time FRNFC pavement was cast and subsequently subjected to assessment of its serviceability performance. The study examines the performance of FRNFC under clogging and suggests rehabilitation methods to reinstate infiltration capacity. Pressure wash combined with vacuum sweep shows the highest Drainage Efficiency Restoration (DER), maintaining drain ability from 99% to 90% after 12 cycles. Routine pressure wash monthly and vacuum sweep yearly are recommended for proper pavement serviceability and effective stormwater runoff mitigation.

Keywords: No fine concrete, fibre reinforcement, serviceability, clogging, drainage efficiency

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Mogućnost upotrebe performanse obloga ojačanog vlaknima bez finog betona


Masivan razvoj građevinske industrije zahteva održivost, a studije o betonu bez finog kamenca (NFC) će podržati održivi razvoj u oblasti transporta i industrije autoputeva. To je ključni zahtev svih zemalja u razvoju kao što je Indija kako bi se zadovoljila tri glavna kriterijuma, a to su održivost, upotrebljivost i izvodljivost, pored svog učinka. Primena NFC kolovoza je sama po sebi održiva metoda za upravljanje i ispuštanje atmosferske vode koja se zadržava tokom velikih poplava. Razmatran je beton ojačan vlaknima bez finog betona (FRNFC), sa nalazima koji sugerišu da uključivanje vlakana ima minimalan uticaj na karakteristike čvrstoće i samo neznatno smanjuje propustljivost NFC-a. Međutim, NFC kolovozi zahtevaju redovno održavanje kako bi se sprečilo začepljenje pora prašinom, sedimentima i ostacima, što otežava protok vode. FRNFC kolovoz u realnom vremenu raspona 2 m x 2 m je izliven i naknadno podvrgnut proceni performansi njegove upotrebljivosti. Studija ispituje učinak FRNFC-a pod začepljenjem i predlaže metode rehabilitacije za ponovno uspostavljanje kapaciteta infiltracije. Pranje pod pritiskom u kombinaciji sa vakuumskim čišćenjem pokazuje najveću restauraciju efikasnosti drenaže (DER), održavajući sposobnost drenaže od 99% do 90% nakon 12 ciklusa. Rutinsko pranje pod pritiskom mesečno i čišćenje usisivačem godišnje se preporučuju za ispravnu upotrebljivost kolovoza i efikasno ublažavanje oticanja atmosferskih voda.

Ključne reči: Bez finog betona, vlaknasta armatura, upotrebljivost, začepljenje, efikasnost drenaže

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