ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(4) 231-236 Scientific paper [PDF]
1Department of Industrial Che-mistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana, Albania
2School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Morphological and chemical study of recycled plastic materials by using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive analysis
Abstract: The purpose of our research is the study of surface structures and chemistry of plastic recyclable materials. It comprises the microscopic structure description of polymers, separation of component phases and determination of chemical elements of additives that we use. For this purpose we have used scanning electronic microscope (SEM) JEOL6380LV equipped with the system of energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS). The plastic materials were provided by companies operating in the Albanian market. They are used in the fabrication of plastic bags, of packaging materials for transportation of products, and also, as construction materials. So far, we have studied 6 different polyethylene samples, one industrially clean PE sample and 5 other recyclable PE samples. Plastic packaging materials are considered an important source of environmental waste mainly due to their large friction by waste in the waste stream. We used SEM to study the microstructure of our samples. EDX analysis was used to investigate additives in the recyclable materials. Raw material of polyethylene was provided in granular shape which we transformed to plastic pellets with a smooth surface. Pellets were formed using a specific temperature-time plan during molding. Uniform pellets with smooth surfaces were formed when the polymers passed the viscoelastic state, e.g. a temperature of 180oC, higher than the melting temperature of polyethylene and lower than the temperature that damages many plastic materials and their dyers. Cleaning and drying of the pellet surfaces was a key parameter in order to acquire images of high quality and resolution.
ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(34) 237-241 Originalan naučni rad [PDF]
1Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija
2Institut za nuklearne nauke “Vinča”, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija
3Institut za Elektrohemiju IHTM, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija
Morfologija prahova Fe-Ni legura elektrohemijski istaloženih iz citratno-sulfatnih rastvora
ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(4) 242-246 Scientific paper [PDF]
Equipe d’Electrochimie moléculaire et matériaux inorganique, Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Beni Mellal, Beni Mellal, Morocco
Eugenol modified titanium electrode for the analysis of carbocysteine
Abstract: A eugenol immobilized electrode was developed for the assay of the carbocysteine compound. The electrochemical sensor was made by in situ electropolymerization of eugenol at titanium electrode. Cyclic voltamperometry at prepared electrode permitted to point out a reversible pattern for carbocysteine electrooxidation.
ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(4) 247-256 Originalan naučni rad [PDF]
Univerzitet Kirilo i Metodije, Fakultet za tehnologiju i metalurgiju, Skopje, Makedonija
Mogućnosti dielektrične termičke analize za karakterizaciju poli(etilen tereftalata)
Izvod: Poli(etilen teraftalat) (PET), zbog svoje hemijske inertnosti i fizičkih svojstava kao što su adekvatna barijera za gasove, transparentnost, dobra mehanička svojstva, mogućnost recikliranja, ima izvanredno široku primenu, a posebno je pogodan za ambalažu u prehranbenoj industriji. Imajući u vidu strogu zakonsku regulativu u ovoj oblasti može se razumeti ogroman broj kontinuiranih istraživanja migracije mogućih kontaminanata iz PET ambalaže u normalnim i ekstremnim uslovima. Budući da je proces migracije iz plastike tesno povezan sa strukturom i fizičkim svojstvima materijala za pakovanje, cilj ovoga rada je da se sagledaju mogućnosti dielektrične termičke analize (DETA) za ispitivanje strukturnih promena PET ambalaže u različitim medijumima, kod različitih uslova. DETA nije specifična tehnika za karakterizaciju polimerne ambalaže, medjutim, dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da ona moze da ukaže na strukturne promene u polimernom materijalu u određenim uslovima, koje mogu da budu uzrok za neželjenu interakciju izmedju PET-plastike i medijuma sa kojim dolazi u kontakt.
ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(4) 257-263 Scientific paper [PDF]
1Smelter and Electrolysis Plant, TiR, D.Vajfert 20, Bor, Serbia
2University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty Bor, VJ 12, Bor, Serbia
Electrochemical behaviour of brass in acidic chloride solutions: effect of organic inhibitors
Abstract: The corrosion behaviour of brass has been studied from an aspect of dezincification mechanism of cold-deformed CuZn-42 brass were tested in acid sulphate solution at pH-value 2 with additional chloride ions and corrosion inhibitors with potentiostatic polarization method. Thiourea (TU), benzotriazole (BTA), ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), hydrazine sulphate (HS) and 2-butin-1,4 diole (DS-3) have been used as effective acid corrosion inhibitors. Increase of a concentration of the Cl– ions, exept for value of 5×10-2 mol dm-3, resulted in a significant increase of value for corrosion current densities. In solution without inhibitors, process of dezincification and anode dissolution of CuZn-42 brass was developed in the whole range of tested potentials, and pointed out the unstability of formed on their surface. The results of studies show that only thiourea, in concentration of 10-2 wt.%, inhibit the corrosion of brass in chloride solutions. Inhibitor benzotriazole in concentration of 10-1 wt.% inhibit the corrosion of brass with inhibition efficiency more then 94%. The film improved significantly the protecting ability of brass surface to corrosion in chloride solutions. When the films were modified with benzotriazole the quality and corrosion protection of films improved rapidly.
ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(4) 264-269 Originalan naučni rad [PDF]
Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Karnegijeva 4, 11000 Beograd, Srbija
Elektrohemijska karakterizacija nesinterovane biokeramičke hidroksiapatit/lignin prevlake na titanu
Izvod: Dobijanje biokeramičke prevlake hidroksiapatit/lignin (HAP/Lig) na titanu iz etanolske suspenzije vršeno je postupkom elektroforetskog taloženja. Cilj rada je ispitivanje korozione stabilnosti nesinterovane HAP/Lig prevlake u simuliranom telesnom fluidu. Korišćene su metode registrovanja vremenske promene potencijala otvorenog kola i spektroskopije elektrohemijske impedancije. Nesinterovana HAP/Lig prevlaka na titanu pokazala je dobra zaštitna svojstva u ispitanom rastvoru.
ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(4) 270-274 Originalan naučni rad [PDF]
1Metalurško-tehnološki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora
2Tehnički fakultet, Čačak, Srbija
Ispitivanje korozionih karakteristika legura na bazi Al-Zn namijenjenih za protektorsku zaštitu
Izvod: Predmet izučavanja u ovom radu bilo je praćenje ponašanja livenih legura aluminijuma sistema Al-Zn-Sn legiranih bizmutom i galijumom, na osnovu kojeg bi se mogle sagledati mogućnosti njihove dalje primjene kao materijala za protektorsku zaštitu. U radu su vršena ispitivanja hemijskog sastava, mehaničkih osobina, strukturna i koroziona ispitivanja. Posebna pažnja posvećena je strukturnim ispitivanjima u cilju identifikacije prisutnih faza prije i poslije korozionih ispitivanja, radi utvrđivanja onih faza koje se ponašaju aktivno (troše se) prilikom ispitivanjima u rastvorima hlorida.
ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(4) 275-279 Scientific paper [PDF]
1Faculty of Technology, University of Niš, Serbia
2Rusian Academy of Natural Sciences, Fhysics Department, Ufa, Russia
3Institut of Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
An experimental study of ionic exchange on zirconium phosphate
Abstract: Distribution of microquantitative of cations was studied in the system water solution-amorphous and crystalline zirconium phosphate, by determination coefficient of cations with +2 charge, deppending on change of acidity of water solution, concentration of cations and temperature of the system the method of macroscopic thermodynamics was applied for the case when small quantities of ions are present in the system that exchange. Experiments were carried out at temperature from 298.16 to 348.16 K. The following series of cations was obtained in the affinity of the changes to an amorphous zirconium phosphate: Mg < Ca < Sr< Ba < Zn < Cu. In all experiments samples were equilibrium for 24 hours in glass ampules, which were sealed before equilibration. Measurements were carried out granula ro = 45 μm (crystalline) in chosen systems. It is established, by investigation of the mechanism of kinetics of bivalent cations on ZrP, that kinetics in the investigated system is determined by diffusion through the inert contacting layer of the liquid around the particle. Considering that the mass-action law is valid for the ion exchange processes studied with the possibility of the application of Gibbs-Duhem’s equation, were able to determine activities and activity factors of the components in the solid phase as a function of the exchanger loading.
ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(4) 280-284 Originalni naučni rad [PDF]
1Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija Požarevac, Srbija
2Fakultet zaštite na radu, Niš, Srbija
3Tehnološki fakultet, Leskovac, Srbija
4Zavod za preventivnu medicinsku zaštitu, Niš, Srbija
Projektna rešenja za prečišćavanja otpadnih voda u proizvodnju celuloze i papira
ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(4) 285-290 Stručni rad [PDF]
1Ministarstvo održivog razvoja i turizma, Podgorica, Crna Gora
2Građevinski fakultet Crne Gore, Podgorica, Crna Gora
Izgradnja biljnih sistema za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda u Crnoj Gori sa aspekta efikasnosti i ekonomske isplativosti
Izvod: Ovaj rad ispituje mogućnost primjene fitodepuracije, kao jednog od načina prečišćavanja otpadnih voda u Crnoj Gori. U uvodnom dijelu dat je kratak istorijat upravljanja otpadnim vodama, sa naglaskom na analizu stanja upravljanja otpadnim vodama u Crnoj Gori, kao i evropsku i domaću zakonsku regulativu u ovoj oblasti. Takođe, u ovom dijelu date su i karakteristike otpadnih voda i metode prčišćavanja otpadnih voda koje su analizirane u strateškim dokumentima u Crnoj Gori. Predmet istraživanja je provjera mogućnosti primjene iskustava Italije i drugih mediteranskih zemalja kad je u pitanju prečišćavanje otpadnih voda fitodepuracijom. U eksperitalnom dijelu u cilju dokazivanja efikasnosti prečišćavanja otpadnih voda fitodepuracijom, dati su podaci analiza osnovnih parametara otpadnih voda na ulazu i izlazu sistema za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda u Dicomanu (Firenca), nakon čega je razmatrana mogućnost smanjenja troškova primjenom fitodepuracije u odnosu na klasične tehnologije prečišćavanja otpadnih voda, kao i uticaj na životnu sredinu. U radu su korišćene metode analize fizičko-hemijskih parametara, ekonomskig vrednovanja varijanti, kao i procjena uticaja na životnu sredinu. Na kraju, u diskusiji i zaključcima su dati komentari dobijenih rezultata, zaključci i preporuke za dalji istraživački rad u ovoj oblasti, zatim slijedi spisak korišćene literature i aneksi.
ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(4) 291-294 Professional paper [PDF]
1Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, Macedonia
Modelling of biological reactor for municipal wastewater treatment
Abstract: Water resources management is an ongoing, complex issue, which is of essential importance to secure successful and sustainable development in the environmental engineering. The knowledge of the modern treatment procedures and eco-separation processes is a crucial factor for defining the appropriate wastewater treatment operations. This work presents a set up of a mathematical model of the process of rural wastewater biological treatment. The first design stadium reflects the mathematical modeling of a CMAS bioreactor as aeration tank with sludge recirculation. The second stadium represents practical implementation of the mathematical model – dimensioning real rural wastewater treatment system with capacity of 5.000 P.E. The main design accent was placed on the dimensioning of the CMAS bioreactor in order to achieve high-efficient removal of dissolved organic components.
ZAŠTITA MATERIJALA 2011 52(4) 295-300 Stručni rad [PDF]
Partizanska 34/e, 23208 Elemir, Srbija
Depozicija boridnih slojeva na neke obojene metale
Izvod: U ovom radu je dat pregled literaturnih podataka o istraživanjima uticaja boriranja kao termodifuzionog postupka površinske toplotne obrade na svojstva nekih obojenih metala. Primenom tehnike boriranja istraživana je verovatnoća površinskog otvrdnjavanja različitih obojenih metala i njihovih legura u komercijalnoj upotrebi. U radu je prikazan pregled nekih rezultata proučavanja boridnih slojeva primenjenih na niklu i legurama nikla, titanu i njegovim legurama, kao i na niobijumu, volframu, hromu, kobaltu, molibdenu i tantalu, sa osvrtom na međusobnu zavisnost njihovih svojstava i upotrebnih karakteristika u nauci i tehnologiji materijala.