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Izdanja 2014 godine

Zaštita materijala 1. 2014

SURFACE ENGINEERING OF POLYMERS – CASE STUDY: PVD COATINGS ON POLYMERS Anka Trajkovska Petkoska1, Ilija Nasov2 1University “St. Kliment Ohridski“,  Bitola, Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences – Veles,  R. Macedonia, 2Plasma doo – Center for plasma technologies, Skopje, R. Macedonia   ABSTRACT Surface engineering as a subset of materials science is changing the properties …

Zaštita materijala 2. 2014

ELECTRODEPOSITED, Ni-BASED, NON-NOBLE METAL COATINGS AS CATHODES FOR HYDROGEN EVOLUTION IN CHLOR-ALKALI ELECTROLYSIS Vladimir Jović1, Uroš Č. Lačnjevac1, Borka M. Jović1, Nedeljko V. Krstajić2 1University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Belgrade,   2University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia  ABSRACT The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) has been investigated on two types of …

Zaštita materijala 3. 2014

POSSIBILITIES FOR ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION OF NEW WEAR RESISTANT Fe-C BASED ALLOYS BOGOMIL VELIKOV KOLEV Bulgarian Chemical Communications Instutute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria ABSTRACT We present in general framework a part of by now obtained results of the authors studies in the period 1968-2003 about possibilities for obtaining new high-alloyed and …

Zaštita materijala 4. 2014

ARAMID COMPOSITES IMPREGNATED WITH DIFFERENT REINFORCEMENT: NANOFIBERS, NANOPARTICLES AND NANOTUBES Vera Obradović, Dušica Stojanović, Aleksandar Kojović, Irena Živković, Vesna Radojević, Petar Uskoković, Radoslav Aleksić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia ABSTRACT In this study, the electrospun nanofibers, nanoparticles and nanotubes were used as reinforcement in order to improve mechanical properties of …