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Notice on obtaining the impact factor for the journal for 2023/2024 >>>


This is to certify that Zastita Materijala is indexed in International Scientific Indexing (ISI).


5th International Conference on SCIENCE & ENGINEERING OF MATERIALS

Date: 4th-7th January, 2025


The Sharda School of Basic Sciences and Research, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India, extends a warm invitation for you to attend the “5th International Conference on Science and Engineering of Materials” (ICSEM – 2025) scheduled to take place from January 4-7, 2025.

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After the great success of 1st International Conference on “Recent Trends in Materials Science & Devices 2023 (ICRTMD-2023), we are delighted to welcome you to the 2nd International Conference on “Recent Trends in Materials Science & Devices 2023 (ICRTMD-2023), which is scheduled from 29 – 31 December, 2023 via online platform Google Meet.

Conference Link:  

The conference includes scientific sessions, with oral presentations, discussions, and keynote presentations.

In this conference we have keynote speakers from Denmark, USA, Turkey, Malaysia, India. Keynote speakers from other countries will join soon. In our last conference we had Keynote Speakers from 15 different countries.

The theme of this conference is “Recent Trends in Materials Science & Devices”. Our aim is to bring together experts and professionals from various organizations to exchange their ideas, share their knowledge, and discuss the latest trends and developments. We believe that your involvement will not only benefit the conference but also provide you a platform to build a network with like-minded individuals.

The selected papers (with original research work), after a peer review process will be published in Scopus indexed journal Materials Protection (Publisher: Engineers Society of Corrosion, Belgrade). And remaining papers will be published in one of the Research Plateau Publisher Journal if they meet the criteria of publication.

You can find the details of counseling on the website:  


Research Plateau Publishers, academic publisher of scientific and technical journals, in association with G.A.V. Degree College, Patauda, Jhajjar, Haryana is organizing a two days International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science via ZOOM platform:


The conference was held on July 23 and 24, 2023.

All submitted papers, approved by the conference organizers and journal editors board, will be reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the journal ZASTITA MATERIJALA/MATERIALS PROTECTION .

Attached is a book of abstracts of the papers presented at this conference.

Research Plateau Publishers, academic publisher of scientific and technical journals, in association with G.A.V. Degree College, Patauda, Jhajjar, Haryana is organizing a two days International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science via ZOOM platform:


The conference will be held on July 23 and 24, 2023.

All received papers are reviewed and approved by the Conference Organizers and Journal Editors will be published in the journal ZASTITA MATERIJALA/MATERIALS PROTECTION .

Details of counseling are attached here>>>.

SATHYABAMA – INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Centar for nanoscience and nanotechnology, India, in association with  Indian institute of metals and journal  MATERIALS PROTECTION, organize

Second Annual International Symposium

Corrosion awareness day Symposium

– CORPOSIUM 2023 –

The symposium will be held on July 5 and 6, 2023. It will be on-line for participants from other countries of the world. Abstracts of papers can be submitted until June 15.

All papers that are reviewed and approved by the author will be published in the journal ZASTITA MATERIJALA/MATERIALS PROTECTION .

You can read more about the Symposium in the attachment.

Engineers  Society of  Corrosion

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SATHYABAMA – INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Centar for nanoscience and nanotechnology, India, in association with  Indian institute of metals and journal  MATERIALS PROTECTION, organize International Symposium

Corrosion awareness day Symposium

– CORPOSIUM 2022 –

The symposium will be held on April 22 and 23, 2022. It will be on-line for participants from other countries of the world. Abstracts of papers can be submitted until April 15. You can send the complete paper by May 25.

All papers that are reviewed and approved by the author will be published in the journal MATERIALS PROTECTION .

You can read more about the Sympsium in the attachment.

Engineers  Society of  Corrosion


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6. March 2022.

COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE FOR WOMEN, Department of Chemistry, Karur, India, together with the journal Protection of Materials, Serbia, organize the International Conference – REGENT TRENDS IN MATERIAL SCIENCE – “NEW TRENDS IN MATERIAL SCIENCE”.

The conference will be held on March 18, 2022. and will be online. You can read more about the conference in the attachment.

Engineers  Society of  Corrosion

10. October 2021.

St Antony’s India-Serbia International Webinar

International Webinar on “Recent Advances in Material Science and Technology” In collaboration with the International Journal “Zastita Materijala- Material Protection” (

Date: 21-10-21. Time: 10 am  (IST)

Fees: Free

Theme (not limited to): Material Science, Electrochemistry, Corrosion, Electrochemistry, Biomaterials

Papers will be published in the above Serbian Journal.

Please send your Abstract/Full paper immediately, on or before 17-10-2021

Email: ,,,

Mobile: 88255 03139,     77089 54440

The link for the WEBINAR is:

Best Wishes

Prof Dr Caslav  Lacnjevac

Universiy of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture,

Belgrade, Serbia

Editor in Chief, “ Zastita Materijala- Material Protection”


Prof Dr Susai Rajendran

Research Director, Corrosion Research Centre

St Antony’s College, Dindigul,

Tamil Nadu, India

Co-Editor, “ Zastita Materijala- Material Protection”


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Title: Materials Protection
ISSN / E-ISSN: 0351-9465 / 2466-2585
Publisher: Engineers Society of Corrosion

Dear Prof. Časlav Lačnjevac,

The title mentioned above has been evaluated for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB).

The review of this title is now complete and the CSAB has advised that the title will be accepted for inclusion in Scopus. For your information, the reviewer comments are copied below:

+ The journal consistently includes articles that are scientifically sound and relevant to an international academic or professional audience in this field.
+ The abstracts are in keeping with Scopus English Language requirements.
+ In general, the content of the articles is consistent with the scope and aims of the journal.
+ The journal has clear aims and scope/journal policies that are consistent with the journal’s content.

In general, all recently accepted titles will be listed separately in the Scopus Title list list within 1 month after acceptance, see the second tab ‘Accepted titles’.

If you can’t find your title there, please check the tab ‘Scopus sources’.

Our Source Collection Management department will contact the publisher of this title within the next three months to initiate the indexing process for Scopus.

A content coverage agreement needs to be in place before we can start adding the content to If you are the publisher, please do not send us

your content yet unless requested by our Source Collection Management department.

Yours sincerely,

Scopus Title Evaluation Support


Nevenka R. Elezovic

University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Belgrade, Serbia

European Academy of Surface Technology,, was founded as an international non-profit organization with the main objective promotion of science, research, training and education in the fields of surface technology and related areas all over Europe.

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Engineers  Society of  Corrosion was awarded by CompanyWall d.o.o. recognition of the Reliable Organization for 2020.

This recognition Reliable Organization, CompanyWall d.o.o. gives exclusively to organizations whose business achieves high economic criteria and other business standards. The recognition enables the recognition of the most reliable organizations on the Serbian market.


Professor Ivan Krastev, 4 September 1946. – 27 October 2020.
Official obituary from the European Academy of Surface Technology

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In 2017, IDK registered its journal Zaštita materijala – Material Protection on the site The ISI server provides indexing of major international journals and proceedings. Author can get information about international journal impact factor, proceedings (research papers) and information on upcoming events. All the journal pages have pointers to Web pages of the publishers which are integrated into the ISI stream pages. Our purpose was to increase the visibility of our journal in the territory that has a large number of scientific researchers and to get them to send papers for the journal Zaštita materijala – Material Protection. We succeeded in that, for the most part, because we started receiving papers from the authors from those areas – the Asia – Middle East and Africa. You can get all the information on the site International Scientific Indexing.

Obaveštenje o dobijanju impakt faktora za časopis za 2017/2018/2019 >>>

Obaveštenje o dobijanju impakt faktora za časopis za 2020/2021 >>>

Obaveštenje o dobijanju impakt faktora za časopis za 2022/2023 >>>