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History Journal


Union Engineers and Technicians for protection materials Yugoslavia, as originally called the Society for Corrosion Engineering , at the beginning of their work is from January in 1953. year through the Center for corrosion protection. The main task of the Centre for corrosion protection has been working on the corrosion protection of all materials, machinery, equipment and installations. Centre for corrosion protection, in the first year of its existence, initiated publication of the journal ”Materials Protection”. In the first editorial of the journal Materials Protection, were Dr. Podbrežnik, prof. Blagojevic and prof. Blažon. The first five years of the journal ”Materials Protection“ is published six times a year. Thereafter, until the 1991st the journal is published once a month. Later, because of all the happenings in the country, the magazine is published twice monthly and quarterly. Today, the journal is published once every three months at a hundred pages per issue.

Journal until 2010, published in the printed version. From that year onwards, the journal is also published in hard copy and online. All works can be downloaded from the website free of charge.

A great contribution to the development of the journal editors were: Prof.dr Sreten Mladenovic (1981-2002), Prof.dr Miodrag Maksimovic (2002-2005) and Prof.dr Milan Antonijevic (2006-2012), who successfully led and edited journal period when there was great turbulence in the society. Their dedication to the journal outside the borders of the Balkans and Europe and began to attract writers thanks identifiable editorial policy.

Hard work of editors and editorial board led to the raising of the journal. In this way, it allows the current and future authors that their works are under greater critical attention of the scientific and professional community. We hope that it will motivate them to you with even greater enthusiasm approach paper to publish their research results. The editorial board and the publishers will be pleased to in this journal always have good service, understanding and friendly support for their research.
We hope that you will succeed.